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The Omorashi Report

“Written under the influence of a full bladder”

September/October 2007 Volume 1 | Issue 2

Contents..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Editor's Note...............................................................................................................................................3
Omorashi Magazine is back but has new name.................................................................................... 3
Video Reviews........................................................................................................................................... 4
Pissy Swimsuit Accidents..................................................................................................................... 4
Too Tired to Go.....................................................................................................................................6
YouTube Reviews....................................................................................................................................10
Nuef Mois............................................................................................................................................10
Wet Jeans.............................................................................................................................................10
Stacy Lynn pees on Herself.................................................................................................................11
Japanese Hold-It Contest.....................................................................................................................11
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Editor's Note

Omorashi Magazine is back but has new name

Welcome back to another issue of Omorashi Magazine. This month we have
several reviews of videos that you can order for a price or download from
YouTube for free. I'd like to thank DRW for allowing me to print his reviews and
everyone at the Holding It message board for their support.
But you might have noticed that the title of this publication has changed. I
decided that it can't quite be called a magazine no matter how much work I put
into it. So, for now, it is just a Report. Maybe later it can be called a magazine
As usual you can find a lot more information at
I'm hoping to include some stories in next month's issue. If you have anything
that you'd like to see included in the Omorashi Report just send it to me at I'm looking for articles, stories, photos, or ideas.
Until next month,
Gush Dude
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Video Reviews

Pissy Swimsuit Accidents

Starring: Dani & Michelle

Maker: ineed2pee

Running Time: 0:09

Category: Desperation/Wetting

Rating: 3/5
I'm writing a few reviews of desperation videos from various producers. My intent
is to give some feedback to the videographers, and perhaps to foster some
discussion of what the community would like to see.
The views below are just opinions, based on my own particular set of hang-ups.
Don't take my criticisms too seriously.
A desperation video like this one is in some way a precariously leaning tower built
upon a foundation of rubble. For the story to work, we have to believe.
Otherwise, it's just a video of
a couple girls holding their pee for a while and then releasing it.
The video starts with Dani and Michelle desperate to pee, lying in the grass in a
park in their two piece swimsuits, talking. They talk about how they've been
drinking, and about their past accidents.
Michelle is a beautiful young woman with a great body and long red-tinted hair.
She's very squirmy in her white bikini, even to the extent of holding herself
briefly. She can't lie still. Dani is a shorter haired and quite tatooed brunette in a
yellow tankini.
Their conversation at the beginning is apparently to give some back story as to
how they ended up lying around in the park too desperate to get up and go to the
toilets. There's something in there about drinking, but I didn't find the story very
Dani,who was originally more sedate beings to massage her pussy saying she
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really has to go and starts to look a little more squirmy.

Eventually, a panting Michelle gets up to make a run to the bathroom. She
hobbles a couple of feet and we see her pee through her bikini bottom from the
Michelle tries to talk Dani into wetting herself too. Dani heads for the bushes. She
prances about 15 feet and we see her wet from behind as well. Her bottoms are a
bit looser and we don't see a cameltoe shot.
Both pees are copious, with some sound and no hissing.
There is no desperation after about 7 minutes in, and the last minutes of the
video are devoted to more talk and their examination of their wetness, putting
their clothes back on, and checking for wet spots.
There is a concept in storytelling called "suspension of disbelief". It's the mental
trick we pull which allows us to become involved in a story on the screen as if we
were really witnessing it happening,and to ignore the obvious untruth of the
storytelling. If the story doesn't make a lot of sense, we being to doubt other
things we're seeing - are the models really that desperate? Do they really lose
control over their bladders just when they get up? These questions spring quickly
to mind and an aura of doubt settles over the entire affair.
You have two beautiful models here, obviously paid to get desperate and wet
themselves on film. That in itself is great. The story can enhance the experience
or it can detract from it. A good story is hard to come by.
What this video gets right:
● Michelle is beautiful, sexy and squirmy in her bikini.
● Michelle's desperation is both attractive and relatively authentic.
● There's basically no whining. The girls remain happy and friendly.
● Camera angles are excellent, looking directly into Michelle's crotch
● while they're lying down and picturing the wettings from behind.
● Wet cameltoe is a bonus.
What could be improved:
● They are exhibitionistic about their desperation. Much of the
● attraction of desperation is its uncontrollable and involuntary
● nature. Since the models make no attempt to conceal their need,
● we can't separate the intentional squirming from the reflexive
● squirming. I would have prefered that they not directly address
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● their need to pee and eventual loss of control - we can see it

● just fine and their readiness to discuss it lessens its impact.
● The desperation phase is relatively short at around 4 minutes total.
● Dani has a a nice body, but her look is one that not everyone will
● be attracted to.
● SLR shutter during the filming is distracting.

Too Tired to Go

Starring: Beverley

Maker: Bound2Burst

Running Time: 0:10

Category: Desperation

Rating: 3/5
I'm writing a few reviews of desperation videos from various producers. My intent
is to give some feedback to the videographers, and perhaps to foster some
discussion of what the community would like to see.
The views below are just opinions, based on my own particular set of hang-ups.
Don't take my criticisms too seriously.
Pretty much everyone has been woken by a need to pee, and here's a scenario
that takes it a little further.
The video opens with Beverley waking up in bed wearing a short and revealing
nightdress. She looks at the clock and seems to want to go back to sleep, but
she's uncomfortable, squirming and holding herself. There's an empty bottle of
water on her nightstand.
She talks to herself quietly about how much she drank last night and how she
should get up.
Beverly is a good looking long haired brunette with a couple small tattoos. She
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has nice skin except for a few patches on the back of her upper thighs, which is
slightly distracting due to the camera's focus on that area.
There's some decent camera work here, and we get to see her squirming from a
lot of different angles, with shots of her panties from behind. There's only so long
that something like this can be entertaining, and although it establishes her need
to pee and her desire to sleep, taking over half the video to do this might be a
tad long, since her desperation doesn't demonstrably increase during this time.
About 5:30 into the video, she gets up to pee, holding one hand over her
distinctly bulging bladder. She finds herself locked into her bedroom and begins a
pee dance as she tries to get somebody's attention and then when that fails tries
to figure out what to do.
This period of standing desperation is well done as can be. She doesn't simple
collapse against the locked bedroom door and wet herself, she shows a certain
amount of initiative, calling at the window and then looking around for something
to pee into.
She finds a vase on her dresser, empties it out the window, sits and pees into
the vase thorugh her panties. You can hear the hiss of her pee at the beginning
and the pee tinkling into the vase. It's difficult to see the actual stream of pee
because the vase is clear but patterned.
The pee is yellow in color and appears to be at least 500ml. She dumps the pee
out the window and goes back to sleep in her damp panties.
There are no bonus scenes or outtakes.
I personally found this video a little boring at first, then very interesting, then
somewhat disappointing.
Beverly's desperation while in bed, though interesting in a ... maybe she has to
pee ... sort of way, is not able to blossom into something more because we figure
she's not going to lose control while she's lying down trying to get a few more
minutes of sleep. Also, since she's presumably been sleeping for hours without
drinking anything, one must figure her bladder's not going to be filling very fast.
When she gets up interest returns - it might be more difficult for her to hold it
once she's standing up. And in fact, her squirming and dancing and holding
intensifies for a few minutes of pretty good desperation. Her reaction to the door
being locked and looking for another solution are vast improvements over many
so called desperation videos with the locked door that is apparently the only
option. The need for her to think and concentrate on getting the water and
flowers out of the vase while desperate is exciting.
The locked door is a plot device that might bear a little more scrutiny, however,
as generally not only do bedroom doors lock exclusively from the inside, they are
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usually made very simple to pick with the right tools.

A locked bedroom door that we, the audience know about but that Beverley does
not, could have provided some anticipation and tension to the piece. As it is,
nobody seems to know why the bedroom door is locked - it just is - and it
becomes a mystery rather than a plot detail. And we're
better off concentrating on Beverley, who does, after all, have to pee, than
wondering why the door is locked. Beverley seems to dismiss the mystery of the
locked door much too easily as well, which simply confuses the issue more.
We can perhaps accept that her door locks from the wrong side, and with the
addition of a short 5 second scene of a hand locking and then closing the door
from the outside, we could accept that it's actually locked. It's difficult to accept
that Beverly seems to accept this as a regrettable, but normal, course of events.
Beverley attempting to find something to pick the lock with while desperate
would have been a wonderful additional scene.
Beverley's final pee into the vase is well done, marred somewhat by an
obstructed camera angle, a poor choice of vase design, and the fact that she pees
through her panties without another thought. I understand that the camera angle
is a result of a single take with a single camera available, and that her clothed
peeing is a nod to the desire to make videos within certain defined limits. I
merely point these things out as areas where clever tactics could be used to
improve. A perfectly clear vase, a failed attempt at removing her panties, and a
second cameraman would all have been nice.
The sound recording, though questionable throughout the majority of the episode
where Beverley is whispering, was admirable when it came to the actual peeing
Beverly's peeing into a container so that we could see the approximate quantity
and color of her urine was an excellent change, and I hope that we will be seeing
more of this sort of thing in the future. There is a subset of the desperation fans
who are unduly interested in bladder capacity, and it is more realistic that a
desperate woman would try to find a container to use, just to avoid the mess.
The fact that Beverley threw out the contents of her vase at the end of the clip
was disappointing to those of us who might have been curious about the exact
amount. I would have liked to see an outtake or postscript where the amount was
measured and noted. Beverley's cavalier attitude towards returning to bed in her
now wet panties was also a little strange. Most of us who are into desperation like
our ladies kind of uptight about things like that, I think.
In summary, it was a video with a lot of nice features, but somewhat flawed in
implementation. The particular scenario has potential for a lot of different and
interesting twists and endings.
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What this video gets right:

● Beverley comes across as a more intelligent and realistic woman when she
tries various options and comes up with a place to pee rather than just
collapsing in front of the closed door and wetting herself.
● The twist of peeing into a container was a nice touch.
What could be improved:
● There are a couple parts of the scenario which are hard to believe without
further background being built into the video. The locked door is just
accepted as a plot device, Beverley peeing through her panties when she's
alone in her room, and her return to bed in the just peed panties are
somewhat at odds with our attempt to accept this as reality.
● Beverley has some skin issues around the back of her upper thighs that
could be distracting. Camera angles could have minimized this a bit more.
● The length and lack of tension or plot development in the bed desperation
scene got a little tedious. It could have been shorter or had some
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YouTube Reviews
I know that YouTube still counts as video, but it just seemed like these needed a
separate category. You can visit the entire playlist at
--Gush Dude

Nuef Mois
This video is longer and the actors speak only in French, but if you are interested
in a more fictional display of female desperation you won't be disappointed. The
clip follows two pregnant ladies and their husbands as they enter a doctor's office
presumably for their monthly checkup. They discover that the waiting room is
already filled with several other pregnant women. Their doctor has asked them all
to come with full bladders so they will be ready for their ultrasounds. Meanwhile,
the doctor is busy talking to a painter about the work he needs to have done with
the room.
The women grow impatient the longer they wait, and the husbands become
irritated on their wives' behalf. Finally, three of the women wet their pants.
In America, this French film was adapted into the movie titled “Nine Months” but
this scene didn't make it into the remake.

Wet Jeans
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URL Not Available

Apparently this video has been removed from YouTube. The clip is pretty straight
forward. An unidentified woman stands with her back turned to the camera.
Without a word, she begins to wet herself. You can see the urine spreading down
her pant legs. Some viewers suggested that this might be a hoax using a shower
head. I guess we'll never be sure.

Stacy Lynn pees on Herself
This is another strange video that doesn't get a lot of setting up, but perhaps it
doesn't need it. One girl is on camera sitting on the sidewalk, and another is
behind the camera. The girl who is on camera, Stacy, is laughing a lot. Our best
guess at this point is that she has either suffered a fall or fell after she had
started to pee herself.
At any rate, the girls both think its really funny. Eventually you can see the pee
running down the sidewalk.

Japanese Hold-It Contest
These are clips that have been uploaded in six—count them, six!--different parts.
Each one features a different contestant who struggles and struggles until she
eventually wets herself. I have to admit that this would be a very strange game
show to see in America.

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