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In order for my media product to resemble a realistic film I have tried to adhere to the

conventions of the action/adventure films I have seen. In a certain number of areas,

however, I did try to defy these conventions to engage my audience more and make it
my own.
The characters I used lent themselves to both supporting and defying the conventions
of an action/adventure. The main disobedience to the norm was that my robber was
female; in all of the films I studied I found that females were present in the film but were
not the central character. The fact that I had one lead character rather than a cluster of
different characters lent itself to the conventions. In the movies I studied there was
predominantly a singular lead character (like Johnny English Reborn and Tinker Tailor
Soldier Spy) and even in the Avengers Assemble, where there are a number of main
characters, we learn over the course of the film that there are stronger characters.

The main example where, in the opening of my film, I
followed conventions was the lighting. In both Johnny
English Reborn and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy the producers
kept the lighting low to connote a mysterious and perhaps a
dangerous environment. This is something I shadowed in my
own media product. I developed the lighting conventions also
by contrasting the light and dark in the robbers lair and the
news-report scene. This showed the good and evil side of
the film.

Close ups were a common feature in all 3 of my deconstructed
films as they help illuminate on key aspects of the character or
plot. This was evidently clear in Johnny English Reborn when
crucial information was divulged to the audience about his
past. They also help build the illusion of criminality as you can
only see specific items - nothing more, nothing less. I
challenged the conventions in camerawork because I used
both moving image and photographs to create a difference.
This made it more engaging.

In my scene to adhere to conventions I, like the Johnny English Reborn, showed clips of
evidence and information relating to my main character. This gave the audience a bit of
history to her crimes. I challenged the normal conventions as I showed the robbers lair.
This gave some of the secrets away but left the audience needing more which kept
them engaged.

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