Lpday 5 GD

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Teacher(s) Name: _____Melissa Rosario ___

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: The Great Depression/ Deep in the Depression/ 4th grade_____
Wiki space address: _http://www.weebly.com/weebly/main.php__
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: ______Friday/ Flustering Florida Families _______________
LearningGoals/Objectives LearningGoal:


1. Thestudentwillbeabletounderstandthehardshipsfamiliesexperienced
2. Studentswillbeabletowriteclearlyabouttheeventsandhappeningsduring
3. Studentswillbeabletodifferentiatebetweenpresenttimeandtheeraofthe
4. Studentswillbeabletousepriorknowledgefromearlierintheweekto

Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and

domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise
actions, emotions, or states of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered)
and that are basic to a particular topic (e.g.,wildlife,
conservation, and endangered when discussing animal preservation).

SS.4.C.2.2 identify ways citizens work together to influence government and

help solve state problems. SS.4.A.9.1
SS.4.A.7.2: Summarize challenges Floridians faced during the Great
LAFS.K12.SL.1.2: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse
media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
LAFS.K12.SL.1.1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of
conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others
ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
LAFS.4.L.1.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
MAFS.4.NBT.2.4: Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using
the standard algorithm.
MAFS.K12.MP.1.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.



1. IdontunderstandthecausesandeffectsofthegreatdepressiononFlorida.
2. IamawareoffewofthecausesandeffectsoftheGreatDepressiononFlorida.
3. WithassistanceIamabletoidentifythecausesandeffectsofthegreatdepression
4. IamfullyawareofthecausesandeffectsofthegreatdepressiononFloridaand

Design for Instruction

Student Activities &
What best practice
strategies will be
How will you
communicate student
What products will be
developed and created by
Consider Contextual
Factors (learning
styles) that may be in place
in your future classroom.
What accommodations or
modifications do you make
for ESOL, Gifted/Talented
students, Learning/Reading
disabilities (SLD), etc.

Review( 5 minutes) : The teacher will ask the following questions to review the
previous days lessons:
Who can tell me what we learned yesterday?
So far this week, what great depression activities have been
most interesting to you and why?
How did the great depression affect society?
Students will be asked where they are on the learning scale (14).
Hook/ Anticipatory set (2 minutes) : Teacher will walk into class dressed as a
mother from the great depression, holding a baby doll as her child. She will
explain to students that this is her family and outline how the great depression
has affected her and her family. Teacher will go on to tell students that today
they will be learning about how the great depression affected families and their
ways of living.
Accommodations: Teacher will first model how each center is to be completed
and discuss center instructions. Each centers directions includes pictures.
Students are working collaboratively in heterogeneous groups moving through
the centers. Students will work with hands on activities throughout the center.
Students will work with technology to write letters.
Directions (5 minutes): The teacher will model each center for the students
describing the directions and showing them how the activities will be
completed. The teacher will then break students up in groups to 4-5 and direct
them to the center where they will starting. The centers will rotate clockwise.
Center 1: Application Activity (10 Minutes)
1. Each student will grab a playing card. Tell them not to look at their card until
you say it is time.
2. Give each student (or small group of students) a six sided number cube. Tell
them that they can now turn over their playing card and each person will then

roll the number cube one time.

3. Explain to the students that they will be creating a family for class today. If
their card is red; they are not married. If the card is black; they are married. The
number cube represents how many children they have. If they roll a 6, they will
have 0 children. If they roll a 1-5, the number of children is the respective
number of the roll.
4. Next, number the students off 1-4. Tell the students that instead of living in
todays time, they will be living in the 1930s.
5. Call out a number between 1 and 4. Each of these students are now
unemployed and have to figure out a way to support their family without
6. Students will be told that the average income is $164/month, that they will
need to pay about $20/month on house payments, $15/month for a car payment,
and $1/week/person in their family. They must add up their total cost per month
and determine how much they will need to make in order to support their
Center 2: Then and now (10 minutes)
1. Each student will pick only one picture, newspaper article, or
advertisement from the Ziploc bag labeled then.
2. Each student will then pick a matching material from the Ziploc back
labeled now( For example if the student picked a newspaper article
from the then Ziploc bag they must pick a newspaper article from the
now Ziploc bag)
3. Students will analyze, compare and contrast the materials they selected
from then and now bags.
4. Students will record their findings in a Venn diagram.
5. If time allows students will share at least two of their differences and
similarities they found with group members.
Center 3: The price is right! (10 minutes)
1. Students will each be given money.
2. The money they received is going to be the wages that were typically
paid during the great depression.
3. Each student will have a different wage.
4. Students will have multiple items that would be found at the store.
5. From what they have learned about the great depression students must
guess as a group how much each item would typically cost during the
great depression.
6. After they have guessed a price for each item students will flip the price
tag to see the actual price of the item.
7. Students will compare their guess with the real price.
8. Using their wages students are going to go shopping they must decide
what they can buy within their budget and what is priority for them and
their familys needs.
9. Students will discuss within their group what they bought and why.
Center 4: Dear friend (10 minutes)
In this center students will be letter writing.
1. Each student will be given a piece of paper in which they will be

writing a letter with the following prompt: (5 minutes)

A family living during the great depression would really appreciate a letter
from you. They would like you to provide them with advice and tips on
how to get through this difficult time.
2. Students will use proper letter writing structure to create short letters on
their own.
3. After the 5 minutes, students will work together sharing their ideas to
write a collaborative letter on the interactive white board. Each student
in the group will have a chance to write one sentence on the interactive
white board.
Clean up time (3 minutes): Students will clean up their centers and return to
their seats.
Reflection/ Review (5 minutes): This will be an open discussion where
students are allowed the opportunity to speak about whatever they would like
pertaining to the entire weeks lessons on the great depression. This will allow
freedom of expression and students to engage in an open conversation. Teacher
can ask probing questions such as: how did these lessons make you feel? What
was new information to you?
*Administer post assessment*

Colored playing cards (set of 25 or more)

5 six sided number cubes
One Primary Sources the great depression teacher created materials
kit (available at the Curriculum Materials Center at UCF)
Current newspaper articles, pictures, and advertisements
Venn Diagram worksheet
Gallon size Ziploc bags
Paper money
Store items (toilet paper, cereal boxes, tissues etc.)
Small dry erase boards
Wide ruled lined paper
Construction paper
Interactive White board
Timer for center 4
Price tag cutouts

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