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Videotape Form

Videotape Segment #1:

Lesson Plan #1
Date: 4/14/15
App. Tape Counter #: 0:00 4:52

Videotape Segment #2:

Lesson Plan #2
Date: 4/15/15
App. Tape Counter #: 4:52 8:58

Videotape Segment #3:

Lesson Plan # 3
Date: 4/16/15
App. Tape Counter #: 8:58 10:05

Videotape Segment #3:

Lesson Plan #3
Date: 4/17/15
App. Tape Counter #: 10:05 End
This contains the one of the performances of a students duet.

Explanation of Edits:
Students were working on their own or in groups during parts that I edited out. In order to meet
the time requirement, I decided that taking out silent work was the best choice.

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