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Central Features of the Redesigned PSAT 10 and PSAT/NMSOT This high-level comparison between the current and redesigned PSATINMSOT highlights major design features of the current and redesigned tests, The first table provides a comparison of the major features; the second table provides a comparison by test; and the third table compares the score components. The first administration of the redesigned PSAT/NMSAT will be Octobor 2015; the PSAT 10 will first be offered in spring 2016. Ce tana Meee nun eens nad OER TotalTestingTime* 2 hours and 10 minutes 2 hours and 45 minutes Components Critical Reading ReadingTest Writing Writing and Language Tost Mathornatios Math Test Important Features Emphasis on genoral reasoning skills; Continued emphasis on reasoning, slongside a clearer, stronger focus on the knowiedgo, ekills, and undorstandings ‘most important fr collogo and Complex scoring {a point fora earoer readiness and success; correct anewer and a deduction for an incorrect answer blank responses have no impact on scores). Emphasis on vocabulary, often in Riited contexts; Greater emphasis on the meaning ‘of words in extended contexts and on how word choice shepes ‘meaning, tone, and impact; Rights-only scoring {a point for a ‘correct answer but no deduction for Score Reporting* ‘Scala ranging from 60 to 240. Seale ‘otal Score: Seale ranges from ranging from 20 to 80 for Critical £320 to 1520, Soction seores: Scale Reading, Mathematics, and Writing, ranges from 160 to 760, and 8 to 38 for test and cross-test scores. Subscore Reporting Nona Subscores on a 1 to 16 seale for every test, providing edded insight for students, paronts, educators, end counselors. “Umi thanks nthe bles rpracentur cana lr th nk and features of a redesign, ‘ome space clment sh ata! Sr, osgh, ond epotad sues, ray Be ened based ene vests of ongangveseeeh COMPARISON OFTEST LENGTH AND TIMING: CURRENT AND REDESIGNED PSAT 10 AND PSAT/NMISQT Reading 39 Wing end Language 35 44 28 Math 7 a7 Total 130 125 Total 168 138 Total Score NA 1 Section Seoras E NIA " i 2 ‘Test Scores 3 z 3 CrossifestScons NA 2 Subscores NA 7 8 Central Features of the Redesigned SAT This high-level comparison between the current SAT and the redesigned SAT highlights mejor design features of the two tosts. Tho first table provides a comparison of the major features of the current SAT and redesigned SAT. ‘The second table provides a comparison by test, including the number of items and testing time. The first administration of the redesigned SAT will be in spring 2016. ‘Components Important Features. Essay Score Reporting* ‘Subscore Reporting Critical Reading Writing Mathematics Ess Emphasis on general reasoning skils; Emphasis on vocabula ‘often In limited contoxts; Complex scoring (a point for 9 correct answar and a deduction for an incorrect answar; blank responses have no impact on scores). Required and given at the beginning of the SAT; 26 minutes to write the escay. Tests writing skill; students tako a position on a presented lesu Scale ranging from 600 to 2400. Scale ranging from 200 to 800 for Critical Reading; 200 to £00 for Mathematics; 200 to 800 for Writing. Essay results scaled to multiple-choice Writing. None Essay (optional) ‘hours (plus 60 minutos for the Essay (optional) ReadingTest Writing and Language Test Math Test Continued emphasis on reasoning, slongsice a clearer, stronger focus on the knowledge, skils, and understandings most important for college and career readiness and success: Groatar emphasis on tha meaning of words in extended contexts ‘and on how word choice shapes ‘meaning, tone, and Impact; Righte-only scoring {a point for a correct answer but ne deduction for an Incorrect answer; blank responses have no impact on score}. Optional and given at the end of the SAT; postsecondary institutions determine whether they will require the cssay {for admission; 50 minutes to write the eseay, Tests reading, analysis, and ‘writing skills; stucents produce a written analyse of a provided source text. Total Score: sale anges from 400 to 1600. Section Score: Scale ranges from 200 to 800, and 10 to 40 on test anc! cross-test scores. Essay results reported separately, with Reading, Analysis, \Wrting each reported an a2 to 8 scale. Subscores on 31 to 19 scale for every test, providing added insight for students, parents, admission officers, educators, and counselors, “i thenfomaton nse tae represses curcurent plans or te ature 2 feature of heal, ore specie stores, evn ost Seg, rath an eporadacoes, maybe eied basen the vas of ongoing resees, 20 Reading Waiting 60 49 Whiting and 36 44 Lenguege Essay % 1 Essay 50 i (optional) 70 54 Moth 80 57 Total 225 a7 ‘Totel 160 (290 183 (154 with Essay) with Essay) Composite Score ‘Area Scores 2 ‘Tost Scores 3 plus Essay scores Gross-Test Scares NA 2 Subscores Na, a Timelines Administrations ‘The first administration of the redesigned PSAT 8/9 and PSAT/NMSOT will be in October 2015, while the redesigned SAT and PSAT 10 will first bbe offered in the spring of 2016, Understanding how these administration dates will affect the membars of upcéming high school graduating classes is an important stop in holping you to help students navigate a path through high school, college, and caroer. omnes cm oid classot sen ag bese ITH ORADE var GRADE! claseot _eiar itr ee MM an WTHGRADE. VTHORADR. ‘2TH GRADE co feowome 2 msec nisin aesoto a FSB reine Biman NE Sr ae 718 sagnape omar ncn mGiace " seu - ut saye Pra sine 2 Frequently Asked Questions ‘The College Board is excited to begin offering our redesigned assessments, Working together, these components of the SAT Suite of Assessments will provid benchmarks and consistent feedback for ‘measuring student progress over time — allowing teachers to accelerate students who ere either ahead or behind. Becauise you play an essential role in fostering a culture of high oxpactations and achievement within your school community, we recognize that you are likely being asked important questions about ‘thé upcoming changes by your students, their families, and your colleagues. In this section, you'll find answers to questions that school counselors have told us are most essential. In order to provide you with tho most up-to-date answers to these quostions, we are committed 10 regularly updating our online FAQs; please visit the K-12 Educator page to review our current lst. The Redesigned SAT’, the Current SAT, and ACT How will changes to the SAT’ benefit my students? Wor consistent feedback for measuring studont progress over time — allowing teachers to accelerate students who aro elther ahoad or behind.The ‘auestions on the redesigned SAT will be more familiar to students because they'll reflect the best of instruction in mathematics, English language arts, science, history, and social studies, making it clear what students need to know to prepere for the tests. ing together, Collage Board assessments will provide benchmarks and ‘The College Board has already provided the full test specifications for tho redesigned SAT {avaitablo ontino}, and through a partnership with Khan Acadomy, the College Board is making free test practice materials available to all students, How will the redosign of the SAT affect the high school graduating classes of 2016, 2018, and 20177 We recognize that, during this transition, you are likely to be asked a lot of Important questions by your students, thair families, and your colleagues about which tests students should teke and when. The high school graduating class of 2015 will primarily take the current SAT. These students should continue to visit the SAT website to register for the test and to receive and send their scores. As of the date of publication, the high schoo! graduating class of 2016 ‘may have already taken the current PSAT/NMSQT’ in the fall of their junior year. These students will have the option to take both the current ‘SAT [March 2016-January 2016) and the redesigned SAT (beginning March 2016). ‘The high school graduating class of 2017 will have the option to take the redesigned PSAT/NMSOT in the fall of thoir Tith-grade year, when students are typically el snal Merit Scholarship Program. Taking the PSAT 10 and/or PSATINMSQT provides students with @ midpoint check-in on their progress toward college and career readiness as well as detailed feedback that evaluates the knowledge and skills in need of strengthening. The first administration of the redesigned PSATINMSQT will be in October 2015; the PSAT 10 will first be offered in spring 2016. Should | adviso my students to got all their tosting done before March 2016? ‘When the College Board switches overto the redesigned SAT In spring 2016, the current SAT will no longer be offered. However, some students will take the SAT before that time and then take the redesigned SAT later. Because tho test and score scale are changing, we recommend that these students send In all scores, allowing collages to use those that are most favorable to the student. Keep in mind thet some colleges require students to sand all scores. Will the redesigned SAT be oasior or harder than the ACT? ‘There is no research to validate that any group of students perform "better" or “worse” on one collage entrance axam aver another. Like its competitor, the ACT, the redesigned SAT is an achievement test, but what makes the redesigned SAT unique is its focus on whet research shows Is most essential for collage and cargor raadinoss and success. The ACT test measures skills across a large domain while the redesigned SAT will ‘measure fewer things much more deeply. What ore the difforoncos batweon the tests? ‘The ACT test measures skills across a lerge domain while the redesigned ‘SAT will measure fowor things much more dooply. For example: In the redesigned SAT’s Reading Test and optional essay, students are ‘asked not only to demonstrate their understanding of texts but in many cases also to explain thelr reasoning (e.g., by determining which portion of a reading passage provides the best textual evidence for the answer to another question). 2 In the redesigned SAT's Math Tast, students are asked to respond to ‘multistep problems that are presented in real-life contexts like those they will encounter in college and in their careers, In the redesigned SAT, students are also boing asked to analyze and synthesize both words and numbers and to find inconsistencies in the information they convey. This is also an important difference in what is being measurad by the new test The SAT Suite of Assessments How will changes to the College Board's assessments benefit my students? The SAT Suite will be composed of focused, clesr, and useful assossmonts that reflect what students are already learning in their classrooms. Working together, these assessments will provide benchmarks and consistent feedback for measuring student progress over time ~ allowing teachers to accelerate students who are either ahead or behind. In adcition, forthe first time, all scores from PSAT” 8, PSAT” 10, PSATINMSOT, and SAT will bo fn the sare score scale, so that students and educators can track growth and target aroas of opportunity. The College Board assessments are cloaror \g everyone what's on ‘and more opon than any in our history. We're t the exams: students and teachers can review the full SAT test specifications Inttpssiwven/ epecitications-for_the_ redesigned sat_na3.paf] so thet they know exeetly what to expect on the test In addition to being great practica for tho SAT, the PSAT/NMSQT is currently the best indicator of a studant’s potential to succeed in certain Advanced Placement’ courses, which allows us to connect more students with challenging course work. By taking the PSATINMSOT, eligible students will enter the National Merit Scholarship Program and may be identified and recruited by some of the nation’s largest scholarship providers such as the American Indian Graduate Center, Asian & Pacific Islander ‘American Scholarship Fund, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, and the Unlted Negro Collage Fund (UNCF).A full redesigned PSATINMSQT practice test willbe available in March 2016 through the College Board, followed by dynamie, Interactive study tools avaliable tough Khan Acadamy beginning in June 2016, which ean be used for PSATINMSOT practice because of the tight alignment between the SAT and the PSATINMSQT. Can | just use one version and administer tho fall PSATINASQT to all my students In grades 8-11 to avoid confusion on test day? A The College Board is making our current college and career resdiness assessments more flexible and more aligned to the redesigned SAT. Our ‘assessments will feature grade-level appropriste content, and they will introduce more flexibility by offering schools options to administer in the fall ortho spring. The College Board offers the PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 as grade-eppropriate assessment options for middle and high ‘school students. > The PSATINMSQT is designed for sophomores and juniors to take in the falls most junior tast-takers will be eligible to enter National Merit ‘Scholarship Corporation competitions and will be connected with the College Board's additional scholarstilp partners {https/www.collegebosrd. ‘orgireleases/2015icollege-board-announces-expansion-scholarships- students-taking-psat.nmsqi) > The PSAT 10, which covers the same test content as the PSATINMSOT, is designed for sophomores to take inthe spring, Tho PSAT 10 offers flexibility in tost administration as well as a check-in on student progress. While most test-takers will not be eligible to enter National Merit ‘Scholarship Corporation compatitions, they will be eligible for al of the College Board's scholarship opportunities [https:yiwww.collegoboard.ora/ rleages/208/eolloge-hoord-announces-expansion-scholarships-studants- taking-psat-ninsal > The PSATINMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 (for ninth-grade test-tekers) can provide schools and studonts with information to identify students who may be successful on AP Exams via AP Potential (httpsi/appotential. collegeboard.orglappwelcome.dol. > The PSAT 8/ is dosigned to be administered in either the fall or spring to students in graces eight and nino. ‘We strongly encourage the use of grede-level appropriate assessments, Working together, College Boar assessmonts provide benchmarks and consistent feedbeck for measuring stunt progress over time — allowing ‘teachers to accolorato stucionts who are either shead or behind, . ‘Test Preparation and Khan Academy © What resources connect classroom instruction to the radesigned assessments, and how can students best prepare for success on the tests? A. The College Board is making excellence easier through focused, clear, and useful assossmonts that reflect what studonts aro already learning in their classrooms. Our redesigned assessments reflect the best of instruction in math, English language arts, science, history, and sociel studias, meking it lear what students need to know to prepare for the exams, ‘Tho Collage Board Is also providing free, personalized, focused practice resources for all students. These practice resources are supplemental to the best way to prepare for the SAT: through great classroom instruction. In partnership with Khan Academy, we ‘are removing barriers thet students end thelr familias face In accessing high-quality practice resouress for the PSAT 10, PSATINMSOT, and SAT. Khan Academy offers teachars a new partner in their hard work to prepare students for collage, In addition, by collaborating with schoo! distriets and organizations such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the College Board is ensuring that as many students ae possible can toke advantage of these resources. For @ moro in-depth look at the kinds of quostions that will be on the redesigned SAT, visit Fee Waivers and Access to Opportunity @ How will the College Board ensure that the redesigned SAT and administretion policies are fair to all students? A. Years of research have consistently demonstrated that the SAT is a valid predictor of first-year college success for all students, regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic status, Wo aro committed to sustaining or improving the predictive validity of the SAT. We will build on the careful and expert work of statisticians to create a redesigned test that continues to be a strong predictor of college success when considered in combination with high schoal grades and other factors. We are rigorously testing the redesigned exam, through content raviews and individual item testing, to ensure that the redesigned SAT ig a fair and valid tost forall stuconts. In eddition, the College Board's commitment to make the SAT more focused, useful, ‘and clear will benefit all students. The redesigned SAT will be: Focused on the few things that evidence shows matter most for success in college and career ... and will reflect and reinforce the key skills and knowledge that, students are learning in thelr best courses. 26 Useful. Everything students encounter on this test should be widely applicable to their work in college and career training opportunities. Clear and open. Stucionts and teachers will know what is covered on the test and Khan Academy's freely available practice materials are continuing to grow. Recognizing the inequities inherent in high-priced test preparation, we are proud to be working with educators, community groups, college-accoss organizations, and parents to provide the necessary resources to propel sludents fo college success. The redesigned SAT and our partnership with Khan Academy are components of a commitment by the College Board and our members to move beyond delivering assessments to delivering opportunity.To ensure that assessments are not a stopping point, but that the results propel students into the opportunities they have earned, wo will provide access to AP courses for those who are ready, as well as SAT and college application fee waivers to income-cligible students. ‘The Redesigned SAT and Higher Education How will colleges and universities use the redesigned SAT and the current SAT in the admission process? The SAT is taken by more than two million students every yeer and is accepted by virtually all colleges and universities. The SAT provides a usted, globally recognized indicator of academic readiness for college. In ‘2 way, the SAT is the bridge between the hard work students have alresdy ddone and the college that is the best {it for thair future, Many schools’ ‘wobsites share the range of SAT scores reported by their admitted students; this valuable information allows studente to research which colleges might be the best ft We are committed to continuing to work with K-12 and higher education leaders and educators during the transition from the current SAT to the redasignod SAT. The Colloge Board will provide concordance between the current SAT and the redesigned SAT shortly after the first administration of the redesigned SAT to ensuro thet the redesigned SAT will continue to provide students with a poworful connection to college. a6 Staying Informed Q What's the best way to stoy up-to-date on redesign nows? A Information about the redesigned SAT, reo test-preperation materials, and additional initiatives to expand access to opportunity — including College Application Fee Waivers — ere available at, where you can also sign up to racalve updates. ‘You can also connect with the Collage Soard and the SAT on social media, Whether you're in need of customer sorvice, have a question about our redesigned assessments, or want to explore our programs and services, wo ‘encourage you and your students to follow and engage with us online: Twitter: @saTQuestion Gi Facobook: Instagram: @collogeboard 1 What typos of educator resources, district support, and training will be available for the College Board Readiness and Succoss System? When will the resources be available? A. Tho College Board recognizes your essential rola in fostering a culture of high expectations and achievement. We are committed te providing you with precticel and meaningful resources thet will help support you in accelerating your students’ collage and career readiness, Including monthly ‘webinars on the redosignod PSAT 8/8, PSAT 10, PSATINMSAT, and SAT, as wall parson workshops. ‘To find out what is happening In the counselor community and to register for upcoming professional development opportunities, visit For updates on our redesigned assessments, visit, ”

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