Genre Analysis

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RUNNING HEAD: Hayat Boumeddiene

Hayat Boumeddiene
Troy L. Payne
University of Texas at El Paso
Engl 1312

Hayat Boumeddiene


France went into turmoil right after the terrorists attacks made on Charile Hebdo and
other local markets during January. In recent news, one of the terrorists wifes Hayat
Boumeddiene has claimed to have become a part of ISIS according to a pro-ISIS magazine. On
Wednesday February 11, 2015, CNN uploaded a video named, ISIS magazine claims interview
with Paris attack suspect, giving a short interview about the topic of this woman joining ISIS. An
Iowan local new stations had also publishd an article titled, ISIS magazine claims Hayat
Boumeddiene link, writtern by Paul Cruickshank of CNN. These two different genres of media
covered the same topic. From the titles of the video and article one can conclude Boumeddiene is
now an ISIS terrorist and her part of the Paris attacks are still unknown.
Audience and Purpose:
With both genres of media the audience is the general public. Anyone who wants to brush
up on these attacks are given facts and information on the subject at hand. The audience ties in
with the purpose because people want to know the latest news on terrorism that happening in the
world, especially when it comes to ISIS due to their extrimist values. The two genres are not
trying to persuade the audience to their side but, both genres give information and have very
little opinions in each piece. These genres dont inteded to pursuade for the audience to fall one
either side of the fence. They are trying to encourgage general awareness about ISIS and how
they are growing. The audience has much knowledge of ISIS but not a lot about its members and
their involvment in other attacks. Eventhough, Boumeddiene may have had nothing to do with
the Paris attacks, she was closly involed with one of the terrorists and may have helped him plan
the attacks. The audience will take very little time to read or watch the two different source and
the language in the article is very intelectual but easy to follow, where as the video is informal to

Hayat Boumeddiene

an extent that the people give their oppinions and speak in a way anyone could understand. The
only simialarites between the video and the article is that they disscuss the same topic, how
Boumeddien has joined ISIS and may have played a role in the Paris attacks. The diffrences are
that the video, though short had much information and showed expressions of the people talking
about the topic and the article is just basic information.
Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, Logos:
The uses of rhetorical issues are very present in both the video and the article. Within the
video the news reporter was interveiwing with two experts on the paris attacks so, its credibity
seems legit to the point the people knew what they were talking about and how to answer it the
questions. As for the article it was the same, it was written by a reporpter that works for CNN
which is a liable source. In both genres, they were effective to put their point across because the
audience can read or watch them and know they are getting a factual report. With both reports
ethos comes in two different ways, in the video ethos comes in expressions made by the
newscaster and the people being interveiwed. The reporter asked a simple question of what both
interveiwees thought of the Boumeddiene joining ISIS and her connection with the Paris Attacks.
One of them just made a annoyed purched lip face in reffrence to how dumb it seems to publisize
this in a pro-ISIS magazine. The other man just laughed about it and stated his opinon on how
obvious this conclusion is. This allows the audience become a part of the conversation showing
emotions you really wouldnt get to see in an article. In the article the use ethos is used in
making the audience feel for the victims in the attacks. The article touched basis about
Boumeddiene and how her and her partner may have been planing the attack at the kosher
market for a while. This makes the audicence see these people in a negative way with their
actions. This helped the article protray the facts even more and drew the reader in. The video

Hayat Boumeddiene

didnt use much evidence to support there staements and the audiecne can only conclude that
these two people are some kind of expert in the aattacks or terorism in genergal. So, that didnt
help in the videos case, but the article had tons of evidence supporting its claims. They show
video survalence of the woman and man at the market months before the attacks, which you can
conclude that they were planing this for a while. This shows that the article is credible in their
claims and the audience can see proof. There are really no similarities but the diffrences wihtin
the sources has to do with the limitations of the genres themselves.
Structure and Delivery:
The structure of both pieces varies dramatically. The video has many limitations from
how long the interveiw can be to the things they are allowed to even say on tv. But they have a
boost with presentation. Peoples eyes are attracked to odd numbers so, the three people on the
screen boosted them up along with the graphics the news station uses. This helps the audience
stay focused. As for the article, there werent many limitations due to the fact that an article can
go as long as need, in a reasonable veiw, and the things they can say are more free. The place
where the article failed is the laout, nothing new and creative was presented so, the audience is
simply rading an article. And the visuals of the actual website were very neutral which can make
an audience turned off.
The article is more effective at convaying the actual message and tropic at hand. They use
evidence to support their claims and this boosts the article up past the video. The video was
informative but, not as much as the article, which is due to the genres being so different. Genres
can make or break a topic but the way its published any genre could be informative, yet
appealling to any audience to get the message across. And in this case the article was more

Hayat Boumeddiene
effective than the video due to the reasons stated above. The article wasnt appealing to the eye,
but credible and informative which makes it the better genre to use for this topic.

Hayat Boumeddiene


Cruickshank, P., (Feburary 12, 2015). ISIS magazine claims Hayat Boumeddiene link. CNN,
Retrieved from
ISIS magazine claims interview with Paris attack suspect, (February 11, 2015). [CNN Tonight].
Atlanta, Georgia: CNN Headquarters.

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