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Teacher Candidate: __Ms. Reynolds__

Subject: Language Arts
Date: Friday, April 10th 2015
Duration: 100minutes
Lesson Topic Arts and Entertainment

Grade/Class: _Grade 6_
Time: 2:25pm_________

CURRICULUM EXPECTATIONS: Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety

of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct
meaning. 1.1 (E.g. articles, reports and online editorials,) 1.4 Summarizing and explaining
important ideas. 1.1 Purpose and audience- Generate, gather and organize idea and
information to write for an intended purpose and audience.
Literacy in Action textbook

Q What is reality TV? And why is it called reality TV? Ask students to give examples of some
reality TV shows. Why do you think people are fascinated with reality TV shows?
Show clips of different reality shows. Overcoming fears, going for dreams, team work to achieve
goal, dangerous task and physical tasks. Show each clip and talk briefly about each and how it
relates to reality TV

1. Talk about the attributes/ characteristics of reality television draft together on chart paper
with classes opinion. (Volunteer a student to record this).
2. on page 20 read as a class reality tv: hot or not discus each section. As we cover each
paragraph ask students to recount which youtube clip that is applicable for the category.record these categories on the board.

Have students discuss in their group page 20. Focus on question 1.

Next explain to students their assignment.

Students will be required to redesign a reality TV script. Students have the platform to design the
details of their reality show as long as they adhere to the rubric. (More detail). Go over rubric with

Todays task for assignment. (35-40 minutes) WRITE ON CHART PAPER

(Permit students to work in the halls)

Select a group of 3 or 4 peers.

2. Pick one out of the 4 kinds of reality show categories discussed. (To be written on a piece
of paper and handed in to me with group members name at the end of the period.) Write
them on board.
3. Brainstorm ideas using a WEB
4. Assign characters to group members.
5. Hand in on piece of paper of group members name, type of reality show, and name of
reality show.
Monday- 1:50- 2:45 minutes
Tuesday -1:50-2:45 minutes
Wednesday time practice from 1:50- 2:30 2:30pm performances start


Monday: Video gaming lesson/ performance practice?

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