Description of Significant Work Products

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Description of Significant Work Products

Wraparound Delaware

Oversight & Coordination of agency sponsored community events/projects (20122014):

o Annual Summer Barbeque held each youth serving all youth and families with
free food, games, and information on other community resources
o Winter Workshop/Community yard sale held each year providing all youth and
families lightly used free items to wrap and give to their loved ones for the
Organized Holiday gift donation workshop for all youth in the program:
o Organized a Holiday Gift Donation workshop for all youth in the program (190
These responsibilities include:
Organize fundraising events (i.e. bake sale, silent auction)
Promote fundraising events
Volunteer at fundraising events
Gather donations for fundraising events
Organize spreadsheet chart with list of Christmas wishes for each
youth in the program
Shop for the gifts for the youth
Organize gifts for delivery (labeling and boxing)
Organize Wrap Day where staff and volunteers wrapped the
presents for the youth with donated wrapping paper, tape, bows,
Deliver the gifts to the youth at their homes
Gathered personal testimony from youth and families
Provided donators with gratification letters including personal
testimony from families
Developed Service Coordinator Training Manual:
o This is a learning tool for new hires to learn the program
o The manual includes:
Wraparound Delaware procedures for Service Coordinator duties and
Wraparound Delaware policies
Contact Guides
Sample copies of all contracted forms
Example copies of all Wraparound DE forms filled out
Resource information
Welcome packet information

Visit checklist for shadowing

Created training process for agency:
o Orient to the agency including mission, vision, and values
o Prepare HR materials
o Prepare Service Coordinator manual and USB of materials for each new staff
o Coordinate shadowing of team members in a variety of settings
o Partner case assignments to facilitate learning opportunities
o Provide one on one supervision with each new staff
Created Interview Panel for agency:
o Review and select candidates based on skills and abilities
o Sit in on all agency interviews
o Created interview questionnaire for administration
o Created vignettes for interviewing multiple candidates
o Provide opportunity for other staff to sit on panel to build their skills and provide
learning opportunity
Created Peer Reviews process in preparation for Audits:
o Developed check list for individual staff to review other staffs files
o Provide staff with opportunity to staff on top of paperwork prior to an audit
o Held quarterly reviews

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