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History of Mongolia

Inhabited since prehistoric times, originally settled by nomads.

First confederation formed in 209b.c.e. by Madun Shanyu

Largest empire in humankind history founded by Genghis Khan (1162 1227) in


This empire encompassed 33 million square miles

In 1271 Kublai Khan (grandson) established the Yuan Dynasty

First dynasty to rule all of China till its overthrow in 1368 By Chinese Ming Dynasty

Communist Control

1921 1990 Mongolia was ruled by Communist Regime

March 1990 democratic revolution erupted:

-hunger strikes
- a peaceful renouncement of communism

March 9th 1990 this renouncement paved the way for:

- A multi-party system
- 50 member legislative board was established
- A new constitution was drafted then implemented Feb. 1992


Social Problems

Economic Instability

Fluctuation of exchange rate (mining is primary export)

Increase in Inflation

Poor infrastructure (energy, roads, health and education)

National Poverty level is 27.4%

Very harsh winters (temperatures range from -30* Celsius to 30* Celsius in the summer

Mongolia is among lower middle income countries w/ GNI per capita of $3,160 USD

Biggest Social Problem:


Striking difference between urban and rural living.

Livestock production dominates the agriculture section as 25% of households live a nomadic

During the winter of 2010, 8 million livestock were lost due to weather; 22% of lost income.

Social Work Practices and Education: Development of Social Work in

Phase 1: Pre-Professional (before 1996);
+ Social work practice instituted in 1990s after independence from Communism.
+ 1995 National Authority for Children, Save the Child Fund UK and World Vision
-conducted situation analysis to launch social work education in Mongolia
-priority areas: child welfare and social protection
Phase 2: Launching and Early Years (1996 2000);
+ 1997 Mongolian State Pedagogical University launched 1st formal education program
for social workers.
+ Mongolian University of Science and Technology initiated an Undergraduate social
welfare policy.
+ During this phase Social Work and Social Development Professionals from
US, UK, Australia, Japan, Germany and Russia contributed to development
of Social Programs in Mongolia.
Namdaldagua, Myagnarjav, Burnette (2010)

Social Work Practices and Education: Development of Social Work in

Phase 3: Capacity Building;
+ Social Work is studied at 4 levels:
- Masters 1.5 2 years
- Bachelors 4 years
- Specialized training
- in-service training
+ Today there are
- 60 teachers
- more than 1200 students within Social Work Programs
Namdaldagua, Myagnarjav, Burnette (2010)

Social Work Practices and Education: Development of Social Work in

Phase 4: Institutionalization (2007 Present);
+ This stage is characterized by continuing Social Work education in Mongolia
- The Ministry of Education and Mongolian Agency on Standardization and Measurement
approved Social Work education standards in January 2010.
+ Because of this rating Social Work education has become more systematic, rigorous
+ Today 14 Universities and 4 State Universities offer Social Work education
+ Curricula is adapted primarily from US, German and Russian models.
Namdaldagua, Myagnarjav, Burnette

Attitudes towards Social Workers / Typical Operations of SW Organization

The public image of social workers: They represent Welfare, Charity or Relief Workers.

The typical operation of a Social Work Organization promotes:

+ Social Justice
+ Human Rights
+ Development of a Civic Society
Namdaldagua, Myagnarjav, Burnette (2010)

These 6 functional operations are the foundation for this countries S.W. Organization:
+ Fact finding cooperation for sound planning and action
+ Program Development
+ Establishment and Improvement of Standards
+ Coordination and Facilitating of intergroup relationships
+ Public Awareness, Relations and Education
+ Enlistment of quality public support and participation

Aspalter, C.(2014). Social Work in East Asia. Farnham, England, Burlington
USA. Ashgate Publishers.
Namdaldagua, O. Myagnarjav, S., & Burnette, D.(2010). Professional Social
Work Education in Mongolia: Achievements, Lessons Learned and Future
Directions. Social Work Education, 29(8), 882-895.
Sanders, A.J.K.(2015). Mongolia. Encyclopedia Britannica online. Retrieved

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