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Alejandra Villarreal

English 1302, Tuesday

April 24, 2015
The Ferguson shooting has been portrayed as an act of racism known by the
characteristics of an unarmed African American teenager killed by a Caucasian police officer.
Over a several of events all that was being said towards the case and event was that it was an act
of racism towards a teenager who was defenseless and not causing any commotion. The shooting
obtained the attention of everyone enough that President Obama gave a press conference mainly
because of the reactions of local citizens, hoping for a calm positive reaction from them other
than what had already started by multiple protests leading to riots. Are the riots justified? Was it
really an act of racism? Or simply miscommunication of the media?
The misconception of facts can bring forth various issues such as what happened in
Ferguson. The start of the event was held as an act of racism leading everyones focus against the
officer all that was being said about the case was that the teen was innocent and killed without
justification. However, during the trial it became known that the officer was being attacked by
the teen and the teen being bigger posed a threat to his life. Once the first story was let out which
was that of the innocent teen being killed it becomes hard to believe the other facts that soon
came out after the hearing bringing out to the world evidence that was in the officers favor. in
my point of view that just leads the outsiders such as myself to wonder if its just a justification
of actions as to why the officer was being left free to go. The rage of the citizens sparked

awareness about ongoing racism that is still known to society, yet it should have also sparked
awareness towards the way the media portrays an event.
The medias way of portraying the event was mainly by the publics opinion and view
point of things. True facts werent exactly portrayed until the court case was build and hearings
were being held. Furthermore, when these facts were brought up to light it was already too late
citizens were already raged special after knowing that the officer was being let free while
because of his actions were being portrayed as unjustified since the beginning of the coverage.
Through the misconception of facts from the people and the failure of the media to wait for
formal reports and evidence the city of Ferguson was found in a state of unrest of course any one,
any citizen would become raged specially when they believe that they are in danger of those who
are there to protect us the citizens with authority that can set them free just because of the
position they hold.
This topic has been really tricky when gathering an opinion because theres more than
one general idea that can be held and shown by it. I stand by the fact that the media mislead the
public. The media primarily the news media has been one of the main focus that has led
everyone in the nation to have a misconception of the event. I believe that the news should gather
all facts before they broadcast the story and the riots that have occurred should be an example
and considered before and news story is let out. The news is a foundation to everyones
perspective and opinions leading to a more expanded portrayal of social media in which
everyone voices their opinion and from that opinion others are formed just creating a never
ending cycle. Media all types of media should be used wisely and anything should be portrayed
and shown to the public once all facts are gathered not only what is the obvious which is what
only seems to be portrayed most of the time.

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