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Best Piece Reflection Form

Title of Assignment: Module 9: Part Two Essay

Date of Assignment: April 13, 2015
Course in which assignment was completed: English 12/ERWC
This piece was an essay that required a lot of reading and writing comprehension
skills. In order to complete this assignment I had to use the T.I.Q.A. (Thesis statement,
Introduction to quote, Quote, an Analysis) method of writing. I had to use at least three
different articles I have read within the module. In this essay I had to answer the question
To what extent does society stereotype members of a certain group race, religion,
gender, nationality, or other group? The reason I chose this piece as my Best Piece is
because it gave me a chance to demonstrate my opinion about a topic that is currently
affecting society in a big way. I also believe that this piece shows best writing skills.
Therefore, the reader should expect to find my opinion stated and backed up in each
paragraph with evidence from three articles. As a result of the fact that my writing skills
have outstandingly improved, the impression that I hope the reader gains about me as a
learner after viewing this piece is that I am capable of succeeding anything I put my mind
to and that Im a quick learner. I learned from this assignment that language is an
extremely powerful tool in society; therefore, it can define your image. Considering all
that Ive learned through writing this essay and reading this module I can use what I
learned about language as an advantage to help the image I display in public, my job and

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