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Maria Blanchette - Glass Menagerie Response - 6B - 4/29/2015

Tom is the one who ushers the audience in to the story and the one who
ushers the audience out, with little said in between. While The Glass
Menageries can have many focuses; I believe Tom is the main focus of the play
because he is-in many ways- the basis for the story. His conflict is what pushes
the story. His need for-but prevention of-escape.
Toms basic conflict affects everyone in the play. He is like the base of the
pyramid; he is the supporting factor of his family. Since he has such a heavy
responsibility, it prays on him. He never asked for the responsibility of playing
the part of a father. An example of Toms conflict is when Tom states, if self is
what I thought of, Mother, I'd be where [Dad] is -G 0 N E! Tom is pulled in his
conflict; he has no passion to stay, but he is holding on to his last moral threads
to stay.
Tom also is conflicted with his job. He does not enjoy his work , he
endures it. Toms distasteful job is the financial means of the family. What Tom
does or does not do with the money he earned is going to affect his family. Take
for example when Tom states he has,Paid [merchant marine] dues this
month, instead of the light bill. [and Jim says] You will regret it when they turn
the lights off. [Toms reply] I won't be here. [Jims reply] How about your
mother? Even Jim who is a fairly new character to the story realizes how
important Toms job is to his family. Tom seems to understand he was the soul
provider for the family, and even though he knew the consequences, he still
ultimately had chosen to solve his conflicts.
The play ends with Tom having ditched his family and relishing his new
lifestyle. He realizes what has happened though, Hetried to leave [but he
was] more faithful than [he] intended to be! and so the conflict goes on .

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