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Find Square Roots and Compare Real Numbers 2.1 You found squares of numbers and compared rational numbers GRE 00 it int square roots and compare ral numbers. GETAMD 50 you can in side lengths of geometic shapes, a in Ex. 52 Key Vocabulary Recall that the square of is 4* = 16 and the square of ~4 is (~4)* = 16. square root ‘The numbers 4 and ~4 are called the square roots of 16, In this lesson, sradicand you will find the square roois of nonnegative numbers. perfect square irrational number Pome ice te real numbers ‘Square Root of a Number Words If i? = «, then bisa square root ofa, Ce9412NAs Veousieas ap oindestrdpabios hd yetete soon et eee eerie ay All positive real numbers have two square roots, a positive square root (or 9,503 and ~3 are square roots of 9, imines” principalsquare root) anda negative square root Asquare otf writen with womiteccaborctie the radical symbol Y. The number or expression inside @ radical symbol is eunesmsen” he radteand. redial coca symbol we Zero has only one squace rot, 0. Negative val numbers donot have real square roots because the square of every real number iether positive o 0 LEED noses Evaluate the expression. READING The symbol = as“plis or minus” andreferstoboth the by Va9 = positive square root and the negative square | €& V4 root CEEEEEED pprocimate a square root FURNITURE The top of a folding table isa square whose are ‘945 square inches. Approximate the side length of the tabletop to the nearest in Solution ‘You need to find the side length sof the tabletop such that = 945. This, ‘means that sis the positive square root of 945. You ean use a table to ‘determine whether 945 is a perfect square. i Number 2% 2 |) 90 | HOR Square ofnumber 784 841 9009611024, As shown In the table, 945 Is nota perfect square. The greatest perfect square less than 845 is 60. The least perfect square greater than 945 6 96), 1900 < 915 961 rite. compound inequality that compares 945 with both 900 and 961. 900 The side length ofthe tabletop is about 31 inches. USING A CALCULATOR In Example 2, you can use calculator to obtain a better approximation of the side length ofthe tabletop. ee a ‘The value shown can be rounded (0 the nearest hundredth, 30.74, oto the nearest tenth, 30.7. In either ease, the length is closer to 31 than 10 30. [7 coco Pesce | ortxampie> Approximate the square root to the nearest integer. 5. 32 6. i038 1 Va 8. 350 30.7409525 IRRATIONAL NUMBERS The square root of a whole number that is not a perfect square is an example of an irrational number. An such as V$45 ~ 30.74085, .., isa number that cannot be written as a quotien of two integers. The decimal form of an irrational number neither terminates nor repeats. 74 Chapter2. Solving Linear Equations REAL NUMBERS The set of real mumbers is the set ofall rational an iurational numbers, as illustrated in the Venn diagram below. Every point ton the seal number line represents a real number. REAL NUMBERS. Inationat Numbors V2- 1413. = Via = -a7068 ifyou exciade 6 from the whole numbers, the \ Cane resulting se called . 5 the netural numbers. EEETED ciassity numbers Tell whether each of the following numbers is areal number, a rational ‘number, an Irrational number, an integer, ora whole number: \24, V100, vat. Graph and order real numbers ‘Order the numbers from least to greatest: $, -V5, 13, -2.5, 9 Solution Begin by graphing the numbers on ¢ number line. aera 5 va va~a6 Se a a » Read the numbers from left 10 right: 1H) cinco practice | or txampies sand 8. Tell whether each of the following numbers is real number, a rational fhumber, an ierational umber, an eget ora whole number: 3, 5.2.0, Vas, -V20, Then order the numbers from least wo greatest 2.1, Find Square Roots and Compare Real Numbers 75 CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS A conditional statement notin if-then form can be written in that form. Gi Rewrite a conditional statement in if-then form Rewrite the given conditional statement in f-then form. Then tell whether the statement is frue or false, itis false, give a counterexample. Solution ‘a. Given: No fractions are irational numbers. Ifthen form: Ifa number is a fraction, then itis not an irrational number. ‘The statements true. b, Given: All real numbers are rational numbers. Iethen form: Ifa number is real number, then itis rational number. The statement is flee. For example, VZis eal number but nota rational number. (W) cuveoPracrice | for Example 5 Rewrite the conditional statement in if-then form. Then tell whether the statement is true of false. If it is false, give a counterexample. 10. Allsquare rats of perfect squares are rational numbers 11, Allropeating decimals areirational numbers. 12. No integers are irrational numbers. 2.1 EXERCISES veseina Saree eaeee Rescetne | 7k = STANDARDIZED TEST PRACTICE ‘Ben 220-4142 48. andst MULTIPLE REPRESEN TATIONS besa Com ares 1, VOCABULARY Copy and complete: The set of all rational and irrational numbers is called the set of 2. 2. WRITING Without calculating, how ean you tell whether the square root ofa whole number is rational or irrational? PEXAMPLE 1 | EVALUATING SQUARE ROOTS Evaluate the expression. Seat 4 VB 5-8 evi 2. vI95 a vii Q=20 1, -V256 | an 235 12, 361 13, 2/169 14, -¥ 1600 76 —Chapler2_ Solving Linear Equations

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