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Bhuiyan 1

Afsan Bhuiyan
Mrs. Latham
English 2010
Inhumane Treatment in Guantanamo Bay Abstract
Guantanamo is a prison where detainees are interrogated to obtain information. Death or
organ failure done by Guantanamo bay guards to the detainee by interrogation is considered
torture by the Bush administration. Giving death or organ failure to the detainee is a violation of
law by the Bush administration. The Geneva Conventions laws of handling POWs (prisoners of
war) contradicts with the laws of interrogation the Bush administration implements. The reports
of specific detainees showed the physical, medical, psychological, religious, sexual and cultural
abuse the detainees went through. Although the government site says how detainees are treated
well religiously and medically, but what the specific reports from detainees contradicts what the
government site says. The private interrogation done by the interrogators in Guantanamo bay
may explain the abuse detainees went through. Also, the private interrogation may show the lack
of integrity of the interrogators reported about the well treatment of the detainees. These
extreme interrogation done by the interrogators are used by Al Qaeda to recruit members
(especially Sunni Muslims). Also, the extreme interrogations on the detainee will affect his
family and society negatively and create an anti-American feeling. I am going to convey how
the interrogations done by the interrogators in Guantanamo bay are inhumane. Also, treating the
detainees more humanly will prevent Al Qaeda from propagating about the horrible situation in
Guantanamo bay. Although, not everyone will believe that extreme interrogation to detainees are
inhumane. The interrogation is done to obtain secret information from the detainees to save

Bhuiyan 2
several people live. The extreme interrogations done on detainees should be reduced to treat the
detainees in a more humane fashion.

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