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Teacher Candidate _Lexus Monroe________ Grade Level 1__ Title _Goods and Services ____________
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors:
20 students in the class.
8 girls
12 boys
Hernan- ESL (WIDA 2 )
Edwin- ESL ( WIDA 3 - fluent)
Maddison- Behavior (trouble following directions the first time)
Parks- Behavior (Cannot sit still)
Phoenix- Advanced learner
Khyson- Advanced learner
Cohen- Advanced learner
Triston- Behavior (Talks out during whole group)
Conner- New student who does not follow directions easily
Classroom environment:
There are five tables in the classroom and 3-4 students sit at each table. The teacher has her computer on her desk. She
also has access to the ELMO and SMART board. There are 6 IPads in the classroom. There is not very much white board
space because of the SMART board. There is a rug where the students meet in front of the students desk. There is also a
big notebook where the teacher does the morning message and meetings next to the rug.

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)
State Standard/Objective:
Standard 4
(Financial Literacy): Students will describe the economic choices people make to meet their basic economic needs.
Objective 1
Explain how goods and services meet peoples needs.
Identify examples of goods and services in the home and in the school.

Explain ways that people exchange goods and services.

(SIOP 1,2,3)

Content Walk-Away:
I will be able to distinguish the differences between goods and services, as well as recognize them in different situations.
Language Walk-Away:
I will be able to talk about the differences between goods and services, as well as recognize them in different situations.

Goods, Services, Exchange

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have
learned the Walk-Away?)
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):
Students will be using the vocabulary throughout the lesson and use it in a context of
home and school.
Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
Students will be able to distinguish the differences between goods and services, as well
as recognize them in different contexts.

Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Advanced Learners: Ask them to
give additional examples of
goods or services besides those
that are mentioned in the lesson.
Books will be provided for the
students who finish early with

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):

Students will be able to able to talk about the differences between goods and services,
as well as recognize them in different situations.

their assessments.
ELL: Watch to make sure that
Hernan and Edwin are following
and saying the vocabulary words.
Behavior: Make sure that both
Madison and Conner stay



Activate/Building Background Knowledge

Boys and Girls, I want you to think about some of the places that you go. You go home, you go to school,
you go to the store, you go to restaurants, you go to get your haircut, you go to a type of sport practice, etc.
I want you to just think about that for a minute.
(SIOP 18)
Okay lets come back together and I want to talk about what the different places you have been to. Please
raise your hand if you have something to share with us. (SIOP 16) What do you notice about some of these
places? Who are the people that are there? What are some of the things that those people do?
Formative assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will begin thinking
about goods and services in their
own life contexts.

Success Criteria
Students will be talking about
places that they go.

Assessment Strategy
I will be listening to student
responses. They will include what
the people do at the places they
mention, and what things are at
those places.

Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Watch to make sure that you have Conner and Madisons attention. If you do not, ask her about the place that
she was thinking of to engage her in the class.
Focus Lesson (I do it)
Today we are going to talk about things that are called goods and services. Show the PowerPoint with the
vocabulary words on it. Have you heard these words before? (SIOP 16)
Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will know the definitions
of Goods, Services, and Exchange.

Success Criteria
Students will listen to definitions
of the words.
Students will be given visuals of
the words.
Students will say the words.

Assessment Strategy
Students are paying attention.
I will hear students saying the

Make sure that Edwin and Hernan are saying the words out loud. (SIOP 10)
Ask Phoenix to give an example of a service.
Ask Khyson to give an example of a good.
Ask either Phoenix or Khyson to tell what the difference is between a good and a service is.
(SIOP 15)
Guided Instruction (We do it)
Together we will play a game on the SMART board. Now before we do that, who can remind me what a
good is? Give the students time to answer and remind them to raise their hand. (SIOP 18) Who can tell me
what a service is?

Link to the Game:

Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will start to identify the
differences between goods and

Success Criteria
Students will play a game on the
SMART board.

Assessment Strategy
I will be watching their responses
on the SMART board.

Watch to make sure that you have Conner and Madisons attention.
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
Now I would like for you to go back to your seats because I have another game to share with you. This is a
picture sort. You will work with your table to sort the pictures into two separate groups. One group will be
goods and the other will be services. Do you remember what a good is? Do you remember what a service is?
(SIOP 4, 17, 20, 27)
Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Success Criteria
Assessment Strategy
Students will be able to identify
Students will be given a picture
I will go around to check the
the difference between a good and sorting activity.
students sorting.
Make sure that Hernan and Edwin are working with their groups.
Make sure that Madison gets placed into a group.
Independent (You do it alone)
This is going to be our last activity for this lesson. Today we have learned about goods and services. Who
can tell me what a good is? A service?
Have Phoenix, Kyson, or Cohen answer some of these questions: (SIOP 15)
Do we see goods at school? What about services?
Where is another place that we see either goods or services?
What is different about goods and services?
I am going to be giving each of you this paper and I want you to show me what you have learned today.
This paper is going to tell you a situation and you will have to decide whether it is a good or a service.
Summative Assessment:
Students will be given a written assessment that will have them distinguish the difference between goods and
Books are available for students who are finished early.
Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Today we have learned about goods and services. Who can tell me what a good is? A service?
(SIOP 27, 28)
Do we see goods at school? What about services?
Where is another place that we see either goods or services?
What is different about goods and services?

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary
materials, 5-Adaptation of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Comprehensive Input: 10-Appropriate speech, 11-Clear explanation, 12-Variety of techniques
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19Opportunity for L1 students
Practice/Application: 20-Hands-on materials, 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, 22Language skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking
Lesson Delivery: 23-Content objective supported, 24-Language objective supported, 25-Students
engaged, 26-Pacing
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for
this lesson?

PowerPoint with the definitions and pictures

Link for the SMART board game
Cards for the picture sort


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?

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