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Launching Place Primary School

Issue 11

Thursday 30th April 2015

ANZAC Day 2015

Launching Place Primary School student leaders were selected as school representatives to march in the Anzac Day
ceremony on Saturday, April 25th. Upper Yarra RSL invited the school, as a key member of the Upper Yarra
community, to take part in the 2015 Anzac Day events.
Students carried the Launching Place Primary School banner during the march.
The ANZAC marchers gathered at the Commonwealth Bank then proceeded to march down Main St, Yarra Junction.
This was followed by a Service at the Cenotaph.
Many other LPPS students were also there on the day, representing other community groups such as Scouts and Girl

Grade P-2 Photo Trail
Aerobic Comp Geelong
Grandparents Day
Open Night


Grades 3-6 Cross Country
School Council 7pm
Curriculum Day
(No Students required)
Grade 3-6
Sports Expo

Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783

Page 2

Education Week
Education Week is celebrated in Victorian government schools from Monday 18th May Friday 22nd May. The theme
this year is Crack the code with maths. Open Night festivities will be held on Wednesday 20th May from 6.00pm
8.00pm. The Open Night will commence in classrooms where there will be a variety of hands on activities. From
there parents, friends and students are invited to join us in the GP room where there will be a variety of
For these nights to be successful we need you to come along! This is a great opportunity to visit all of the grades in
the school. Your children feel a great sense of pride when they show you around their classroom, so please support
their enthusiasm and the teachers by attending.
This special evening gives us the opportunity to celebrate together what a wonderful school we have! Please refer to the flyer in this weeks newsletter
for further information.

Social Media
Primary-age children are connected, mobile and social. We see evidence of this every day with our own eyes children
appear to be going online younger and younger, with the rapid uptake of tablets and other touch
screen devices.
Even at this young age children are avid social media users. Forty-five per cent of eight to 11 year
olds use social networking sites.
Social media can be a wonderful tool, however it is extremely important that parents are aware of
the ways in which they can support their child. Useful tips to help both parents and children can be
found on our website.
More information can also be found at:

Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email

ABN 96 199 518 803

Page 3

National Assessment Program

The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It has been an annual
event for schools since 2008. On Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May, students in Years 3 & 5 will sit the 2015 NAPLAN tests.
NAPLAN assesses skills in Literacy and Numeracy that are developed over time, through the school curriculum. NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but
rather shows how students are progressing in Numeracy and Literacy skills against national standards for all Australia children.
All students (in Years 3 & 5) are expected to participate in these tests. Students with disability may qualify for
reasonable adjustments that reflect the support normally provided to them in the classroom. For information
about participation in NAPLAN, you can go to:
NAPLAN tests fundamental skills rather than specific content. The best way you can help your child prepare
for NAPLAN is to let them know that NAPLAN is just one part of their school program, and to urge them to
simply do the best they can on the day.

We Want Our Students To Tell Us What They Thiunk!

Each year, year 5 and 6 students across Victoria complete a survey on their perceptions of their school.
The Attitudes to School survey is an annual survey for Years 5 to 12 students offered by the Department of Education
and Training (DET). It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of students' perceptions and
experience of school. Our school will use the survey results to plan programs and activities to improve your child's
experience at school.
Students in Year 5 and 6 will participate in this years survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous. The survey
only takes 20-30 minutes to complete and occurs during your child's class time. The survey results will be reported
back to the school at the end of July.
Over the past few years LPPS staff have worked hard to develop an environment where students feel safe, enjoy their
learning and have positive relationships with their teachers and peers. Our Launch into Learning process at the start
of the year where students set out the class rules and routines has been an integral part of this, as well as a continued
focus on personalised learning and being a respectful school.

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.

Page 4

Parents and Friends

The Mothers Day Stall is coming up and will be held on Friday 8th May. All students have a chance to
purchase some lovely gifts for their mums, so send along up to $5.00 max per student. If you are able,
please send along a recycled shopping bag (green bag) for their purchases.

Liam S

Prep R

Harley O

Prep R

Other events in discussions include the Disco, a Bus Shopping tour, Fathers Day and Raffles. If you have any
ideas & would like to come to a friendly meeting, please join us on Monday 18th May after assembly.

Emily B

1/2 B

P & F team.

Max B

1/2 C

Country Fair

Will Hin

1/2 K

Our Twilight Country Fair is confirmed for Friday 23rd October from 4-8pm. We are hoping for a HUGE
success. If anyone has business links for sponsorship or donations or any market stall holders could you
please contact the office with the details. We need all the help we can get so please come along to our
next meeting on a new dateThursday 28th May in GP room.

Skye C

1/2 T

Blake C

1/2 T

Luke H

3/4 B

Tyler M

3/4 S

Orders are to be written on a brown paper bag with your childs name and grade at the top and items
ordered with prices; correct money is appreciated. If you dont have paper bags at home there will be a
cost of 10c per bag. Please dont staple or put sticky tape on lunch order bags.

Chad H

3/4 S

Sharelle C

5/6 C

Just a reminder that Slushies will not be available in terms two and three.

Aiden N

5/6 C

For the moment we have Cheesey Rice Wheel, Spc Apple Jelly, Two Fruits Tubs at 50 each.

Brandon F

5/6 F

Cheese twistems and BBQ Lone Stars will be no longer available and removed from the menu.

Sarah A

5/6 F



Janine K, Fang (Maggie) L, Sheona B, Bianca A

Jodie S, Bianca D, Paul T, Rebecca C
Larissa F, Gillian S, Jo R, Sue C
Fiona T, Maryann E, Jodie D, Rebecca C

Page 5

With the weather starting to

cool down, we are needing
to keep warm. If your
child/ren are wearing
jumpers or jackets please put
their name visible on the
inside. So if they get lost
they can be returned. If you
could check your child/ren
jumpers, etc, just in case
they may have picked
someone elses up by
mistake. If that has
happened could you please
return them to the school
office so they can find their
way back to the rightful

Page 6

If you book a job within 1

month of receiving a quote
from Nelson Asphalting and
you mention LPPS school
newsletter, we will donate 2.5%
of invoice price to the school.

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