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Teacher Candidate _ Lexus Monroe__ Grade Level _3rd_ Title _Dear Juno Comprehension Lesson

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)

Contextual Factors:
24 Students; 14 boys, 10 girls
11 ELL students: Alberto (WIDA n/a) Cristal (WIDA 4), Edni (WIDA 3), Staci (WIDA 3), Jordy
(WIDA 1), Joselin (WIDA 3), Francisco (WIDA 4), Luis (WIDA 4), Jacoby (WIDA 4), Victor (WIDA 3),
and Juan Carlos (WIDA 3).
2 Students with IEP: Jacoby (Autism), and Jordy (Language).
No accelerated or gifted students in this class.
Behavioral Issues: Caleb (very talkative)
High Level Learners: Bergen, Kayelee, Jasper
Classroom environment: There are 3 adults in the room along with the students; Mrs. Shepherd (the teacher),
Lexus (dyad partner), and I. In the room students have individual desks that are grouped into 6 tables with
4 students per table. At the front of the classroom there is a Smart board and an area designated for math,
spelling, and vocabulary, to display what concepts they are working on. To the right of the room is the
word wall as well as a small horseshoe table used for small group instruction. In the back of the room are
the class library, computer center, writing table, and door leading into the hallway. Mrs. Shepherds desk
and work space is in the back left corner by the drinking fountain. The left side of the classroom also
includes a teacher computer, the Elmo tool, and storage closet. An additional mud room is also attached
on the left side where the students enter from outside and place their backpacks.

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to
State Standard/Objective (from Unit Plan):

Reading: Literature Standard 1

Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers

Content Walk-Away:
I will be able to use multiple comprehension strategies while reading Dear Juno.
Language Walk-Away:
I will write a response about the comprehension strategies I used while reading Dear Juno.

crackle, Seoul, persimmons, announced, soared, starry, noticed

SIOP 1, 2, 3
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students
have learned the Walk-Away? )

Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):

Observe student learning through discussion as the students talk about their thinking
in pairs, and as a group. Listen for questions, connections, and predictions from the
story. Check for students filling out graphic organizer appropriately.

Jordy, and Alberto will

be pulled aside to
answer questions about
their thinking orally.

Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):

Students will complete a graphic organizer of comprehension strategies with thinking
while reading Dear Juno.
Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
Students will write if any questions were answered or predictions came true in the

Give Edni, Staci, and

Joselin a modified
graphic organizer with
the first example done
on it.

Fast finishers (Jasper,

Bergen, and Kayelee)
will have an extension
writing activity of What
do you think happened
after the story?
Activate/Building Background Knowledge
I want to think about someone you know who lives far away. Maybe a family member like a grandma or uncle,
maybe even a friend. How do you keep in touch with them? Do you call them on the phone? Email them? Turn
to someone at your table and tell them what you do. (SIOP 7, 16, 18) Nikolas, who do you know that lives far
away? How do you keep in touch with them? Ask same question to Alberto. (Prompt Albertos thinking by again
mentioning members of this family and talking about living far away.)

Today we are going to read about a boy who keeps in touch with his grandmother by writing letters, the story
is called Dear Juno. While we are reading the story we may find words we dont understand. Display
Vocabulary, go through definitions quickly. (SIOP 9) Also as we are reading today we are going to have a
special job. Display and read objectives on smart board. (SIOP 1,2, 4)

Formative assessment: I will observe students as they talk to their partners and listen for a person they know and how
they communicate with them.
Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Ask Nikolas and Alberto questions to keep them involved, post vocab and objectives visually for ELL students as well as
bring letter and an international evelope for realia. (Also show a map of where Seoul is and bring a persimmon as realia
for Jordy, Alberto, Staci to see and for Bergen, Jasper, and Kayelee to explore/ research before or after the lesson)
Focus Lesson (I do it)
To understand a story, good readers stop and think about what the text is saying. They use different strategies
to help them do this. Pass out organizer. Organizer drawn on white board. (SIOP 4) Today we are going to
practice 3 strategies Questioning, Making connections, and Predicting.

Questioning is when you ask yourself what is happening in the text. What are you curious about, what do want
to know more about?
Making connections means using what you already know to help you understand the text. Have I had a similar
experience? Is what I know related to the text.
Good readers also predict. Predicting is making a guess about what you think will happen next. Does the text
support my prediction? Was my prediction correct?
As we read the story we will stop and think about these strategies so we can understand what is going on. We
can use our graphic organizer to write down our thoughts. (SIOP 6)
Read story. Stop at the end of 316. While I was reading I had a connection to the story. Just like Juno I have
gotten a letter in the mail before so I am going to write that underneath connections because I have had a
similar experience. (SIOP8) There is also something I want to know more about so I am going to write a
question. I want to know why Junos grandmother is writing to him. I think that maybe she is saying she wants
to come visit. I am going to write that down as a prediction.
Formative Assessment: Observing for student engagement as students listen to story and watch as they are writing in
their graphic organizer filling in the appropriate columns
ELL students with WIDA level 3 and below will have a modified graphic organizer that has the first part filled in.
(This includes: Jordy, Alberto, Staci, Edni, Joselin, Victor, and Juan Carlos) (SIOP 5)
Walk by Caleb to make sure he is on task.
Ask Jasper why it is important for us to write down our thinking?
Guided Instruction (We do it)

Continue reading story, stop on page 319. While we were reading did anyone have any questions?( If no
students respond use teacher question) I had a question. Why do Junos parents have to read the letter? Ask
Jasper, Kayelee, or Bergen about the envelope in the picture. (international) Lets continue, as I
am reading if you have any questions, connections, or predictions write them down.
Continue reading, stop on page 325. What were you thinking as were reading? Remember good readers use
strategies to help stop and think about what the text is saying. (SIOP 8) We question, what types of questions
did you ask while we were reading? What did you want to know more about? Call on students. Write on graphic
organizer. (SIOP 6, 16, 18, 29) Did you make any connections? Has something similar happened to you before?
Call on students. Write on graphic organizer. What about predictions, does anyone have a guess of what will
happen next? Call on students. Write on graphic organizer.
If students cannot respond, use teacher graphic organizer to prompt ideas.
Continue reading, stop on page 327. What are you thinking? Did anyone have something else to add to your
graphic organizer? What strategy did you use? Call on student, share answer. (SIOP 16, 18,29)
Together lets make a prediction as to what Juno is going to say back to his grandmother. Turn to a buddy
(accommodate group SIOP 17) at your table and tell them what you think will happen. Call on students to share
answers. (SIOP 16, 18,29) Those are all great predictions, its ok to have different ideas than someone. Write
what you think will happen on your graphic organizer. Wait for students to write then continue on.

Formative Assessment: Observe students filling out organizer. Listen to student responses to text; are they mentioning
ideas from the story? (Why cant Juno read the letter? What is Juno going to write his grandmother? etc.) What strategy
they used (connection, question, prediction)
Lexus will be walking around to help students fill in organizer appropriately (specifically Jordy & Alberto and
other ELL students who will have modified organizers).
Walk by Caleb to check that he has been staying on task. Ask him about a question that he had while listening to
the story.
Ask Luis to share a question, connection, or prediction to share.
Asking specific questions about to Jasper, Kayelee, and Bergen.
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
Continue reading, stop on page 332. We are going to stop for a few minutes and give you time to write your
thinking. Did you have any questions, connections, or predictions? (SIOP 18) Now, turn to your buddy and
share what you are thinking in the story. Call on students to share answers. (SIOP 16) Edni, what is
something you or your buddy thought about or wrote down on your graphic organizer? (Let
Edni know that you want him to share before putting him on the spot)What strategy did you
use? Ask same questions to Caleb, and Cristal. We are going to keep reading, remember your job today is to
use comprehension strategies while you are reading so write any thinking you have on your graphic organizer.
(SIOP 1) Finish story. Take a few minutes to finish up your thinking on the graphic organizer.
Formative Assessment: Listen to students talking in pairs about thinking during the story (listening for what Juno is
sending, will his grandma write him back, etc.) and mentioning which comprehension strategies (questioning,
predicting, connecting)they used.

Group configurations of buddy (Make sure that Jasper is partnered with Jordy, Nikolas is partnered with Alberto,
and Luis is with Jocoby)
Asking specific questions to Edni, Caleb, and Cristal found in the section above.

Independent (You do it alone)

Closure will be first.
Turn to the backside of the paper. Read questions and model with example. When you are finished turn in your
graphic organizer and questions.
After you turn in your paper, grab the lined paper up at the front and tell us What do you think happened after
the story?
Summative Assessment:
Students will respond to two questions asked about their graphic organizer. Completed organizer and questions answered

will be turned in. (SIOP 30)

Jordy, Alberto, and Staci will be pulled aside to answer questions about the story orally. (SIOP 16, 18)
Write examples of how to answer the questions on the back, on the board so that the students know what is expected
when they answer.
Extension activities for fast finishers- Jasper, Kayelee, Bergen
Write about what you think happened after the story?
Research Persimmons: Tell about: what they are, where they come from, how people eat them, an interesting
Research the city of Seoul: Tell about: where it is located, how many people live there, traditions, different foods
there, etc.
Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Lets review the vocabulary we heard in the story. (Use pictures and realia to link student thinking)
Point to words and have students read them and explain the definitions. Lets review what your job was today.
Re read content objective. (SIOP 1) What strategies did we use while reading Dear Juno? What connections did
you make to the story? Call on students to share answers. Look at the questions you had, did any of them get
answered? Call on students to share answers. What ended up happening? Did any of your predictions come
true? (SIOP 28, 29) Remember your job today. Reread language objective. (SIOP 2) Are you ready to show
me? (Call on Margarito, Caleb, and Alberto to share or comment if they have any)
Have Jasper talk about questions that were not answered in his texts.

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary
materials, 5-Adaptation of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19Opportunity for L1 students
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for
this lesson?
Approximately 35 minute lesson
Treasure Books for each student
17 copies of graphic organizer (7 modified copies)
Organizer written on board
Smart board to display objectives and vocabulary
Persimmons, South Korean map, and international evelope


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?

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