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Classroom Walkthrough

Name: Karin Knapik

Evaluator: Rosemary Vickery

School: J. F. Kennedy Middle School

Date: Jan 7, 2015 1:19 PM EST

Elapsed: 0:00 sec
Shared: YES

Lesson/ Activity Objective

What is the "easily discernable" topic, skill, or concept that is the learning goal of the lesson or activity?
Students will create pictographs related to their study of immigration.
Ms. Knapik & Ms. Lemon provided the class with all the information students needed to successfully create a pictograph based
on the immigration fact they were assigned. On Ms. Knapik's website
( there was a
clear outline of steps each student pair was to follow & Ms. Lemon had created a document
( listing a
variety of facts & statistics, each one assigned to a student pair.
Students were expected to depict their 'fact' on a pictograph using icons & other tools. The pictographs would then be
assembled into a wall display in the school.

Student Engagement Level

Engagement defined as: "students attending to the instructional activities occurring in class."
[ ]
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[ ]
[ ]

Most (90%-99%)
Some (75%-89%)
Less than 75%

Comments on Student Engagement Level

Strategies Used to Ensure Engagement

What is the teacher doing to ensure that all students are engaged in meaningful learning activities?
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[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

Noticing and Reacting when Students are not Engaged II-A-2

Equitable Distribution of Questions and Responses / Wait Time II-A-2
Proactive Student Grouping I-A-2
Managing Response Rates II-D-3, II-A-3
Offers Help II-A-1, II-A-2, II-A-3, II-D-2, II-D-3
Using Physical Movement II-A-2, II-D-3
Effectively Addressing Problem Behaviors II-C-2, IV-E-1
Use of Humor II-A-2
Appropriate Pacing I-A-4, II-D-3
Setting Classroom Expectations II-C-1, II-C-2, II-D-1, IV-E-1
Building/ Reinforcing Student-Adult Relationships II-A-2, II-B-1
Using Praise/ Recognition II-B-1
Withitness/ Proximity Awareness I-A-2, II-B-1, II-C-2, IV-E-1
Lesson Planned and Structured to Support Student Learning I-A-4, II-D-3

Comments on Engagement Strategies

Instructional Practices Used to Help Students Interact with Content

Classroom Walkthrough - Wed Apr 29 12:07:12 EDT 2015

Lesson Initiation

Communicates What Students Will Know or Be Able to Do I-A-4, II-A-1

Gives Itinerary I-A-4
Objectives Posted I-A-4
Activates Current Knowledge I-A-4
Makes Connections (Past, Present, Future) I-A-4, II-A-2

[ ] Anticipates Confusion and Misconceptions I-A-1, I-A-2
[ ] Unscrambles Confusion I-A-1, II-D-2
[X] Uses Explanatory Devices II-D-2
[X] Explicitness (links activities to learning objectives) I-A-4
[ ] Identifies Similarities and Differences I-A-1
[ ] Provides Homework and Review I-A-4, I-B-1
[X] Uses Visual Cues / Manipulatives I-A-4, II-A-3
[X] Uses Cooperative Learning I-A-4, II-B-2
[ ] Requests Hypothesis / Predictions
[X] Integrates Technology I-A-4
[X] Identifies Critical Information I-A-1
[ ] Uses Academic Games I-A-4, II-A-2
[ ] Requires Academic Writing I-B-1, IV-E-1
[ ] Uses Higher Order Thinking and Questioning II-B-1
[ ] Uses Questions, Prompts, and Cues to Scaffold Learning II-A-3, II-D-3
[ ] Uses Inquiry, Role Playing, and Experimental Learning Activities I-A-4, II-A-2
[ ] Uses Graphic Organizers II-D-3
[ ] Differentiates Instruction I-A-2, II-A-3, II-D-3
[X] Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the subject matter I-A-1
[ ] Consistently defines high expectations for the quality of student work and the perseverance and effort required to produce it
II-A-1, II-D-1, II-D-2
[X] Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment II-B-1
[ ] Anticipates and responds appropriately to conflicts II-C-2
[ ] Uses instructional reading strategies such as reading aloud/interactive reading to promote student understanding I-A-4, II-A-2
[ ] Effectively conducts lab work

Lesson Closure I-A-4

[ ] Summarizes Lesson
[ ] Previews

Frequency of "Checks for Understanding" (formative assessment) I-B-1

[ ] No Checks for Understanding Observed
[ ] 1-2 Checks for Understanding Observed
[X] Multiple Checks for Understanding Observed

Comments on the use of Instructional Practices

Your verbal instructions to the students were very clear & defined. It's evident that you are trying to limit the amount of 'teacher
talk' as recommended in your observation. Having the children access your website for the directions to refer to is a good way
to ensure they have references to guide them & know where to find them outside of the class period.

Classroom Walkthrough - Wed Apr 29 12:07:12 EDT 2015

Teacher Instructional Mode

What is the teacher doing to deliver instruction?
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Whole Class Direct Instruction

Small Group Direct Instruction
Individual Instruction
Facilitating/ Providing Feedback
Leading Discussion
Test/ Quiz
At Desk/ Computer
Attending to Misc. Needs
Monitoring Student Transtions
Not in Room

Student Instructional Mode

How are students engaging in instruction?
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[ ]

In a small group
As a whole class
In partners

Evidence of District / School Goals

[ ] Evidence of Student Writing
[ ] Evidence of Common Assessments
[ ] Evidence of Technology Goals (web page, iPass, Emails, Student Management System)

General Comments for the Teacher

This project is a great example of integrating technology with content. It was clear that collaborative planning between both
teachers took place prior to the launch of this lesson, a very thorough job.
The pictograph project is very engaging. The students benefit from having two teachers available to help them begin their
pictograph. Your demonstration of all the tools within the program was helpful to them so they understood that a pictograph was
a depiction of their fact using the tools in the program, they would not be using Word processing to show their understanding of
immigration, put pictures instead. Nice way to showcase what they've learned in L&L Immigration unit.

Evaluator Signature

Rosemary Vickery (signed by Rosemary Vickery on 2015-01-09 18:29)

Teacher Reflection
Please enter your comments on the evaluation.

Teacher Signature (indicates receipt)

Karin Knapik (signed by Karin Knapik on 2015-04-09 20:45)

Classroom Walkthrough - Wed Apr 29 12:07:12 EDT 2015

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