Portfolioprinciples of The Christian Life II

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Principles of the Christian Life II

Weeks Seven and Eight Study Questions

Grade: 100%
What are the two types of issues Paul deals with in 1 Corinthians?
Issues at the Corinth church hes heard about (vs.1-6) And the questions the
Corinthians have asked (vs. 7-16)

How can you identify when Paul is dealing with a question that the
Corinthians asked?
He uses the phrase now concerning (= peri, de. in Greek)

Give the references for the places where Paul starts a new question.
1 Cor. 7:1, 25; 8:1; 12:1; 16:1, 12

What are the two topics that Paul deals with in 1 Cor. 11?
how the visible symbolism of the authority structure for the church affects
worship (22:2-16); abuses of the Lords supper (11:17-34)

Be able to write the outline for 1 Cor. 11:2-16 (Roman numerals only)
I. Pauls Praise for their Obedience (v. 2)

II. The Principle of Headship (v. 3)

III. The Practice that violates the Principle (vv. 4-6)

IV. The Reasons such practices violate the principle (v. 7-12)

V. An Appeal to Reason and Nature (vv. 13-15)

VI. An Appeal to the Practice of the Universal Church (v. 16)

Why do we start this section at 11:2 instead of 11:1?

11:1 is the conclusion of chapter 10.

What does Paul praise the Corinthians for in v. 2?

For remembering Paul in all things and doing the things he taught.

The word ordinances is translated traditions in the NASB. To what does this
word refer? What Scriptural support can you provide for your answer?
Pauls teachings where inspired and authoritative (2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6; Gal.
1:11-12; Col. 2:8)

What universal principle does v. 3 establish?

The headship principle God>man>women

What does the word head mean in v. 3?

The one in leadership

English Standard Version translates v. 3, But I want you to understand that

the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the
head of Christ is God. Is this passage referring to husbands and wives?
Explain your answer.
No, Paul in the context of 1 Cor. 11:2-16 Pauls argument is on the basis of
creation and nature, so a husband & wife translation cannot be consistently
applied throughout the passage.

To what does the word head refer in v. 4? in v. 5?

In both verses, the 1st occurrence = physical head; 2nd occurrence =

spiritual head; 3rd occurrence in v. 5 = physical head.

What does the word prophesy mean in this passage?

Edification, exportation and comfort

What is a literal translation of the phrase in v. 4 having his head covered?

Down head having

What is the word translated uncovered in v. 5?


For a woman to pray or prophesy with her head uncovered is the same as
what two shameful conditions?
Shaved (completely gone) shorn (cut very short)

What does the word shaven mean (6)?

Hair totally cut off

What does the word in v. 7 translated shorn or cut off mean?

Hair cut short

What are the two possible interpretations of the phrase in v. 6 let her also
be shorn (KJV) or let her also have her hair cut off?
(1) let her remain in the condition of being shorn

(2) ironic statement, she might as well go ahead a cut it short

What interpretation does your professor prefer?

(2) ironic statement, she might as well go ahead a cut it short

What reason does v. 7 give regarding why a man should not cover his head?
Because he is the image and glory of God

Give the three key references that establish that men where created in Gods
image and retain that image after the Fall.
Created in in His image: Gen. 1:27; Retain image after the Fall: Gen. 9:6; Jam.
3:9 (1 Cor. 11:7)

Give the key references where God requires both the High Priest and regular
priests to wear a head covering in their role as OT worship leader.
Exod. 28:40, Exod. 28:4; 29:9; 39:27, 29, 41; Lev. 8:13

What conclusion can be drawn about the nature of the covering that should
not cover a mans head in worship?
That God would not have required men to worship in a way that shames Him;
therefore, Paul is not referring to a material head-covering.

Does v. 7 teach that woman is not in the image of God? Support your answer
from Scripture.
No. Gen. 1:27 says both male and female were made in Gods image.

How does 11:7 relate the visible symbolism of the authority structure for the
church to the primary principle of the Christian lifeloving God?
Since man is the glory of God, man is supposed to bring glory to Him. Love
for God produces a concern for His glory, and therefore motivates us to
honor God by reflecting the headship structure He has established

Within the structure of Pauls argument in 1 Cor. 11:2-16, how do vv. 8-12
relate to vv 3-7?

vv. 8-12 Explain the reasons for the headship structure and clarify the
interdependence of men and women. So these verses are the support for the
specific application given in vv. 3 7

What two key reasons for mans headship over woman are given in vv. 8-10?
(1) women was taken from man, not vice versa, and (2) woman was made for
man, not vice versa

What does the word power in v. 10 normally refer to in the NT?


What do the angels have to do with this issue? Explain your answer.
Were not sure. Eph. 3:10 suggests that God is displaying the many-sided
perfection of His wisdom through the church to angels. Therefore, to fail to
glorify God in this matter is to essentially spoil His object lesson.

What two balancing principles does Paul teach in vv. 11-12?

That men and women are equal partners in the body of Christ (v. 11). That
men and women are mutually dependent in procreation, though all things
come from God (v. 12)

What does the phrase all things of God in v. 12 mean?

God is the ultimate source of all things, including especially human life

What is Paul doing when he says, Judge in yourselves (v. 13)?

He is appealing to their reason. He assumes that the Corinthians have an

internal sense of propriety that will corroborate his assertion that it is
improper for when to pray with their heads uncovered.

What are the aspects of nature that are most commonly regarded as
teaching that long hair dishonors a man? (v. 14)
(1) some suggest the average length of mens hair is shorter than womens;
(2) some argue that nature refers to an innate sense of what is masculine
and feminine (John seems to appeal to this in Rev. 9:8 in his phrase hair like
the hair of women

What is the significance of this dishonoring?

By dishonoring himself, one bearing the image of God, man dishonors the
one whose image he bears, God.

What is the Greek word that is translated have long hair in v. 14? What
does the word mean?
Komao to wear/have long hair usually with the implication that it is long
because uncut.

Is this word used elsewhere in the passage? If so, where?

Verse 15

What is the word hair in v. 15 in the phrase her hair is given her? What
are the possible usages of this word?
The word for hair is kme. May be used to refer to long uncut hair (Num.
6:5; Ezek. 44:20), may refer to long hair without regard to condition, may
refer to hair without regard to condition or length.

What does kome mean in this passage? Explain your answer.

Uncut hair. Because Paul shows up two extreme examples of cutting the hair,
we infer that the women had been uncovering their heads by cutting their
hair. Thus Paul is referring to uncut hair.

What is the significance of a womans long hair being a glory to her?

when a woman brings glory to herself, she also brings glory to her
authoritative head, the man. In this God is glorified as both men and women
visibly demonstrate their submission to their authoritative heads

What is the word for covering used here and what does it mean?
The word covering used in verse 15, is peribolaion and it refers to a
material veil or covering.

What are the possible meanings of the word for in the phrase her hair is
given to her for a covering?
in place of or instead of or as a replacement for

In addition to the meaning of the word prophesy, how does v. 16 support the
conclusion that Paul is speaking of praying & prophesying within the context
of corporate worship.
Paul specifically relates this issue to the practice of other churches,
indicating that the local church is the context of his discussion.

Explain how v. 16 relates to the view that Paul was dealing with a local
Corinthian custom; therefore, this passage has no bearing on modern
Considering the fact that Paul was the founder of most of the churches in the
metropolitan Gentile world, his statement that none of the other churches of
God do differently is


What are the four key texts in Scripture that address homosexual behavior?
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, 1 Cor. 6:9-10, 1 Tim 1:9-10

Which text(s) identify homosexual behavior as an abomination?

Lev. 18:22; 20:13

Which text(s) prescribe the death penalty for homosexual behavior?

Lev. 20:13

If homosexual desire and/or attraction has a genetic basis, how should that
affect our view of homosexual behavior? Explain your answer biblically.
Has no effect on our view of homosexual behavior. All behavior is chosen.
The Bible does not condemn same sex attraction or desire. It does condemn
homosexual behavior.

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