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Ward 1

Anna Ward
EDUC 201
Wednesday, April 17
Observation: 5th
Time: 1:05-2:35
Theme: Application of content- standard 5
Word Count: 758
Observation Reflection
While a teacher can achieve content mastery, it is also critical that a teacher
knows ways to apply the content in meaningful ways to their students. Being able to
present the content in a number of ways to connect concepts for learners is
essential for teachers and for learning. Applying content involves using multiple
strategies like using collaborative group work, encouraging critical thinking and
problem-solving and using information and tools outside of the curriculum to
enhance the teaching of the content. Knowing effective ways to apply the content
for students is just as important and having content knowledge; content knowledge
without effective application limits the potential for student learning.
Ms. C had the children working in their usual small groups or independently.
She was working with different groups discussing L, their letter for the week. She
reviewed with the students words they had discussed earlier in class that began
with the letter L. She had pictures and figurines or toys of all of the words they had
brainstormed earlier. Before she had them begin reading a book, she had them look
at the cover first. Ms. C told the students to read the picture first, and then try to
sound out the title. It was a very unique and effective strategy that challenged the
students to discover the title by looking at the pictures and then looking at the title.
She also chose a culturally responsive book that was about a little girl in a
wheelchair. Ms. C asked the students what they noticed about the little girl. Once
they acknowledged the little girl was in a wheelchair, some of the students made a

Ward 2
connection by saying, shes in a wheelchair, like our friend Mia! It was fun and
exciting to see the students get excited about reading a book with a little girl like
their friend at school. Ms. C then asked the students what they noticed about the
little girls playhouse, and if there was something special about the door. She then
used guiding questions until the students realized that the playhouse needed a
ramp so that the girl in the story could enter and exit the playhouse. They also
talked about how a tree house would not be fun for the little girl, because it would
be difficult to gain access.
Watching Ms. Cs reading group was perfect for observing and understanding
the application of content. Ms. C is responsible for teaching her children how to read
and to ensure they are prepared for first grade. She used multiple strategies to
apply reading content by having kids read the picture and then sound out the
words. Another was she applied content about letter sounds was when she used
different objects and pictures to learn about words that start with letter L. The
group also reviewed the L sound, and then read a story that contained some words
beginning with the letter. She even made applications beyond content by
addressing students with disabilities and the resources they may need. The children
were able to further her application with disabilities by mentioning a friend from
another class that uses a wheelchair. Ms. Cs application of content (and other
concepts) engaged her students effectively. They successfully read the story by
using her two techniques- reading the picture and sounding out the words. Students
were also pushed to think about accommodations needed for children with
disabilities. They made connections to others in their school, and that had to
logically organize and explain why a student in a wheel chair would need a ramp or
wouldnt have a tree house.

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Watching Ms. Cs students successfully read due to her application of the
content was exciting and informative. It made me realize that the application of
content requires extensive knowledge of developmental stages as well as the
individual needs of students. The application of content should be developed around
the needs of students in the classroom and presented in a variety of ways. In my
classroom, I hope to use Ms.Cs phrase of reading the picture. This is a clever way
to enhance students problem-solving, reasoning, and reading skills. Working with
younger elementary students, I could also use interesting objects or pictures to
apply alphabet knowledge to particular words. This particular learning experience
will influence how I prepare my lesson plans because I want them to be generally
and specifically tailored to developmental stages and needs of my students. In
addition, I can adopt some of Ms. Cs strategies of applying content by using
pictures and objects to accompany literacy lessons.

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