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Traditions and Customs

Family is the center of social life

and support.

Whenever it is possible the whole

family eats together.

Arranged marriages are very common.

Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (2014). Culture
Grams World Edition, 1-9. Retrieved
October 21, 2014, from
Jafar, A. (2005). Women, Islam, and the
State in Pakistan. Gender Issues,
22(1), pp. 35-55.

Malala Yousafzai. (2014). Retrieved from

Visiting between friends and relatives is an important social cus-

The website:

Pakistan Culture

tom, which occurs as much as


Guest often bring gifts for the

Peif, S. (2012, October 7). Teaching program

builds bridges between U.S. and Pakistan. The Tribune.


It is the privilege of the grandfather to name the new born baby.

Samantha Novak
EDU 365


Pakistan, formally known as the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South
Asia. It covers around 307,374 square
miles with a population of 193,238,868

Pakistani School System

Divided into primary, middle, secondary,

higher secondary, degree college and university levels.

Four categories of schools: private schools,

non-elite private schools, government
schools, and madrasahs.

Its coast line is the Arabian Sea and the

Gulf of Oman. It is bordered by India to
the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to
the southwest and China in the far northeast.
The official language of Pakistan is English,
which is used in schools and by the government. Urdu, however, is the nations
unifying language and, with the new nationalism, there is a movement to have it
replace the colonial English as the official
percent of the
people of
Pakistan are
Muslims. This
state religion
is what truly
unifies the
diverse people of the
Pakistan is led by a president as the head
of state and a prime minister as the head
of government.

Teacher Strategies
When the newly immigrated student from Pakistan comes into the classroom they may feel
alone and uncomfortable. The teacher must do
certain things in order to make the new student
comfortable and to feel like he/she belongs.
Some examples of this are:

Have students do projects on different cultures to broaden their horizons and present
them to the class

Incorporate group work within lessons

Have students bring in pictures of their families and do presentations on them, since
family is very important

Be aware of the values and traditions of the

culture, for example set aside time for prayer five times a day.

Be aware of gestures used and seen in classroom.

If there is a language barrier, be sure to get

an interpreter until the students learn the
English language.

Have student sit close to the teachers desk.

Have the desk set up in tables so the student interacts with others.

Be aware of Pakistani dress when it comes

to activities like physical education.

Adult literacy is 54.9%

years of schooling is 4.9

87% of students complete primary school.

Only 15% of students graduate from degree college.

Student Needs
When a student is newly emigrated from Pakistan comes to the United States, they must
learn the new set of classroom dynamics. Not
only are they in a new school, but they are in
a new environment. Pakistans classrooms can
exceed up to 120 students to one teacher, in
the United States that is not the case. In Pakistan, education past high school is not common. Its mostly boys that attend school, it is
very uncommon for a girl to attend school
because of her lack of rights. These students
must adjust to the demanding standards of the
US and the core curriculum. They must learn
the new classroom etiquette. Classrooms in
Pakistan are lucky to have a blackboard; now
they must learn how to use all the technology
of the US, for example smart boards and IPads.
Students must absorb that learning is not all
about memorization, but truly grasping the
concepts and being able to use them. During
all this change, teachers must allow these students to keep their customs alive.

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