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The Mathematicians Expedition to Mesoamerican Civilizations

Finding ways to involve students with real world problems that must be solved using
computations and problem solving skills is not always an easy task. In order to help develop
these skills and apply them in a real situation, the students will participate in The
Mathematicians Expedition to Mesoamerican Civilizations.
For this project students have been asked to come up with a creative mathematical
problem, solving a real world problem using ideas from Mesoamerican Civilizations. The
problem must use one of the properties done within this unit. The mathematical problem can be
almost anything! Students must research Incas, Mayans, or Aztecs and pick one area of study and
create their mathematical problem based off this area. Students must then write a paragraph
describing the mathematical problem and why it is important to the Mesoamerican civilization
and how they used one of the properties. Lastly, students will create a tri-fold board to present
their mathematical problem to the class.

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