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Wraparound Delaware
Advisory Committee Manual

Table of Contents
Background on Wraparound Delaware.....................................................3
Advisory Committee Purpose and Function.............................................6
Advisory Committee Objectives...............................................................7
Roles of the Advisory Committee Members.............................................8
Advisory Committee Bylaws..................................................................10
Sample Documents.................................................................................11
Sample Invitation Letter.................................................................12
Sample Thank you Letter to Committee Members........................13
Sample Agenda for Advisory Committee Meeting........................14

Background on Wraparound Delaware

Wraparound Delaware is a DBA developed in April 2011 to respond to the Delaware
Department of Services to Children, Youth and Their Families, Low Level Community
Supervision and Resource Connection request for proposal. It has at its foundation, two child
serving agencies, New Transitions and Wraparound Maryland, Inc. New Transitions was created
in 2005 with the intent of utilizing system of care principles and team based care coordination to
ensure families with youth at risk of being placed out of their home have immediate and
responsive access to creative, individualized and strengths based services. Through our
partnerships with the family, community providers and natural resources we continue to work
with youth and families identified as at risk, creating teams of support allowing for
individualized service plans and innovative interventions for families.

Wraparound Maryland is a non-profit organization established to respond to a statewide

request for proposal issued on behalf of the Governors Office for Children and funded in part by
Childrens Cabinet to provide care coordination as a care management entity (CME), as part of
the larger System of Care (SOC) initiative in the state. In 2009, Wraparound Maryland was
awarded two of the three regional CME jurisdictions, Baltimore City and Southeastern Region.
The Southeastern Region covers a large and diverse geographical area consisting of Anne
Arundel and Prince Georges County, Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore. Within those
two jurisdictions, we were able to serve a diverse population due to multiple funding streams,
including: 1915c PRTF Medicaid Waiver; two (2) Federal Systems of Care Grants, MD CARES
and Rural CARES; Department of Juvenile Services and Department of Human Resources.
Currently Wraparound Maryland is providing targeted case management to youth, their families
and adults in Baltimore City. Utilizing the same values and principles we provide individualized
service planning using strengths as the centerpiece to a population requiring urgency and
immediacy based on their risk elements.
Wraparound Delaware was awarded the contract to provide low level community
supervision for youth involved with the Division of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS).
Since its inception in June of 2011 we have worked with 860 youth, with an overall success rate
of 87%. We accept referrals directly from YRS for community supervision; to date we have 740
youth that have been enrolled in the program, 79.8% having successfully completed the program
and release from probation. As part of this current contract, we are able to accept referrals
directly from Truancy Court and have provided services to 30 youth to date, with a success rate
of 86%. Incorporated into this contract is case management for Mental Health Court Diversion
Program (MHC). To date we have worked with 120 youth with 90% of youth being either
successfully discharged or seamlessly transfer to a higher level of care with Division of
Prevention and Behavioral Health Services (PBH). Since the programs beginnings, Wraparound
Delaware has been able to refine our processes to receive referrals and engage with families. We
have successfully linked youth and families to services, assisted in coordination of resources to
facilitate the completion of court ordered mandates and connected youth to professional and
nonprofessional supports and resources in their communities. Wraparound Delaware has been

asked to increase their capacity for both the low level supervision and the mental health court to
ensure referrals can continue to be made without the immediate risk of a waitlist.
The vision of Wraparound Delaware is for all families and youth to know they are strong.
Wraparound Delawares mission is to provide individualized care utilizing system of care
principles to guide a process where all families and youth feel supported, encouraged and
optimistic that their hopes and outcomes can be achieved.
Wraparound Delaware actualizes the values and commitments of the State of Delaware, System
of Care reform efforts by having as its core values the following:

Wraparound Delaware believes caregivers and juveniles should be partners in all aspects of
the service delivery system;
Wraparound Delaware values community life and community solutions that maintain the
integrity of the family;
Wraparound Delaware is dedicated to providing outcome driven supports and services with
high levels of accountability and quality which is offered to all families without exception;
Wraparound Delaware supports an individualized, creative service delivery model; and
Wraparound Delaware believes the power of giving is greater than the power of receiving.

Wraparound Delaware does not espouse a one size fits all philosophy. Instead, we
partner with our families to provide opportunities for growth and change which capitalize on a
familys strengths rather than concentrate on weaknesses. We believe families are resilient and
want to be together. We believe behaviors are the result of unmet needs and areas of concern in
the home and community can be transformed to rival and surpass services offered in out of home
placement. Challenges to remain in the community can be overcome with appropriate supports
through implementation of a team based process to assist the family to identify needs and
supports for the caregiver and youth. We recognize some families may need separation due to
risk factors, but also believe supports and services can be implemented to reunify the family with
very successful outcomes.
Current Contract with the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families
Wraparound Delaware is currently under contract with the Department through Youth
Rehabilitation Services providing low level supervision to youth identified through the
department as deemed eligible. This initiative was created as part of the Division of Youth
Rehabilitative Services (YRS) restructuring efforts. Wraparound Delaware has worked closely
with YRS since the beginning of the contract to continually assess the implementation of the
program and address challenges and barriers together to provide the most effective and efficient
intervention for the target population. Wraparound Delaware and YRS speak regularly to share
ideas and address concerns as they arise creating a very solid partnership.
As part of the current contract Wraparound Delaware also provides services to youth
identified through Mental Health Court Diversion Program and Truancy Court in New Castle
County, Delaware.

All services provided to youth and their families in Delaware consist of individualized,
strength based planning, including interventions and goal obtainment. All planning and
interventions are designed to assist the family in identifying and addressing underlying needs and
barriers to success, with the ultimate goal being the prevention of movement of the youth into
deeper-end services with the Department.
The process for each youth begins with a thorough assessment completed with the youth
and family. This comprehensive assessment considers multiple factors including, but not limited
to, individual history, strengths, interests, resiliency and risk factors. This assessment also
explores historical and current impediments to success. This assessment along with the Positive
Achievement Change Tool (PACT) and other information obtained from the Department and the
Courts provides the foundational elements of the service plan. We work with the families to
create plans, identify resources and supports to be utilized and address barriers. Our service
coordinators and community resource specialist work diligently to meet familys needs, ranging
from active linkage to service to the most basic of needs. We maintain weekly contact with the
families and are schedule meetings at times and locations convenient to the family. As each of
these programs is affiliated with the court system, we recognize the importance of working
diligently to ensure court ordered mandates are satisfied. Wraparound Delaware service
coordinators are proficient in the preparation of Court documentation, providing regular written
updates to Judicial Officials and involved parties. Updates capture the youths progress and
include successes, challenges and strategies for overcoming barriers. Staff is also experienced in
providing the Courts with testimony regarding the youths success, challenges, as well as
providing recommendations for further intervention.
Risk factors are explored and addressed throughout the process and interventions detailed
in individualized service plans. As many of our families enter systems in time of distress, crisis
intervention and planning is completed with urgency to ensure the safety of all involved.
Throughout the process, the service coordinator works with the family to develop plans that
incorporate strengths, are reasonable and respectful of family dynamics and culture. Plans are
regularly updated to ensure the identified needs are being addressed.

Advisory Committee Purpose & Function

The purpose of the Wraparound Delaware Advisory Committee is to be
an independent body that had responsibility of assessing and making
recommendations for improving the level of quality and satisfaction with
the services provided by Wraparound Delaware.
The function of the Advisory Committee is to ensure Wraparound
Delaware has youth, family, and provider participation in the process of
setting and evaluating the goals, objectives, strategies, and services of
Wraparound Delaware.

Advisory Committee Objectives

Provide feedback regarding individual experiences with Wraparound Delaware
staff and program
Advise, counsel, and support Wraparound Delaware regarding the quality of
services provided
Assist with any special projects or events depending upon availability and
Assist the program in representing the community in which it operates
Share with Wraparound Delaware any known resources in the community that
could benefit the youth and families

Roles of the Advisory Committee Members

Wraparound Delaware actualizes that the success of an Advisory Committee
depends in part on the leadership ability of its officers. In order to achieve this
success, the Wraparound Delaware Advisory Committee will have officers. These
officers will include a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary.
Chairperson: The Chairpersons leaderships is key to the committees success,
and they should possess the following skills and characteristics:
Experience within the community served by Wraparound Delaware
Ability to manage meeting and involve members in ongoing activities
Personal characteristics such as empathy, fairness, tolerance, sound judgment,
attentiveness, and adhere to a strengths based approach
Responsibilities of the Chairperson:
Work with Committee members to plan and cary out the committees
objectives and goals
Prepare meeting agendas and assist Wraparound Delaware in handling details
regarding meetings
Preside at meetings
Provide accurate information to all committee members
Keep committee focused and involve all members in tasks
Represent the committee at official meetings and functions
Submit recommendations of the committee to appropriate administrators and
Vice Chairperson: The skills and responsibilities of the Vice Chairperson are
identical to those of the Chairperson, since the Vice Chairperson takes charge when
the Chairperson is absent or cannot serve.
Secretary: The secretary records meeting minutes and perform clerical duties.
Responsibilities include:
Take minutes at meetings, prepare and distribute minutes
Mail agenda, announcements, minutes, and other information to members
Help assemble and distribute necessary background information to members
Correspond with representative of providers in the community as needed.

Advisory Committee Members: Committee members have the responsibility to

advise, assist, support, and advocate for Wraparound Delawares quality of service
to strengthen and improve the level of care provided by Wraparound Delaware.
Responsibilities include:
Plan and carry out committees objectives
Attend and participate in all meetings
Suggest and develop agenda items prior to meetings
Help to determine committee priorities and ways to achieve them
Become familiar with the resources within the community served by
Wraparound Delaware
Respect the rights and opinions of other committee members
Accept and carry out assignments
Promote Wraparound Delawares programs
Help recruit other potential committee members
Spread the word about Wraparound Delaware upcoming events


Advisory Committee Bylaws

Wraparound Delaware Advisory Committee
I. Purpose: The purpose of the Wraparound Delaware Advisory Committee is to be
an independent body that had responsibility of assessing and making
recommendations for improving the level of quality and satisfaction with the
services provided by Wraparound Delaware.
II.Committee Operation
A.Meetings will be held at 7pm on the second Wednesday of September,
December, April , and July unless otherwise specified.
B.At least four meetings will be held each year. The exact number of meetings
will be determined by the needs of the program.
C.The officers of the Committee will develop an agenda for each meeting.
D.Meeting sessions will be limited to approximately two hours.
E.Meeting minutes will be recorded for each meeting and distributed to each
II. Officers
A. Officers will be elected by a simple majority. Officers will serve a one year
term and may be re-elected.
B.Officers will include a chair, vice chair, and a secretary.
C. Officers will be elected at the first meeting of each new year.
III. Member Responsibilities
A. Each member is expected to attend meetings and to participate in committee
member activities.
B. Each member is expected to be prepared to discuss the issues and problems
which come before the committee in order to assist in the resolution process.
C. Officers will be elected at the first meeting of each new year.


Sample Documents


Sample Invitation Letter

Dear Potential Committee Member:
Wraparound Delaware is committed to excellence in service delivery and providing access to
relevant resources. To help us achieve this goal, we reach out to community leaders, parents, and
youth in our community by asking them to work with us in an advisory capacity to improve our
You have been recommended to us as a person who would be interested in supporting this
endeavor and one who would make a valuable contribution to the program. We invite you to
attend an information session that will provide you with an explanation of the committees
purpose, objectives, and goals.
By participating on this committee, you will have an opportunity to guide Wraparound Delaware
in strengthening youth preventing them from moving deeper into the Juvenile Justice System.
The Wraparound Delaware advisory committee will meet quarterly and require a one year
minimum commitment from its members. The first official meeting will be held in May 2015
with official date, time, and location to follow.
Information Session:

Wraparound Delaware


Sample Thank You Letter

Dear Committee Member:
Thank you for your dedicated service on the Wraparound Delaware Advisory Committee.
This programs effectiveness depends upon the cooperation and participation that you have been
so freely given.
With your help and recommendations, we have developed a better program that will help ensure
our youth and families receive the best services available. Wraparound Delaware has already
benefited from your ideas, and we plan to make other improvements resulting from your
Please accept my sincere appreciation.

Wraparound Delaware


Sample Agenda for Advisory Committee

I. Welcome Members
III.Success/Good news
V.Review of Bylaws
VI. Challenges
VII.Contract Changes
VIII.Staff Changes
IX.Resources and funding opportunities

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