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The Handoff

When she leaves, it hits, the motherly instinct. I

wanna run and take him back, why is no one as angry
as me? My mom, she sits, then starts bawling. All I
can do is cry too. Thinking about how Ill never get to
know him or him me. To fight with him, to boss him
around. He will never know us like we know him. He
will never see the other side of us, The side that only
siblings can see. Ive never seen my mom so broken
and depressed, nor do I blame her for being so, she is
strong and weak.

Innocent Heartbreak
The April night was trembling
Slow slow fresh fount keep time with my tears
A thought lay like a flower in mine heart
Who will keep our days full turning when you
To say Im without sadness, it wouldnt be true
You with your innocent heart, mind, and soul so
new to the world
Off to your new home without knowing your
old one first

A Mothers Love
A mothers love for her offspring is a natural
instinct that all females are born with. Sure there
can be an argument that this is not always true.
But there is a certain mind set in all forms of
female life to care, nurture, and love. The need to
provide and to protect is also included. A gift of a
gentle touch and understanding. Mothers are in
many ways the most important beings in this life.

The Big News

We have some news.
Me Now
What are you doing?
Me then
Oh whats the BIG news?
We have been thinking and praying very hard and we think that we are going
to let Uncle David and Auntie Nelly take care of this baby
Me now
What were you thinking?
Me then
What do you mean?
The baby thats in mommys stomach is going to be loved and cared for by
uncle David and Auntie Nelly
Me Now
Yeah right
Me then
But hes our baby?
Uncle David
Dont worry Lina he will always be your brother we are just going to take care
of him for a while

Me now
A while, aha
Me then
O okay


Good Mother
A good mother is a mother (either blood or not)
that will be there for her kids no matter what . Who
is there to provide not only financial support but
emotional support. Who goes for days without
doing their hair. A good mother isn't defined by
what everyone sees, a good mother is defined by
how her child is raised and grows up

Bad Mother
A "bad" mother is a mother who is so selfish
that she doesnt let her child learn lessons for
his/or self. She is always hovering. Saying who and
what is good, and what is not. Codling to the point
of no interaction, therefore not teaching their child
the most important lessons of life and survival.

When He Leaves
When he leaves. We are silent
When he leaves. We are separate
When he leaves. We are cold
When he leaves. We are sad
When he leaves. We are broken
When he leaves. We angry
When he leaves. We are yelling
When he leaves. We are bitter
When he leaves. We are fighting
When he leaves. We are winning
When he leaves. We are losing
When he leaves. We regret
When he leaves. We wish we hadnt

Let him leave

Dear Hinkley,
Hey there little bro! I know your confused right now
but I want you to know that you were always loved by us
you first family. You were raised in different ways in a
different house with different people but there was
always something missing here, and that something was
you! Im happy you know the truth and hope you will
accept this and love us the same and them the same.
Well Talk to me whenevers and be a good boy dont let
this change you

To my dearest son,
Hello there Hinckley.. I cannot imagine
what is going to be going through your head right
now but I just want you to know that I love you! I
didnt give you away. I let someone I cared about
have the chance to be as happy as me, Being a

mom is the best feeling in this world. It was not

because there wasnt enough love for you. I let
your dad take care of you because of how much
love I have for him hes my little bro and he
deserved to have someone special and I knew that
was you. Hinkely, you are and will forever be loved
just the same to me as you siblings. I hope we get
to talk soon
Aunty Taina
Your Birth mom

Dear reader,
My project is about my familys coping with letting
my little brother go . I come from a family of 8 children
though I was raised with just 7 of them. How this plays
out is my mom is one of the most loving ,caring people
ever and she decide on her seventh child that she was
going to share this great happiness of a child with her
brother who had been married for over four years and
him and his wife could not have a child because of certain
medical problems. My mom and dad together decide to
let my uncle and auntie raise this baby because they
knew they would be great parents. These genres pieces

explain how everyone in my family was feeling. And how

we were unprepared for the emotional state we would be
in after he was really gone. Note we are all still a family
and love each other very much. We just went through a
stage of shock after the event actually occurred. Hope
you enjoy
Katalina Pututau

End Notes:
The hand off- This piece is suppose to give you a feel
of the very moment that he was literally handed off to my
Innocent Heartbreak- This poem is how I feel when I
knew he was gone. I just thought of everything he would
miss out on.
Good Cop Bad Cop- I included this piece because at a
time I believed that my mother gave him away. And that
his new mother was keeping him from us.
A Mothers Love- I know that my mom is very strong
because she did one of the hardest things imaginable.
Her love for others is such a great example to me and I
wanted to include something that demonstrate her
greatness as a mother, sister and overall a person.

The Big News- I wanted this piece to show how I was

feeling then and now. I feel that we as a family could of
made this process better for everyone but this memory
will forever be engrave to my memory.
The Name Game- There was a bit of controversy over
the name of the unborn child. This is how Im
representing how they got to choose the name and how I
felt unimportant.
Let Him Leave- This poem is just a brief summary of
what happened to us as a family after we let him leave.
The roller coaster of emotions we felt.
The Definitions- In the beginning I thought that my
auntie was being a bad mother because she didnt let us
do certain things with the baby. I understand now that
she was just so excited to be a mother that she wanted
her baby to be in a safe haven at all times,
The letter from and my Mom- I included these letters
because I know that one day he will know the truth and I
want him to know that we loved him then and we still
loveehim now.

By: Katalina Pututau

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