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Elijah Ramjattan
Argumentative Essay
Mr. Nick

Religious Liberty, a Necessity in Our Society and Government

The foundation of the United States government was built upon the benefits of religious
liberty. However, not every countrys government is fortunate to have the privilege of religious
freedom. The American government has supposedly guaranteed the freedom of religion within its
Bill of Rights, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of
grievances. Whether good or bad, religion has severe implications on the structure of the
government. Religion has caused wars and promoted peace; it has built governments up and torn
others apart; it has the power to unite people and cause segregation. The way that religion is
approached by political entities is very important and the use of it can change the very
foundations of governments. Religion usually becomes a problem when it is intertwined with
politics; when a certain religion becomes an over ruling influence in the institution of
government, it can become extremely detrimental. Religious liberty is essential to governments
and is beneficial to society.
Throughout history, the outstanding ideology of church and state has caused discord and
disruption within countries and governments. In the past, one might see the severe implications
that governments have had on its people by denying them the freedom of religion. In A.D 30,

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Rome began to persecute the Christians that lived in their country. The right of the people to
believe whatever they wanted were taken away, and as a result, the peace within the Roman
Empire was lost. The principles of peace were shattered by events such as, the great Roman fire
in A.D 64, which Nero the emperor blamed on the Christians. This was a dark time in Rome and
peace was not found. However, the persecution of the Christians ended when Constantine the 1st
authorized the Edict of Milan, which provided Christianity with tolerance in Rome. Though this
seemed beneficial to the government because it brought peace to the Christians, it in fact did not
provide religious freedom.
The Christians were now the persecutors instead of the persecutees. They were given
more power than any other religion, and as a result, they began to suppress others for their
religious beliefs. The Church of Rome mistreated, victimized and offended other religious
institutions for hundreds of years in order to promote Catholicism. One might say that the
combination of religion and politics are something of the past, but if one would look closely into
the politics of the world today, he or she would realize that it is something that still exists.
A present day example of a combination of religion and politics are found within the
country of Burma. Burma is a country located between Thailand and Bangladesh; it is 90 percent
Theravada Buddhist and forcibly promotes this religion above all others. The religion that is at
the greatest threat by the Theravada Buddhist are the Muslims. In recent, years the Buddhist
government consistently persecuted them; over two hundred and forty Rohingya Muslims were
killed last year (2014) in Buddhist versus Muslim altercations. These altercations between these
religious groups have caused nothing but discomfort and unrest within the Burma country. More
generally research has shown that religious freedom is key ingredient to peace and stability, as
measured by the absence of violent religious persecution and conflict (Grim, Interdisciplinary

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Journal of Research on Religion).Throughout history and even today, the effects of not having
religious freedom is often times a terrible occurrence.
China is also another country that acknowledges religious liberty. Although China is a
communist atheist form of government, their constitution still provides the freedom of religious
belief. The exception found in this government is that only a select few religions can be
registered, which are Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, Catholics and protestant. However, these
governments with exceptions to their religious constitutions face problems similar to Rome.
The Uighur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhist and Falun Gong practitioners face severe repression,
including forced conversion, torture and imprisonment because they are not favored like the
other religions. The problem of persecution always occurs when certain religious institution are
favored more than others. These higher-ranking religions forces their doctrines upon other
groups. The Virginia Bill of Rights, article 16, refers to the ideology of forcing religion on others,
Religion, or the duty which we owe to our creator, and the manner of discharging
it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence;
according to
practice Christian

therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion
the dictates of conscience; and this is the mutual duty of all to
forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.

According to the general assembly of the United Nations, freedom of religious beliefs is to be
found in every institution of government around the world. In article 18, of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights it states, Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and

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freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his
religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
A government that is consider the most secretive state in the world, has a so-called
form of religious liberty is the country of North Korea. Their constitution guarantees the free
exercise of religious beliefs, but is not necessarily upheld by the government. The North
Korean government believes that established religious traditions are a threat to state unity
and control. Instead of having legitimate religions, North Koreans are seized by a political
religion (Sweeney, North Korea Undercover). The state supposedly sponsors Christian and
Buddhist religious organizations to operate and build houses of worship, but this is suspected
by political analysts that it is for the sake of external propaganda. This is yet another form of
government that claims to have the benefits of religious liberty, but in reality do not have the
full requirements to be a state of religious freedom. According to John Sweeneys book,
North Korea Undercover, They are joyfully in thrall to a political religion. The slavishness
of its adherents reminds one of Americas death cults, but in North Korea they dont have
Kool-Aid. They have nuclear bombs.
Religious liberty has the ability to directly affect many different aspects of government
institutions, such as socioeconomic development which can be affected in a positive way by
religious freedom. The freedom to practice any religion is correlated with a key element of a
sustainable economy, which is less corruption.
. . . laws and practices burdening religion are related to higher levels
of corruption. This is borne out by comparing the Pew Research Centers 2011
Government Restrictions on Religion Index with Transparency Internationals

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2011 Corruption Perceptions Index. Eight of the ten most corrupt

countries have high or very high governmental restrictions on religious liberty.
(Grim, Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion).
Lower corruption in governments promotes more economic growth. In addition, the
suppression of religion has a substantial effect on increased corruption rates. According to
the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion it explains that religious groups that are
able to operate in a free environment, can play a measurable role in the human and social
development of countries. Religious organizations help provide numerous services for the
economy, such as education, health services, social safety nets for orphans, and disabled
people. These services help promote a better economy.
The argument of this paper strongly supports religious liberty as an important necessity
to countries and government institutions. Many countries claim to provide the freedom of
conscience and beliefs, but in fact do not uphold proper standards, and still discriminate
different religions. These countries cannot receive the full benefits of religious freedom and
its effects on its government. Thomas Jefferson stated that,
Among the most inestimable of our blessings is that of liberty to worship
our Creator in the way we think most agreeable to His will; a liberty deemed in
other countries incompatible with good government and yet proved by our
experience to be its best support.
In conclusion the power and freedom to believe in anything according to ones own personal
conviction, is essential to the development of a profound government. Religious liberty
cannot to be misused, but effectively utilized. The implications of a government without
religious freedom are clear, and one may realize how important it is to have this freedom. It

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cannot be taken for granted, and must be uplifted to the highest of standards. Furthermore,
religious liberty is an amazing opportunity for Christians and other religions to practice their
beliefs. It has helped build the foundations of the United States of America, which has
created positive and lasting effects on the government and society.

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Work Cited
Grim, Brian J., Greg Clark, and Robert E. Snyder. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion.
Vol. 10. Washington, D.C: Georgetown U, n.d. 2014. Web.
"Burma: USCIRF Issues Report on Religious Freedom and Related Human Rights
Violations." Burma: USCIRF Issues Report on Religious Freedom and Related Human
Rights Violations. United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 6 Nov.
2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
Grim, Brian J., Greg Clark, and Robert E. Snyder. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion.
Vol. 10. Washington, D.C: Georgetown U, n.d. 2014. Web.
Pellot, Brian. "The BBC's John Sweeney on North Korea's Zombie Gods - On Freedom." On Freedom.
N.p., 10 Dec. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"Religious Freedom in Brazil." Religious Freedom in Brazil. Berkley Center for Religion, Peace &
World Affairs, n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"Religious Freedom in Iran." Religious Freedom in Iran. Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World
Affairs, n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR, Declaration of Human Rights, Human Rights
Declaration, Human Rights Charter, The Un and Human Rights." UN News Center. UN, n.d.
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"We Still Hold These Truths." Religious Liberty Quotations|. The Heritage Foundation, n.d. Web. 16
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White, E. G. "Review and Herald." David's Prayer (1888): 13-14. Web.

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