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Chapter 23_Light: Geometric Optics Conceptual Questions 1) Reflection rtucion and she formation of tages by misror and lenses as ben succes eseied bythe ‘A wave model fight 18) ay model of igh, (lparele model of igh D) none the given asters DT see Se 2 2) theangleaincience ‘A mst equal he angle faction, 1) nalway le than he angle of election, (hin always geste than he angle of reflection, Dy aay be gene ays thn, o equal tothe ange rection Dir Page te e282 5) the pencplan which near works A) refraction 1 polation aspen Dy een Dig t Pipe Re e282 (0A plane see onan iage hat it ‘A rel and wpight. 1 vial and upright (hres and upside down, D) weal and upside down DT Pipe Re e282 Pha: Principle th Apetion, Sth toe 5) Plane irony rade images which ‘are alvayramaller than he acl object 3 are aways larger than he atl bec, Clarealways he same sie a the ease Dy cod be sales, ange, othe sce sr the ctl objec depending on the placerat ithe ject yet Poe a ic 282 (6 Animage formed when the ight ay oat actually pas through the iage location, and ‘would not appear on paper offi placed at ht acto i elred tos@ ‘Aiea age 3) veal mage Dip Peete e232 17) An image formed when the ight rays pas hough the image oan. and could appear on pape ot pled seth cation ere tse ‘Aj relimage 2) viral mage newer A Dipt Page Re ec 212 Init pone to see virtua image? [NIN since the rays that seem oe efrom a vel image dont fact emanate from 15) No, sine vital iages not ely ei (Yes shesays that appear to emanate fom a vital image ane facut on che etna jurt ie thse rcn an aminated objec 1) Yes, since almost everthing we see viral Besse most things do nt themes give lig but only ele: gh coming om some he source Yes, but only indirect in he sense that if the vie ig forme on she of Photography ope could Ie ook atthe peur formed Dr Page a e282 9) A spherical nor on which election aks pce on he outer ura of he phe shape refered tars ‘convex minor. 3) eneave miro. Det Page 28 hap 25: Lag: Gomer Opes 10) A spheric misrr on which reflcton aks ple on the nner surface the phere reeed ‘convex minor. 1) concave miror Dt Page a 288 1) eens of curvature ofthe concave eo the foal length is ne on on _) cannot be determine fom the information given Digt Page S288 ” ‘Alight say, teaveling pz! oa concave meer asses the o's uaa eas Imsdpost” Afr rector ths ay ‘A again uals paral the ras nis 1) eaves at ight angles othe mera (pases hough the miro center of cavatre Dy pases though the miro fos point Dip? Page a 253 Light arcing ata cncave miro on path parallel ote ns elected A) bck parle to the ans, 18) Dackon et, ‘through the focal point D) through the center urate Dip? Paseo 283 1) A light ey,teaveling obliquely to concave mrs ans esses the nl at he lor center ofcuratureteloresbing the mirorssunlace ARerseeeson say ‘A eaves pace othe itor a 18) waves at ght angles oe moras (Ch pmses hough the miro centr of curvature ) pases hough the miro foe point Dapz Pee Rye seo 283 Pha: Principle th Apetion, Sth toe 15) Light avin at coneve mtr ona path through the centr af curvature eFacted ‘A Sac paral to hea 2 beckon sult leg the focal point D) midway been the foal point and he center of curvature newer B Dip2 Pee ee 243 16) A ihe say, raven btquey ts concave mor src, roses the ae a the irs focal punt before stkng the mors surface. fer ree this ay ‘travel pale the oan 1) waves at pht angles tothe more pase through he mirars enter of carats pases hough the mirors foal point aga rage ge ee 2.3 17) Light ariving at concave miror oma path hoogh th fos points ect ‘N)Sa0e parla hea. 3) bacon sels lehroup the foal point ) rough the center curvature Aniwer A Digd rage a ee 213 18) State how ta draw the tne ay for Bring he mage potion duet cured miro Answer: Ray leaves the tp ofthe objec and drawn such hat ti purl othe ais therfore ater efeton must par alanine through th foal poi, Ray? leaves the topo the objec an nade to pat trough the foal pin heeore Atos rete 0s parallel othe os Bay leaves he op of tent nd onde fo ps theugh the center of curvabte: therfore tt fet ack onal igre 283 199 you sendin drt ofa coment miso, exactly bi fa pit |) you won se your image because here ne. 3 you won’ se your image bens ts Focwsed ‘© you wil se your lage and you wll appeae salle _) you wil se your image and you wl appear Inger yu wll se your image at your ame eight ier stance, Dip? Pea 283 hap 25: Lag: Gomer Opes 20) Anljeetieplced at cneave mina center ofcarvatre. The mage produced bythe iors ‘out beyond the center of carvan. 1) athe enter fears Cserieen the enter of curate ad he D)athetocal pint pone newer B ipa Page a ec 2.3 2) Anakjet is postoned between concave mito center of urate ad ts fol point. The Image produced by the miso located ‘oat pa the cele of orate, 3 atthe center of crvatre (Sette the center ofcrvatte ad the fl pint. D) athe focal point Dig Page a S288 22) An object esate between concave iors surface ants foc pin. The nage formed intiscwels ‘A rel and inverted. 28) ealandereet vi and eect ) vial and invent Diz Pee Re e283 23) lf youstand in ont fe canvex miso tthe same distance rm ass adi ures, A) you won’ see your nage because there ane 1) you worse your image because is forse a difleen distance, {you wl st your image ona you wil appear smaller ) you lle your age an you wll appear are. 1 you wil se your image at your ame eight Dg? Page 283 Pha: Principle th Apetion, Sth toe 28) tryoa standin ront ofa convex ior athe same dance rm at foc enh ‘you wan ee your mage aca herefe ne, 3 you worse your image because ts ocwed ata ciferent tance (Cl you willate your image and you wil appearsmaler 1) you willte your image nd you wll appar large. 1 you wl se your mage at you same height Anmwer © DD Page ee 243 25) Someties when you lok into a carved mirror you sea mapping mage reat ig you snd someties you se» éminished image ale you). yo Tk at the Boom ones) Side ot eshny spoon what wil you see? ‘A You wont sr an mage of yourself ecase no age wll be formed 1) You wl eit you, upside down You vei es eyo gt se up 1) You ei se tle you but whether you re ght side upor pide doen depends on ow neat you ate tthe spoon, 1 You wl ether sea ite you or grat ig you, depending on how nar you ae tothe spoon Dw? Page Re e253 Concave spheical miro produce ages whi |) are alvays smaller than the acu ebjet 1) are alvays larger han She acta objec (Care always he same size a the cua ebjet } could sma than larger ha, o th same sie asthe atl eject, depending onthe placement ofthe object. DpD Page a e243 Convex phere mitrors produce mages which (A) ze says smal than the acl objet 1 are alvays larger than he ata ject, (Care always he same ie a the seus cbjet D) could be are tha, seller ha, o he same ste asthe atl objet depending on the placement of the act Answer A Ded rage ae ee 283 hap 25: Lag: Gomer Opes 28) A single concave sphere mor produces animage which ‘always vir 3 aways rea (rea only ifthe jc distance is estan D) rea onyst the objet dstarce greater than Answer D Dip2 Pee e243 28) A singe convex phrase produces an nae which i A) always vir 2) avaye rea Creat only she objec distance ies dan Dj ratory he objec distance greater has DD Page ee e243 130) Aneptive mapifation fora mimo ean |A) he image inverted, and the mo i coneave 1B he image inverted, ae he meron convee (le imageis inserted an he mir may be concave ot conven 1) he mages upright and the muro canve. 5 he nage upeght and he miro may be conve a ee, DT Page Re e253 52) fe image distance i postive the image formed ea ‘Ayre inage 2) viral mage Aniwer A DipD Page te e253 52) the image distance negative he mage formed is ‘Aj relimage 2 viral mage Answer B Dip? Pee e243 133) tthe maprifiaton ina pov vat, the mage ie A oprght 2) avert Digd rge a ee 23

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