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A Midsummer
Nights Drama
By Jada Devlin
Cams 250u
December 1st 2014

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Act 1 Scene 1
Palace of Theseus- Helena and Demetrius in their wedding chamber


Oh fie. Oh hell. Not again!

Dem. Oh Helena Im so sorry but I wake to find myself, in fact, not in love
with you. For fair
Hermia still holds my heart in her tight grasp. Id
forgotten of her beauty until this hour.

Fair Hermia! I am known to be just as fair as she! She is wed to

Lysander besides! Fie! We are wed! Hell! We are upon our wedding

Dem. That is all true. I am doomed.


What do you suppose happens now Demetrius? I have done naught but
love you. You have promised yourself to me out of love or at least so
you said. Now am I destined to be always chasing the attention of my
own husband?

Dem. I am a man honor, and shall be a faithful husband to you.


And I a wife to a man whos heart belongs to another?

Dem. Am I to command my heart, Helena? Try as I might, I cannot. But I can

command my actions. I will honor my vows, no matter how I feel about

Oh Demetrius! I cannot stand this. I must go.

Exit Helena

Dem. Did I say something wrong?


Scene 2
Palace Gardens
Enter Helena

Fair Hermia! How dare he say such things to his wife? I have spent
hours upon hours and days upon days chasing after his love like a dog.
I was honored to do so. Oh silly me! He married me in a moment of

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weakness. How could he love one such as me when fair Hermia is

around? Well, I mustnt stick around to watch this madness. I shall
leave. But where? Where? Oh I shall go to the convent and make my
vows. I will never love another, so the single life shall do quite well for
me. When night falls my miserable self will steal away. How dreadful
this business is.

Act 2 Scene 1
The wood outside of Athens
Enter Puck
Puck. If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is
Helena runs into the wood not seeing Puck.
What is this? One of our young brides running away? What could
possibly be the matter? I suppose I should go and see what is amiss.
Right when one thinks a break is due.
Puck follows Helena unseen and unheard.

Stupid, stupid me. No. Stupid, stupid Demetrius. Professing his love to
me, marrying me, and then waking up the next day out of love with me
and back in love with Hermia! Ive never heard of such a thing!

Puck. So the flowers magic has an end date. Very strange.


I dont even know how far this convent is. Oh stupid me, for this stupid
Exit Helena

Puck. No, no, no. Such a fine young lady would never do for a convent.
Oberon wouldnt have it. I must find the young Athenian, surely he
wouldnt just let her run away without pursuing her, and reapply the
magic with a higher dose. Hopefully this time it sticks. If not, well
chalk it up to the will of the gods and call it a very long night.
Exit Puck
Enter Demetrius

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Dem. Helena! Helena! This is useless. I acted the fool to her this morning and
I expect her to just come running back to me. Do I even want her to? I
wouldnt even be out here if it wasnt Hippolyta who had found
Helenas note and told her husband Theseus. Of course Theseus said I
had to come out to find her. Actually I would have come whether he
had demanded me to do so or not. I made a vow to her and I suppose I
could do my best and try to love her. The gods know how long that will
Demetrius trips over a tree stump and falls into a huge mud puddle.
Just lovely this is! Helena! You had better be close.

Scene 2
Another part of the wood
Enter puck.
Puck. Im quite pleased with myself. Who else could have found a rare
magical flower not once but twice! Oberon perhaps. Who am I kidding
he never would have gotten himself up to do it. He would send me. As
he has. Im going in circles. Ive had enough flattery from myself. Now I
must find the young man, but where to start?
Puck plays around with the flower and squeezes a bit onto his finger. He
hears a distant noise, and absentmindedly rubs his eye with the same
Fie! What have I done? I hear someone coming so I must keep my eyes
closed for fear that I see them and fall madly in love. This is actually
quite a fun challenge. What an interesting turn of events.
Puck stumbles around blindly as Helena enters, and immediately bumps into
the invisible Puck.
Is it so hard to avoid bumping into an invisible, magical creature,
seriously? Ah! I opened my eyes! Stupid. Oh but her beauty. Shes

Who is speaking?

Puck. Now you see me my love. It is I, Robin Goodfellow, but you can call me
Puck. You can call me anything, as long as I am in your presence.

Do my eyes deceive me? Are those horns? What are you? No! You must
stay away from me!

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Puck. I am quite harmless, youll see. Besides how could I ever hurt she who
makes my dormant heart flutter, she whose eyes I would like to stare
into day in and day out and day in again, she whose voice makes me
want to bounce around and around in circles, she whose rare beauty is
equivalent almost to my own.

I know not what you want from me, but I must go!

Puck. Not so fast, I just want to chat a while. Give me your hand and grace
me with the knowledge of your name. Does it perchance flow well with
Scene 3
Yet another part of the Wood
Enter Demetrius
Dem. It is rather odd to be the one doing the chasing with Helena. Its
tiresome and Im worried besides. What if sweet Helena is lost or hurt
somewhere in this never ending forest? I dont know what Ill do if I
cannot find her. Wait. Why do I speak so? I spoke as if I love her.
Nonsense. I care about her deeply of course, but as a friend. I valued
her company before the idea of having Hermia was presented to me
and I had thought Helena quite beautiful before this whole mess. When
I awoke this morning, I was quite happy to see Helenas face, until I
realized of course that that scoundrel Lysander I used to call friend had
stolen Hermia from right under my nose. Oh how stupid I have been
fooling myself into thinking I loved Hermia all because she was a prize,
when the whole time I had been ignoring my feelings for Helena. I
messed up, and now shes gone. No! I will find her.
Voices are heard.
Helena! Is that you?
Enter Puck and Helena walking hand-in-hand.
What treachery is afoot? Unhand my wife!


Puck. Oh I recognize this young Athenian. Youre the competition I

Dem. There is no competition goblin. She is mine. I repeat, unhand my wife
or else.

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Puck. Oooh scary, or else?

Dem. Well I dont have any weapons, but Im higher than you in every way. I
can fight you with my hands alone.

Demetrius, what are you doing? Have you no decency. You dont want
to love me, and you cant let me go in peace.

Dem. Oh so you want to run off with this creature?

Puck. The names puck.

Well. Not exactly.

Puck. Young lad, you have to learn how to speak to woman. Youre lack of
finesse is the reason Ill win sweet Helena in the end.

What?! No such thing will happen. I am going to a convent, to revel in a

life without foolish men. Excuse me!

Dem. Helena, you dont understand. Ive had a change of heart, or rather, a
realization of whats in my heart. I love you more than you can
imagine, I was just blinded by pride.

Oh I beg of you Demetrius, dont tease me again. My heart and mind

cannot take it.

Dem. This is real Helena. We are wed. Let me prove my love for you each
and every day. Theres always time for you to run yourself off to a
convent if you are not convinced of my love.

Your words draw me in yet again. No matter how much I wish to spurn
you, my heart will not allow it.

Puck. Well this became awkward for me rather quickly.


My dearest Puck, I love Demetrius and he seems to love me as well. If

you truly love me, you will let me go.

Puck. So that is the angle you decided to go with. Fair enough, I shall be on
my weary way. Helena, I wish you the best. Demetrius, well, Im not
overly fond of you at this moment. Higher than me in every way? Ha!
Exit Puck.

Dem. Good riddance. Now can we please get out of this godforsaken forest?

I suppose we can.

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Scene 4
Still in the Wood
Enter Puck.
Puck. He thinks I would give up so easily. Well, he doesnt know Puck. Now I
just need to come up with a plan to win her back.
Enter Oberon
Obe. You never had her Puck. Youre starting to sound crazy. Worse actually.
Youre starting to sound human.
Puck. As if I care what I sound like, with my love being carried off by some
some I understand what you mean.
Obe. The scrapes you get yourself into would keep a village entertained for
years. However, its time to end this one.
Puck. I dont have time for this, I must find a way to win her. Besides I could
never leave this forest. What if she comes back for me?
Oberon pulls put a flower and squeezes it on to Pucks eyes.
Obe. Feeling normal.
Puck. Why yes. And Id appreciate if we never ever again mention what
transpired here tonight. And for the record I was just trying to help.
Obe. I know. It time that we who are graced with magic stop interfering with
the lives of humans. Their destinies will work themselves out. Think on
that Puck. And come away from this region of the world.
Exit Oberon.
Puck. I believe that they would work themselves out, but wheres the fun in
Turning to the audience.
As I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, goodnight unto
you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall restore

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