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Chapter Fifteen

The guard plodded out, shutting the door behind him. Dezzick stared at the

punisher with mixed emotions of fear and amazement. The prisoner mumbled,

“Ares?” “Get up,” ordered his overseer. Dezzick followed the imperative

statement. Slowly, the prisoner rose, fearing for his life. Ares’ right raced and

grabbed his throat. Ares picked him up and pinned him against the wall.

Dezzick’s feet were two feet above the floor. Then a blade fired from within

Ares’ left sleeve. The blade was about half and one foot in length. A katar. No

one ever uses them, due to the duration and the difficulty in mastering the

weapon. Yet this person barely appeared to be passed his twenty-first year. Most

beings rarely ever age, but his eyes should reveal how much he has seen.

The pricked Dezzick’s jugular. Ares looked into his eyes. Ares whispered,

“Now I will only ask you once, so pay attention, if you value your life. Did you

mean all you said in that prayer of yours? Answer.” Dezzick was, once again,

speechless. His throat felt dryer than Hell itself. “Yes,” he coughed, “every word

of it.”

He expected a stabbing. He shut his eyes and braced himself, but nothing

happened. He opened his eyes to find a smirk on the face of his punisher. Ares

released him, saying, “I’m going to get into so much fucking trouble for doing

this. You better have meant what you said, because I’m going to arrange it.”

Dezzick, by now, was more speechless and confused. All this seemed so unreal.
He closed his eyes and opened them again to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.

He was not.

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