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Life of Christ

Reflection Paper
Reflecting on this class how much effort have I invested into learning the
material of this class? I think if Im being honest I could have given more
effort however I did give effort just not 100% effort. What have I learned that
I didnt know before? Be specific. One big thing that comes to mind is the
debate of the impeccability Vs. peccability of Christ. What did I have to
unlearn in the process of this class? I actually cannot think of anything I have
had to unlearn. What are the key benefits I have received from this class
intellectually and spiritually? Spiritually I have gained a better knowledge of
Christ being our model to follow and seek to forward the kingdom of God in
all areas of life. Intellectually the benefits I have gained from this is all the
historical and cultural context of scripture. What changes have I made in my
life because of this class? God has been speaking to me this semester
through this class, but not exclusively on my ultimate purpose in life, which
is to bring Him glory in every moment. How has this course contributed to
my ongoing development into an educated Christian? I have learned more
about the small significant meanings in the events of Jesus life that often we
tend over look. I think it is easy after learning one thing so many times, for
us to let the knowledge roll over, but I have learned that as Christian it is
important to give effort to learn all areas of life. Appreciate the pattern of
living Christ set for us and be motivated to follow it.
Four value objectives are listed in the syllabus for this class: Realize
that the same Holy Spirit that empowered Christ and made His life victorious
lives within all believers. Come to believe that it is possible for us to walk as
He walked (1 John 2:6) and follow His steps (1 Peter 2:21-24) through the
empowering of the Holy Spirit. Be motivated by the rewards God promises to
live for Gods glory as Jesus did. I feel very confident that teacher has helped
me to fulfill these objectives. I think the first three I already had learned
before taking this class but it was good to refresh on them. I had also been
taught the last one but I learned it with a new a different understanding. The
motivation I have now is not because of my on desire for reward but to bring
glory and honor to my King.
syllabus there were four skills objectives. The syllabus stated that at
the end of this course: Be able to locate in the Bible the key events in the life
of Christ. Be able to apply the principles Christ taught to every-day problems
to determine proper Christlike action. Be able to articulate how to seek first
the Kingdom of God in all areas of life. Be able to teach others to observe all
things that [Jesus] taught us (Matt. 28:19-20). I think all four of these were
met, however I would like to have been able to have done better with the

one on locating in the bible key events in Christ life. I really feel that the last
two were partly what God has been teaching me these past few months
through this class and in other areas of my life.

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