Measurement 2

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Ariana Schachne

Topic, class, and level: Measurement #2: Measuring with Yards and Meters
Essential Question(s): To what important concept, enduring understanding, or big idea in the
discipline does this lesson connect?
1. What is a yard and a meter?
2. What is the purpose of standardized units of measure?
Standards: MA, Common Core, WIDA or other Standards for this lesson or unit:
Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers,
yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
Measure the length of an object twice, using length units of different lengths for the two
measurements; describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen.
Knowledge/Understandings: What should the students know and understand at the end of this
The student should know that
If not an object is not a complete yard, it can be measured in inches or feet
If an object is not a complete meter, it can be measured in centimeters or decimeters
Units of measurement were designed to make a standard understanding amongst people
Skills: What will the students be able to do when this lesson is over?
The students should be able to
Estimate distances between two objects in yards and meters
Measure distances between two objects in yards and meters
Record observations
Materials and/or on-line resources to be used
Yard Stick
Meter Stick
Activity Sheet
1. Activator: write this question on the board: How many second graders is the length of
this classroom?
2. Discuss what it means to make an estimate
3. Allow for students to write their estimates on a post-it
4. Ask for volunteers to stand finger to finger to measure the whole classroom
5. Write on the board: The length of the classroom is ___________ second graders.
6. Ask: How are we measuring this classroom? What is the measurement we are using?
7. Discuss: second graders are different sizesso how about we measure the classroom
using only one child? Will that make it more accurate?
8. Ask for one volunteer to be the measurement
9. Write on the board: The length of the classroom is _________ (students name).

10. Ask: How could we tell someone in another city or state how long our classroom is?
a. Discuss some of the difficulties in using people as a measurement
i. Unless the same person is used each time, the number will be consistently
ii. We can not take that one person everywhere
b. Standard unit of measurement- if people use the same thing, it will always get the
same answer
11. Introducing yard and meter
a. Previously we have learned about inches and feet
b. For longer lengths, we can use a yard or meter stick
i. A yard is 36 inches long
ii. A meter is 100 centimeters
c. Compare a yard stick and a meter stick
12. Activity sheet comparing meter and yards

Name _______________________
Meter Stick
Yard Stick
1. Choose a distance.
2. Estimate the distance in meters and then in yards
3. Measure the distance
4. Compare this measurement to your estimate

Distance Estimated and




___________ meters

___________ meters

___________ yards

___________ yards

___________ meters

___________ meters

___________ yards

___________ yards

___________ meters

___________ meters

___________ yards

___________ yards

___________ meters

___________ meters

___________ yards

___________ yards

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