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Jigsaw, Found Poem, Gallery Walk

Step 1:
Independently, read your paragraphs.
Summarize the passage.
Identify the central claim.
Identify the tone.
(You have 10 minutes.)

Step 2:
Group yourselves by letter
Find your letter on the top right of your paper.
In your group:
Read your summaries. Add or subtract from
your summary as needed.
Share your central claims. Discuss and try to
come to a consensus.
Discuss the tone. Avoid simplistic words like
happy and angry.

(You have 5 minutes)

Step 3:
Independently, find loaded language.
Find 3 phrases from the passage that best
illustrates the central claim and tone.
Keep the phrases short, preferably 3-5 words.
Write each phrase on strip of paper.
Using the lyrics of Warchild, find 1 phrase that
best illustrates theme or tone.
* NOTE: It cant be Im a warchild.
(You have 10 minutes)

Step 4:
Group yourselves by number
Find your number on the back left corner of your passage.
Youre (probably) the only person in your group with your
Share your summary, central claim, and tone of your
Discuss similarities between passages. Try to determine
1 central idea and tone.
Try to arrange the passages in order.

(You have 10 minutes)

Step 5:
Create a FOUND poem to show central idea & tone
Go around the circle, taking turns adding a phrase to the poem.
Each person lays 1 quote, and explains why its important
Go around a second time. Each person has 3 options:
(a) add another phrase
(b) delete a phrase
(c) rearrange the phrases/stanzas
As each person revises the poem, s/he explains the reasoning.
LISTEN to them!
Continue until you have completed the poem.
As a group, come to a consensus about a title. Write it on a colored
piece of paper. Write all your names on the back of the title paper.
(You have 20 minutes)

Step 6:
As a group, create 1 table:



Step 7:
Gallery Walk
Rotate through each station.
Read each poem carefully.
As a group, discuss the positives
and the areas for improvement for
each poem. Record your ideas on
the poems chart.

Step 8:
Watch a video
Pay attention & make notes on
Central Idea
Impressions and observations

Step 9:
What did you learn while doing these lessons?
What did you find most interesting?
In what ways did your groups work well
together? In what ways could you have
How comfortable are you in identifying central
claim, tone, and theme? How comfortable are
you in finding supporting evidence?

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