Psychology Test 5 Review: Part 1: The Developing Person (CH 4 Pp. 117-149 and Notes)

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Psychology Test 5 Review


Prenatal Development: Define zygote, embryo, fetus, placenta, teratogen.
The zygote
Motor Development: Does the sequence or timing of motor milestones vary across children or
Emotional Development:
o How do Harlows and the behaviorist explanations for attachment differ? What was the
question examined
in the Harlow monkey study? What do his results tell us about contact comfort? What happened
to Harlows
monkeys when they were adults?
o According to Bowlby, what is attachment? What is imprinting? What is a critical period? Do
imprint? How does attachment develop? Be sure to understand the characteristics of each
stage and the
ages associated with each. What are stranger and separation anxiety and when do they
appear? What does it
mean to say that all babies form an attachment, but not all attachments are the same? What is
the Strange
Situation? What are the defining characteristics of secure, anxious-avoidant, and anxiousresistant
attachment styles? What is secure base behavior? What are working models?
o What is temperament? Basic trust?
o Child-rearing Practices: What is responsive parenting? Understand the characteristics of
permissive, and authoritative parenting.
Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development: What does Piaget propose about childrens thinking
and the
development of their knowledge?
o What are schemas? How do children construct new ideas? Distinguish assimilation and
accommodation and
identify each in novel examples.
o Understand each of the four stages of cognitive development in terms of its associated ages,
special qualities
(e.g., object permanence, egocentrism, conservation), and limitations relative to the next stage.
o What is theory of mind?
Self and Identity Development:
o What are the two behavioral indicators for the toddlers emerging sense of self? What is the
rouge test?
Around what age do toddlers indicate self-recognition in the rouge test?

o What is self-concept? What are the characteristics of categorical, comparative, and

interpersonal selfconcepts
and the approximate ages associated with each?
o What is identity? How does Marcia characterize Achievement, Foreclosure, Moratorium, and
Diffusion? Be
able to give examples of each status. What is the pathway to a healthy identity?
Moral Development:
o Understand Kohlberg's levels of moral development: Preconventional, Conventional, and
What are moral understandings based on at each level?

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