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BYOD Management

Jennifer Deen
1. Have students bring a device in that will
download apps
a.Also provide a few extras for students who
do not have, or forget
2. Have students research educational apps that
they enjoy, and have them bring their ideas
along with their device
3.Pick three different educational apps to use
during the dayhave students download these
apps onto their devices
4.Throughout the day, set aside a 20 minute
period for three different times, and have
students open up the app that was required at
that allotted time.
5.I would monitor the students by keeping a
close eye on their screens, and also, by having
the students pick the app, it should keep them
more engaged.
6. If students were to disobey the instructions
given to them for the usage of their device,
then the consequences would be to have their
device taken away from them, and to have
their parents notified.

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