Case 1 Lessonplan

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Describing Physical Features

Grade level: 6th and 7th

All students are learning English as their second language.
Students know the basic sentence structure.


At the end of this lesson students should:

Given a description of a person be able to draw the
correct picture that it describes.
Given a person, be able to describe their
appearance in standard english without grammatical


Listen attentively to stories and information and identify important

details and concepts by using both verbal and nonverbal


Materials you will need:

Computer with video viewing capabilities
Interactive youtube video
List of descriptive adjectives
Stick figure worksheet
Descriptive paragraphs


1. Begin with video of head, shoulders, knees and

a. Show video once so students will
understand what they are supposed to be doing.
b. Play the video a second time with
the students dancing and singing along.
This should take

about 5 minutes
2. Write a list of adjectives students will need to know
when describing each other.
a. Tall/short
b. Long hair/short hair
c. Girl/boy
d. Large/petite
e. Green/blue/brown eyes
f. Brown/blonde/black/gray hair
g. Old/young
This should take
about 15 minutes
3. Separate students into 5 groups.
a. Give each group a blank stick figure
b. Give each group a paragraph
describing what their stick figure should look like.
They should draw these features on their stick
c. Students may keep these
This should take
about 5 minutes
4. To review, have each student write a paragraph
description of themselves.
a. The paragraph should be at least
five sentences.
b. The students should use the
adjectives and body part nouns that they have
learned today.
This should take
about 10 minutes
5. Ask students to volunteer to read their paragraphs
for the remainder of class.
a. After a student finished presenting,
they will receive a piece of candy.
b. Ask for volunteers until the class
period has ended.
6. Collect all of the summaries after class has ended.
7. Assign homework assessment.


Homework will be due the next day in class.

Students will write a description of each of their
family members.
Each description should be in paragraph form.
Link to opening YouTube Video:

Link to stick figure:
Link to description:
Link to Standards:

Verghese, C. P. (2007) Teaching English as a Second Language, A-59,Okhla Industrial

Area:Phase - II: Sterling Publishers
The citation above is for a book. The book talks about how important it is for people to learn
English today. It talks about how English is used worldwide. The next chapter is about how English is
great for communication. The third chapter looks into the difficulties of learning English as a second
language. The author claims that native speakers are better off because they are imbedded in the
language. It is also stated that the English language is a difficult language to learn. Slowly gives the
readers tips of how to approach teaching someone English. They have a general scale to see a brief look
of how the student is learning the language.
Oberle, J., (4/1990). Teaching English As A Second Language. Training, 27 (4).
Retrieved from
This article gives the facts about how many people actually speak English as a second language
in the world. It tells the importance of speaking English, and how the number of English as a second
language people is growing in the United States. It talks about how it is becoming a problem in the
workforce for people not knowing English. This affects good customer service along with
understanding quality control. As a result many companies have resulted to teaching their employees
English, which has really improved their companies.

1. This is a boy. He has blond hair. His hair is short. He is wearing a blue shirt. He has
blue shoes on his feet. He is young. The boy has green eyes. He is very petite.

2. This is a girl. She is wearing a red dress. She a black bow on her head. She has long hair.
Her hair is brown. She is young. Her eyes are brown.

3. This is a girl. She is old. Her shirt is green. She is petite. Her eyes are green. She has black
hair. The shoes on her feet are blue.
4. This is a boy. His hair is gray. He is old. He is wearing a red hat on his head. He has blue
eyes. He is large. His shoes on his feet are green.
5. This is a girl. She has blonde hair. Her hair is very short. She is wearing a orange shirt. The
shoes on her feet are yellow. She is petite. She is young. Her eyes are green.

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