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Instructional Technology (All)


Digitally signed by
Anne Merritt
DN: cn=Anne Merritt,
o=Class Measures,
email=annemer@gm, c=US
Date: 2015.04.27
16:05:28 -04'00'

Standard (b)2c
Demonstrates adequate knowledge of and approach to the academic content of lessons.

Evidence Not

License-Specific Evaluation Questions

Does the candidate demonstrate an understanding of
the ethics and knowledge of the policies of technology
use in the classroom? (A)
Is the candidate monitoring students' safe use of
technology in the classroom? (A)
Does the candidate provide clear instruction in the basic
technology skills? (E, M)
Can the candidate help students solve basic technology
problems such as attaching peripherals correctly? (A)
Does the candidate help students figure out how to use a
computer to do research, solve academic problems,
communicate responsibly with other people at a level
commensurate with students' development? (A)
Does the candidate him or herself model appropriate
behavior and proficiency in the use of technology? (A)
Does the candidate encourage collaboration in the use of
technology when appropriate? (A)
Does the candidate encourage and support students'
appropriate use of technology in all subject areas, not
just in the lab? (A)

E = Elementary; M= Middle, H= High School, A= All

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