Adaptation B Crit Presentation

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Rachmans fear acquisition theory

From reading Rachmans theory it became evident that repetition was a key part in
both acquiring and overcoming fear. This immediately gave me two possible meaning
for my game. 1) Traveling through a world to overcome a fear, 2) traveling through a
world running away from a fear.
With this in mind I started to look at how the game would work, what style would it
take and how spiders would be used within my designs.
Key words:
Association between pain and fear,
Fear evoking stimuli,
Fear provoking qualities,


Its a game,
What is the aim of the game?
How do you die?
How do you win?
How would it be played?

Depth of field:
The idea behind using depth of field was to bring the
action from the background to the foreground.
Looking at Rachmans theory, one of the characteristics
of acquiring fear is patterns, by using the layers in my
game and the depth of field switch this would break
the rhythm of the game, heightening the fear.

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