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ws Jilin 1. Video Message from Mr. Carlos Ghosn “Activation in the Production Site" . About TPM . About TPS . Concrete examples for the fusion of TPM and TPS . Implementing Specific TPM Activities Case Studies for Individual Improvement OQ BwWN Yoshitaka MURASE Advisor (Former Executive Director) Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance Explanation of "Video Message from Mr. Carlos Ghosn" Nissan's Strategy and Commitment to Innovation ‘a excerpt rom the fecture material prepared by Iie Hidetoshi tmazu, Senior Vico Presidont, Nissan Motor Co, Ls, (2007) Nissan’s Strategy (Aims and Commitments) Conditions at Announcement of Nissan Revival Plan (NRP) NESE MICOn MEd oi cau laec ius Met oro emiamic cd How did the company confront these issues? Commitment to Innovation > Breakthrough > Accelerated Improvement Challenge the Barriers of Sections/Ranks Perea cell Team Action beyond the Barriers whe eyncont Coles Nee oo Tas Challenge to the lack of vision or sense of crisis Transparent and Open Communication Questions Progress of TPM What is TPM? Why is TPM needed today? How to implement TPM activities and the Eight Pillars Step implementation Overlapping small groups Losses and Costs Introduction of cases Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance VE. m What is TPM? The aim of TPM (which stands for Total Productive Maintenance) is to improve corporate culture through the improvement of personnel and equipment systems and the resulting zorooss manufacturing processes. ad Pod terms * TPM is a registered trademark of JIPM. Improvement/Maintenance activities aimed at achieving "3 zeros," namely zero accidents, zero defects and zero failures. Yue te je fey bs Se : =r ONG Pye ™ Steps for achieving "3 zeros" + Establish a framework by which challenges are constantly identified, improvements are made to them and maintenance Is carried out, Visual management 1) Clarification ofthe relationship between the management issue and the TPM target 2) Building of the mechanism to solve issues :nsure that problems and improvements made to challenges are visible to all involved, Increased visibility ale 1) Activity board 2) Quality product map 3) Malfunction map 4) Map of number of equipment failures 5) Improvement progress map 6) One-point lesson, etc. “+ Identity losses of all sorts (Mur [strain], Muda {waste] and Mura [variance) using TPM approaches and break them down into specific tasks, 1)5S 2) Past examples of malfunctions 3) Issues in divisions and departments, etc elaine lela nels losses Improve corporate values Overall improvement of: \plants/companies = (alvalue) ‘Groundwork. Activity) Optimiza whole business processes while continuing With the activities from Part and Parti Se Coordination with related sections from a perspective of production processes, while continuing with the activities from Part lapping Pere Plant manager Section manager Section manager Team leader General employes, ‘Company-wide TPM promotion committee Plant TPM promotion committee Section TPM promotion meeting Section TPM promotion meeting (Leader meeting) Workshop small group (PM circle) Improvement of human work efficiency> Working man-hours Operating hours (pntbyater scat Loading man-hours Loading hours aseeaci — —rRT Net working man- m) SS eta Operation hours BEE) somone Bee: vena Effective man- ‘Net operating ae west hours ours BE eameneremn | Cane a ee SEH] minicar (Total production hours: 2B ~ ST. manehours) utp ot quay products Output quay products Torinvened manor por leped me at are 16 major losses? improvement «© Man-hours Elapsed time > = Ta) Working man-hours Operating hours Loading man-hours Loading hours Net working man- hours Operation hours Net operating hours Value-added man-hours Total prose (nathoursh| Value-added hours Cutput of quality products Output of quality products, erinvested man-hour _per elapsed time Energy Input materials (quantity and weight) Input energy Quantity of quality products Effective energy Weight of quality products, [imac] peace a er 1 Step implementation for autonomous mainten (CS itnmr4200) Nes — Fyerew 1. J Iniial-phase cleaning (Cleaning and ‘Simultaneous elimination of dust and dirt, cling, rightening of bolts inspesion) ands afr te main uit of egdpent and tng ard retring mafunetons 2 | Measures for sources ofproblems Resco the lering a cing ime by improving sources of dst nd ie, satng proveton andar dean areas end har oo points 3 Establishment of temporary self- Establish thie standards of behavior to securely maintain cleaning, cling and refghtning in a short period of time. (is necessary to inspection standards Indicate tho tine frames that canbe used daly and periodical.) 4] Overat inspection Provide education abou inspection sil using inspection manuals ard imploment overal inspection for overall extraction and restorton friar equipment defects 5. | Setfinspection Propare and implement so inspection check sheets, 6 | Standardization Standardize vtous kinds of feld management items to fly systomatiza maintaining and conrling 7 | Thorough implementation of autonomous —knplement corporate polis and targets, make improvement management aces routine, rocord MTBF analyses propery and make analyses {or equipment improvement oe C Gel? 7 poke’) 1. I) Soloctng te model oquipmont, © Ding "ott azn plawig ection ie re otlentls, oceses nt eget la te fine anid produchn process 2] ones pict cans 3. J Understands epost loses 4. | setting animrovemen femean gels 5. | osama rs 6 | Anata, poy proposals and cerahiaton 7] implemening improvements 8D conting resus 9 Recurence prevention 10 Hoieontl doetpment rsa 2 See Seng Cae re ne evi io aie then eahaee! sgn te ea at sui son 3 (holo satot once, nes wey den an protien etn, snare Bem Regs poet aren e promote cc sue swine 1 Undectnd and sat see 2 chtriesaaafnislcag ¢Ebtit enim noe fone wots of sueye ca cousins 5 ESS Satie eae md twat man 1 cas prsomel sponte dieses © Danepyrtg rs oe ener on ores ras ey eps co Glyad ip nanapernt agns «frre ine ee lel hi sg esr ese extents ram up pve doa rn 2 Reeies he arn 3 Prnois trusses at rnagent dens Ten recess mean secu abut onde inpoanets 1 Cheche ec ofipovmes teak pe cl tripe irre > Smtr mana. ai mere Hata erect err rece ea «g Eilon dreept na ' Caryont op rename dagen © 0 norzrta devcentn nr nes postin 1 Dilsop rt mts tres => lanle) Relic Rela ad P ........ Value-added productivity 1.5 to 3 times * Number of sporadic failures 1/10 to 1/290 + Equipment operating rate 1.5 to 2 times Qo Process defect rate 41/10 Customer complaint upon delivery 1/4 to 0 Manufacturing cost of goods 30 to 50% reduced .. Work-in-process inventory Reduced by half S........ Zero absence-required disasters and zero pollution M........ Number of improvement proposals 5 to 10 times @P = productivity Productivity (Company A) 3.08 times 3.0 —— 25 2.0 Value-added productivity 1.5 1.0 Stayt of TPM introduction ‘Third year @Q = quality number of complaints (Company B) 5 Customer complaints upon delivery 1/4 to 0 Zero complaints Start of TPM introduction Third year @C = COSt Manufacturing cost of goods (Company C) 0.90 Manufacturing cost of good> 0.85 ——|30to.50% reduced 0.80 —-——__—_—__— 0.75 — Start of TPM introduction ‘Third year Intangible TPM effects (Examples) @® Thorough implementation of autonomous management. In other words, operators change their attitude to "maintain their own equipment” without being ordered by their superiors. @ Employees gain confidence, "I can do it!" by achieving zero failures and zero defects. @® Workplaces filled with oil, cutting chips and dust become clean beyond recognition, and cheerful working environments can be made. ® Visitors to the plant have a favorable image of the company, and this leads to receiving orders in sales activities. Conclusion Production efficiency improvement is to minimize the input of materials, human work, equipment, energy and other resources that are necessary for production, while maximizing the output. It depends on how much added values can be increased and how much manufacturing cost can be reduced. For this purpose, ‘we must carry out activities for quantitative expansion, including: (activities to improve the equipment efficiency (@) activities to improve the human work efficiency, and (3) activities to improve the management efficiency, and we must also carry out activities for qualitative expansion, including: (1) activities to improve the quality and (2) activities to promote unattended operations. The ultimate goal of production efficiency is to sufficiently bring out and maintain the equipment-specific capabilities and to fully bring out and maintain human Capabilities for that purpose. in other words, the goal is to maintain the man- machine system at the highest and ultimate conditions. TPS OYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM) © Deliver what the customer requires with a quality, cost and lead time which satisfy the customer Constantly continue improving the ideal state for that purpose What is the ideal state? 1) Automation and promotion of self- working (Autonomation) *Automation "No failure," "stoppage when any defect is found" Able to be in charge of multiple machines easily ¢ Promotion of self-working (Autonomation) “No production of defective products" "No process of defective products" Able to easily ensure quality 2) Just-in-time The customer is a "god." The subsequent process is a "god." Care for customers and the subsequent process Flow of products and one-piece flow Kanban 3) Zero Muda (waste), Mura (variance) and Muri (strain) Allow workers to be engaged in only worthwhile work Be kind to people Pursuit of optimal equipment operation Individual activities to achieve the above 3 items Introduction of case examples, and relationship with TPM @What is the promotion of self-working (Autonomation)? 1) Zero equipment failures r— Activity board [— One-point lesson }-— Meeting Autonomous a . maintenance —}-—_ Acduisition of qualification “Jishu-Hozen” Autonomous maintenance "Jishu-Hozen” engineer, Equipment maintenance engineer, Electrical maintenance engineer, Equipment analysis engineer, etc. Recurrence prevention of frequent stoppage and failures Planned maintenance __ Pursuit of root-causes (questioning why-why 5 times or more) |— Technical improvement (repair method, and review of hours required) ‘Showroom for educational materials, failures and [— improved parts, and maintenance school |__ Recurrence prevention of failures and long-term failures => Corrective maintenance Ss The promotion of self-working (Autonomation) in TPS is based on TPM Case example of activity board (2) One-point lesson (2) ele eas View of meeting View of coaching by trainer Training center for education (1) Training center for education (2) 2) Zero quality defect ___ Creation of standard numbers such as work standard, 4M conditions, etc. Building of a quality J , A assurance t— Mechanism for equipment check system ‘— Mechanism for recurrence prevention of defect © Just-in-time 3) Zero inventory [— Produce and deliver only what pleases customers, when needed, in the required quantity instruction of —— Produce and deliver only what is needed for the production subsequent process, when needed, in the required quantity The customers is a god, and likewise the subsequent process L_ Post-efill production -— Kanban |__ Pallet only for taking-over |__ Unattended carrier for taking-over Improvement of flow Increase of small lots, by shortest distance and one-piece flow and minimum quantity _— Shortening of setup time |— Direct connection of processes Shortening of lead —| time ' Automatic carriage between [— processes | Reduction of various kinds of safe inventories ©Muri (strain), Mura (variance) and Muda (waste) 1) Muri (strain) [__ Zero walk Ease of work —~~— Zero bad attitude |— Zero handling of heavy goods L Zero accidents 2) Mura (variance) Separation of main work from Specialty in maintenance work equipment work __1___ Setting of standard work * Improvement of work, and |— Elimination of stoppage time promotion of large room L__ Equalization 3) Muda (waste) f—— Pursuit of net working rate Pursuit of net working Standardization and —] normalization | _ Pursuit of net operating rate of equipment | Reduction of non-payable work "Fusion of TPM and TPS" unification of thing and information a Overall improvement of plants by increased visibility TPM Part 1 kickoff DD ~? ED ER 3 5 55 Pe) 3 Be zi) es a es eS | pul B3 Bie) e s |e ze it gt History of major activities at Toyo Seiki Co., Ltd. Part 4 “putes tocnwe ont ehcp wo, "spree Innovation of| Ponta manta reness of proft of ‘allsections based on TMC Previous results of TPM and issues at Toyo Seiki Provided by Toyo SEKI —esaiisn DD => fe Eco Es a S = fe gaz = Ele 2 oes a g ef & s (ey Pip cE a er pert i peo Cr ae » Continued strengthening of Poem teeta ined ae ea Release fom the Innoytiono wren wonpice tea wah ot | Wet acraerang ines, temdonte || "Stetesdnieasant” | "aitsections based on ‘Mlocemacemantannes| are aac] However, the reality is... many problems remain. Severe external environment As having problems Need to speedily transform own management culture to that with high competitiveness, targeting survival and advancement Next activities of the Award for Excellence in Consistent TPM Commitment ‘Leading to the ‘solution of company- ‘wide issues. (Quality, dotvery Activities \ by total employees through work with ‘no sectional barrier Continual mechanism (CD request ana payment raise) ‘Connection of, management system with ISO "L8t’s go back to the fundamentals, and build in quality and delivery time with assured work." "Fundamentat” means “what” in the case of insufficiency, namely what causes a probler "Assured work” means to make rules, and to comply with the same. ronsoreemc How is it promoted? e serniconductor memory through radio information (unavailable with a bar code) (© Utilization of 1D information storer © Availabilty of ‘wrting" and "reading’ © Instant availabilty, and no trouble © Handling of large amount of information, and availabilty of processing capabilty Order ‘Overall and comprehensive How to make achievements in all order processing Reading seed ‘Achievements at Plans and each workplace Instructions at each ‘workplace Achievements at the upstream workplace Fundamental of activities = Clarifying all flows. commodities | Flow of products Flow of production | Flow of tools | Flow of | personnel > << Visualization oF all time axes. Provided by “Toyo Seiki ‘Making the flow clear means improving the flows of all work so as to see them quite clearly. Increased visibility through management by the unity of three phases — Maintenance of drop off_| process ortanetuming of weight] Poinistobe | | re improved Building of flow of thing with drop off [Design of flow of things with | management by the unity of 3 phases. ‘aamnaWo Bawa oP Ce LL ee _Conditions for RFID introduction Conditions for : "Power of Independent the introduction improvement by step-up from ofa ae increased visibility the beginning Accelerated improvement because the eelrated ovement, acceleration of profit improvement, and ‘continuation Provided by Toyo Seiki Creation of data on the manufact and layout to improve visibili “Total number of manufactured products —_— Cumulative flow graph 14000 ce 2000 f 10000 ‘000 05/03 05/13. 05/28.««08/02ww/I2_R/azOT/oz 1/2. This kind of problem becomes visible! Layout to improve visibility of flow of items via "first-in and first-out chart" O1SS50 09/08 1347 15050 05/00 fa47 O1Sa86 09/08 1948 Oreeso 05/00 1420 Or60s9 08/00 1624 16889 05/10 0831 Oists2 O2/t0 Hise ises2 08/10 thar Otsese 08/10 1147 iseet 05/10 1401 ieaee 05/11 OLat Oveeer Os/tt 1480 reeds 08/10 1401 Ore84s 05/11 O11 OveeKS 05/11 1935 16648 05/10 tate Oree46 08/11 1305 16886 05/12 0140 oiesas 05/11 ozs oivort G8/11 2011 tessa Gertz toa DION 08/11 ttag——S—OrTOreos/tt 2011 O17O11 08/2 1552 - o1yore 05/11 Hear veeas 08/11 2014 1660 05/12 1687 O17013 Os/tt thas 16660 05/12 1638 17012 08/45 0034: ovat 08/12 teze ovvazs 08/12 1780, 17220 09/48 1088 orrai2 baste ve29 OW2Nt 05/18 1930 Ort21t Os/t8 2040 orate os/t2 tose oizet2 08/18 1330 Ov78K2 08/18 0899 - Oir2i6 os/te 1ea9 Oi7215 08/18 0204 or7218os/16 1904 oi7225 Oa/te 1838 017216 05/18 ood Orr2i8 Os/t7 oor 18660 08/12 638 17405 05/18 ose C1705 08/17 1538 170s 08/15 1232 17890 05/17 ae orrsee Os/t7 2o28 17586 O9/16 1636 17887 08/17 09a O17587 09/18 0500, 017587 05/16 1880 17599 Oe/i@ ons On Os/18 Ta 017580 05/16 1888 17409 05/18 at8 017560 05/18 2380 17408 O8/t8 117 Sigotr G9/10 2208 many e099 tnt 017907 05/18 1553 017013 05/22 1329 The planned order is veo47 O8/19 822 oi7s07 08/22 1320 fnisaligned. This kind of problem becomes visible! Results of delivery time smi N2cays ntays | Nears Cason ‘esomby Coreenes | — ET — | RS] compliance eandard Provided by Toyo Seiki {Output per hour] joe [ Graph of change in the output of SV line ie reg is reduced, and. |__| the average output is improved. i ‘Source: Toyo Seiki tics of Japanese Manag Creare cei SeuaLareD) Charact 1) Sense of unity of production, sales and technology Hanutacture 2) Continued improvement (5-Gen principle) 3) Zero concept (management capability and thoroughness) 4) Visual management (field power) 5) Emphasis on quality (emphasis on customers) 6) Standardization Human resources development through the above Thank you very much for your attention. TPM Concept Applicable to Various Fields Implementing Specific TPM Activities Case Studies for Individual Improvement + Advances in TPM + What is TPM? * The characteristics of TPM + TPM concepts and their. implementation interview top and mi Objectives: je Managemen’ ® Ask management about the company’s current issues and what do they want to do regarding them. ® Ask management to provide, if possible, related materials, forms and reports, etc. to analyze. (Example: analyze changes in the number of equipment failures, defect occurrences, accidents, etc.; their causes, and any countermeasures taken.) 65 isit sites with top management an middle management Objectives: Check the flow of goods Check the movement of equipment Check the movement of people Check the flow of quality Check the status of inventory Check the flow of information |©@@o000 66 Step 3 ® Check the flow of goods + Check the flow of goods—broken down by process and machine—along with manufacturing processes, and create.a process flow chart Draw footprints on the floor in order to take photos of storage locations for machinery and intermediate products (WIP) Ask about work that involves the 3:D's (dirty, difficult, and dangerous) in the interview 87 @ Check the movement of equipment + Draw footprints on the floor to take video imagery so as to create a Gantt chart in the analysis of the movement of equipment + Ask whether anequipment management system is in place + Ask whether equipment, equipment management, and maintenance standards have been defined Ask about the status of obtaining national. certifications 68 @® Check the movement of people + Catry out a time study for each task in order to prepare a standard work combination table (times that equipment is in operation should also be filled in the table) Example: Standard Work Combination Table Workname Total time before Improvements = Work time ie oe: semen Movement improvements on @ ©0898 e Total time after improverments Time improved 69 Step 3 Example: Create a standard work chart Indicate safety precautions Indicate safety and quality checkpoints heck ‘qualty 10 safety 70 Step 3 @ Check the flow of quality + Check the engineering standards, process control standards, and standard operating procedure to see if following them can result in 100% quality products + Check process capability (Cpk) + Ask management to explain the situations regarding waste, failure, reworking and rejection in data terms + Ask them what measures they have been taking with regard to defective products + Ask them if a quality assurance system is in place n © Check inventory status + Ascertain the current status of raw materials, goods in process, product inventory, and parts inventory (in monetary terms) Classify the above into the following two groups + ‘Those items whose inventory should be reduced through the management of ordering points: raw materials, product warehouses, parts warehouses, etc. +. Those items whose inventory should be reduced by determining a location for their storage: products in process Improve by determining manager model machinery + ‘Top management and middle management themselves should engage in actual improvement acti (The target equipment here is referred to as “manager model machinery”) +. They should undertake to remove losses (waste, variance, oF strain), as doing so is one of the characteristic activities of TPM, together with field staff + The objective is for.all employees and management to enjoy the meaning of full participation * Since the manager model is a model for on-site work, improvements should be carried out in an accelerated manner, (The model must be a driving force for on- 73 ite staff) Step 5 Individual improvements by managers (top management and middle management) Implementation: Identify losses Create a loss tree Create a cost tree Create a loss cost matrix Extract the losses that have the greatest impact on costs Conduct Pareto chart analysis for each of these losses Set out issues for each cause, process, and machine = Determine the most important issue Create a master plan ® eo ee00e0 Step 5 ® Identify losses | ‘Ask managers to participate in free discussion and say what they have noticed Write down their remarks on post-it notes Group content into themes + Give 30 tags to each person and ask him/her to put them on |. problems points on the manager model machine (the tags are put mainly on 4M points (MAN, MACHINE, MATERIAL and METHOD) but may be put anywhere) —> Group these tags into themes 5 Create a loss tree aa peeeeane}| | J 76 exe ® Create a cost tree a eae ® Create a loss-cost matrix ewes] Eommy | Seb | aa] Omer] if I [oa rer maaan oo. i a Seay ae es Ewart le Sepenien bases [enna serine So) | nn er — me | ® Pareto analysis ‘©. From the loss-cost matrix, we were able to identify loss items that contribute most to cost reduction. In the next step, a Pareto analysis will be carried out for each of these items. ‘Analysis for A, © What caused “A”? > © In which process does “A” occur? © In which machine does “A” occur? + These analyses will determine the most important problem. Loss amount © Determine the most important issue ‘Ax: Improvement in setup losses MIC:A®© 6 timoslday frequency Time [Recurrence | Standaizaton ipeventoe ‘Fist improvement’ Target 30 min, por eetup improvement coment (7) {conten “Rosut_ 25 min. per setup _ Improvement content 2) ‘Second improvement, Target” 20min. por eitup Improvement conton (1) Resutt 1 min. per setup improvement contont 2) “Third improvement Seventh improvement Target ersclup Improvement content @) (Content) Resutt @ Create a master plan => broken down by process and machine Tmperantcsun | Faget mw. bee ee ee * Explain what was learned from the manager model machine to all other employees to create a company-wide activity Method 1: Share opinions carefully what was learned by following the procedure in Step 5 Explain the above to each PM circle ) Identify losses: There are two ways of doing this (the method that suits each circle should be used) Give 30 tags to each PM circle member and ask him/her to ® put them on what he/she thinks as an issue (this task to be ‘completed in one day) + AILPM circle members participate in a free discussion to ‘share opinions (the criticism of others Should be avoided) 82 * Continuation from previous slide: Method 2: Group opinions into themes +” Write down each opinion on a post-it note. Either the loss identification method of the discussion method can be used to obtain opinions. + Collect post-it notes with similar content and make themed groups, explaining each group themes using only sentence whenever possible (the Sentences should be specific and easy to understand). Referred to as the KJ method To be expressed using one sentence 33, * Continuation from previous slide: Method 3: Determine important issues + Determine the importance of each theme. (determine whether the theme is one where there is danger, or affects only one machine, or would involve great damage to the company should there be a failure, and rank them in the order of importance) - + .For'each theme derived from the above activities, create a loss tree, cost tree, and:loss-cost matrix prepared using the above mentioned “management/technical staff model machinery,” and implement improvements as important issues.

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