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MONASH University Date: 12/03/2015 Explanatory Statement for - Fourth Year Occupational Therapy Students, Monash University Residents Choice at Australian Unity Rathdowne Place Carlton This information sheet is for you to keep. Hi, my name is Sash, and | am conducting a project with Dominique a fellow university student, in the Department of Occupational Therapy. We are project managers from Monash University, working along Australian Unity staff Why did you choose this particular person/group as participants? We have chosen residents at Rathdowne Place to be part of our resident analysis as they are the group that are effected by the care given within this facility and so their opinion is crucial in improving their individual experience for further choice and control, The aim/purpose of the project? The aim of our project is to increase resident's choice at Australian Unity to actively participate in their individually chosen activities. Our rational for conducting our Resident analysis pilot is to create a basis for their care and link them with activities in and outside the home that they wish to partake in. It works with the residents to create a customised schedule, where they are able to do what they like when they like, getting them involved in their community and increasing their independent, sense of control and purpose in their remaining years. Possible benefits This pilot may allow us to gain a better understanding of the resident's needs and wants at Rathdowne Place. Residents at Rathdowne Place are the most important group for having an understanding of their opinions this will help make their residential experience more enjoyable. The result will be reported back to Australian Unity staff and management to improve the implementation of the “Better Together” at our place service model. Monash University Peninsula, Department of Occupational Therapy, Unit OCC3062 Web aww manash edu au +800 668 274, Postal address: Monash University, Victoria, 800, Australia ‘ABN 12 377 614 O12 CRICOS provider number 00008C What does the research involve? The resident analysis pilot involves a brief one on one discussion with project managers and chosen residents. It consists of five directional questions that may be prompted for further information. It may take up to 30 minutes of your time to complete the analysis. Your discussion will be recorded and project managers may take notes. Inconvenience/discomfort As a participant, it is unlikely you will experience any discomfort as a result of the survey however, if by any chance you feel as if the questions are too invasive, please note that you can withdraw at any time from the study, and all records regarding your participation will be destroyed and not included in this research. Payment This study is voluntary, and we appreciate your participation. Can | withdraw from the research? Being in this study is voluntary and you are under no obligation to consent to participation. However, if you do consent to participate, you may only withdraw at latest, within 24 hours of the pilot analysis completion Confidentiality All questionnaires will be numbered- no names will be recorded. Only project managers and Monash university staff will have access to this survey information post submission. Storage of data Storage of the data collected will adhere to the University regulations and kept on a secure computer/USB source or file. A report of the study in the form of an assignment will be submitted to unit co-ordinators for assessment, but individual participants will not be identifiable in such a report. Results If you would like to be informed of the aggregate research findings, you can contact Sasho Ancevski or Dominique Saffigna. f you would like to contact the project managers about any other aspect of this study, please contact the Unit Co-ordinator: Lisa Knightbrige- Participatory Community Practice Coordinator, Monash University Phone: 9904-4266 Sasho Ancevski- Fourth Year Occupational Therapy Student, Monash University Dominique Saffigna - Fourth Year Occupational Therapy Student, Monash University Thank you. Miywr- Sasho Ancevski Share Dominique Saffigna Monash University Peninsula, Department of Occupational Therapy, Unit OCC3062 Web 1800 666 274 Postal address: Monash University, Vietoria, 3800, Australia ABN 12.377 614 012 CRICOS provider number 00008C

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