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Physical Education Syllabus

Hi there Parent(s)/ Guardians My name is Mr. Spagnolo and am your son(s)

Physical Education teacher for the rest of the school year. I received my bachelors degree
in Physical Education from Arizona State University, which is one of the most highly
recognized schools for their Mary Lou Teachers College. ASU has given me all of the
information I need in my time there and it has been my pleasure to relay that information
to my students.
I have been teaching for a total of five years now and not a day goes by that I
dont love what I do. I believe Physical Education is an integral part of the total
educational program of each student in our district. Junior high is such an important time
in these kids lives as it will be the foundation to how they will grow up.
I believe Physical Education is an integral part of the total educational program of
each student in each school district. The purpose of Physical Education is to
provide an opportunity for students to participate in a variety of physical activities
that develop the physical and mental skills needed to be successful in physical
All students learn differently, what I will do in this class is have modifications
set in place for all of my students that either need a little more help or a
something to make it a little bit more difficult.
o Get to know each and every student over the semester and really get to see
how they learn and how to make changes.
Listed below I have a list of my rules for my classroom. Every day calls for
different rules and safety measures. My rules are simply in place to make sure that you
son(s) are safe under my supervision at all times.
1. Respect Teacher, other students, equipment
2. Be on time
3. Dress out, voices off, stand on numbers
4. No food, drinks or gum in locker room (water only)
5. Absolutely NO fighting
Discipline Plan:
Discipline will be handled depending on the situation. Some situations in class
require different forms of discipline so other actions may be taken.
Rule Breaking:

1. Students get a verbal warning

2. Student will get a 2nd verbal warning, along with a conversation about his attitude.
3. If a 3rd offense arises, student will sit down for the remainder of class and looses
all of his points for the day without possibility of making up lost points.
4. Office referral
5. If problems keep occurring, student will be removed from class.
Late to class:
Student will be marked tardy. Two tardies for a grading period will result of a
ninth hour.
Fighting in the locker room will result in an immediate office referral.
Dress Code:
The dress code is as follows. All students are to wear plain black shorts (either
school issued, or store bought). Also students are required to wear a white school physical
education shirt or a plain white T-Shirt with their first and last name written on it. Finally
all students are to wear athletic shoes to class. If a student is in flat soled shoes or flip
flops after the first few weeks of school it will result in a No Dress for the day which is
a loss of points. If there is a financial problem at home I suggest you alert you student to
contact me personally to go through the donated shoes we have so they can wear
appropriate footwear. The reason for all students to dress the same is it will build a
rapport and unity in the classroom. If all the students are wearing the same thing then
they are all the same.
Unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up points unless student brings
in a written parents know as to why their student was absent. Excused absences will be
allowed to make up the point by writing a on page paper about any of the topics in the
pride book on pages 67 & 68. The make up work can be made up at any time in the
grading period. Make up days are on every Tuesday during lunch, which is my advisory
Grading depends solely on your students. The grade in the class reflects the work
your son(s) put forth. Student have the opportunity to earn up to 10 points for each day, 2
points for dressing out, 2 points for behavior, 2 points for participation and other 4 is a
direct correlation to his efforts in class. If your student is talking in the locker room it will
be an automatic lose of two points. If your student forgot his closes at home it is a No
Dress (ND-10) for the day and as of a result for this your student earns a zero for the day.
Your student is able to make up the lost points on every Tuesday during lunch. If your
student forgets his clothes and has a school YES box this will act as his clothes and he
will earn his points for the day and still is able to participate.
Every Tuesday your sons grades will be posted to infinite campus where you will
have access to every grading term and can see the true grade your son is earning in class.
In infinite campus there will be your sons name and his grade, with that there will also be
a key so you can see what every mark means if he has lost points for the day.

During the middle of the school year and at the end of the school year there will
be a mid term and a final. These are worth 10% of your students grade. The mid term
and final will either be a assignment that ill be done in class or an activity to where the
students will be graded on their effort not on the result of the activity.
Parents, if there are issues that arise please feel free to contact me during first
hour, which is my prep hour or during lunch any day of the week (Mon - Fri at 1:16). Or
if you think it would be more beneficial to schedule an appointment I am welcome to
schedule an meeting where we can sit and talk about the issue.
Tyler Spagnolo
South Valley Jr. High
2034 South Lindsay Road, Gilbert, AZ 85295
(480) 855-0015 (ext.005)
Mobile Phone- 480-555-5555

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