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Civil War Project Rubric


Grammar usage and

mechanics (spelling,
punctuation, and
capitalization) (x2)

You have more than

12 errors

There are 7-12 errors

There are 1-6 errors

There are 0 errors

Planning (x2)

There is no evidence
of planning

Planning shows
chosen topics, but
they are not clearly

Planning is clearly set

up, main ideas are
clear, topics are in
order, and project is

Paragraph (x2)

There is at least one

sentence written with
no clear thesis

There is a thesis
statement with at least
two reasons

There is a thesis
statement with at least
3 reasons that are

Topic Paragraphs

Each paragraph has a

topic. 2 topics are
written in separate

Each paragraph has a

topic and 2 sentences
to support the topic. 4
topics are written in
separate paragraphs.

Each paragraph has a

clear topic, the topic is
explained with at least
3 sentences, and the
idea is expressed and
explained clearly. 6
topics are covered
about the subject.

Conclusion (x2)

There is a sentence

The thesis statement

and 2 other sentences
are written

The thesis statement

and 3 reason are
restated. Paragraph
ends with a question
or opinion

Planning is clearly set

up, main ideas are
clear, topics are in
order, project is
chosen, and all
information is laid out
on a separate sheet of
paper with an outline to
support learning.
There is a clear thesis
statement with at least
3 reasons that are facts
with at least one
reference from a
Each paragraph has a
clear topic, each topic
is clearly expressed
with more than 3
sentences, each topic
is explained completely
and clearly, there are
more than 6 topics
Thesis statement and
all reasons are
restated. Paragraph
ends with an opinion or
question which makes
the purpose of the
entire paper clear and
wraps up the

Paper Organization

The organization was

not clear

Each paragraph is
separated, each
paragraph has a topic
sentence, and each
paragraph has a
sentence that relates
to the topic.

The paper has 8

paragraphs of at least
4 sentences each, the
introduction, each
topic paragraph, and
conclusion are clearly
separated, each
sentence in a
paragraph relates back
to the topic sentence.

The paper has more

than 8 paragraphs with
clear topics, separation
of paragraphs, each
sentence clearly relates
to the paragraphs topic
sentence, at least 2
quotations are used to
support a paragraphs


3D Project

The project is
assembled neatly, in a
3-dimensional way. All
parts are securely
attached. Every part of
the project is colored or
covered neatly to add
to the effect of the
The project is
assembled to represent
the topic clearly. All
parts show clear
historical accuracy to
the topic for the
observer. Additional
pieces are added for
effectiveness of setting
and people involved.
The project is
assembled so that all
pieces are secure,
materials are sturdy,
pieces are neatly
attached, and
attachments are
attached securely
enough to not move if
project is bumped.

Construction (x2)

The project is put


The project is
assembled in a 3dimensional way. It is
put together so that
parts do not fall off of it

The project is
assembled neatly, in a
3-dimensional way. All
parts are securely

Accuracy (x5)

The project looks like it

could be related to the

The project is
assembled to
represent the topic. 3
parts are easily shown
to be historically

The project is
assembled to
represent the topic. All
parts show accuracy
of history clearly to an


The project is

The project is
assembled so that all
pieces are secure and
materials are sturdy.

The project is
assembled so that all
pieces are secure,
materials are sturdy,
and pieces are neatly

Size (x1)

The project is 15 cm or
smaller in length or

The project is between

15.1 and 29.9 cm in
length or width

The project is 30 cm or
more in length and

The project is more

than 30 cm in length
and width, but length
and width are
appropriate to present
topic without any
cramming of objects to

Total Score

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