Professional Development Plan

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Professional Development Plan

Jovet A. Sanchez-Martinez
University of Phoenix Puerto Rico Campus
April 11, 2014
Prof. Miguel Rodriguez-Carrasquillo


Professional Development Plan

To create a strong leadership and to have a successful professional development plan,
managers have chosen to learn more about the personality and behavior of their team members.
According to Robbins and Judge (2013), leadership is the ability that a person has to influence a
group to complete all the objectives stated by the organization. Although, to know each member
well, an assessment was created to determine which behavior each one has.

Types of Behaviors
According to the DISC Assessment, there are four types of behavior that can be known
by answering certain questions (Alessandra, 1996-2014). Those behaviors are dominance,
cautious, steadiness and interactive. However, this assessment was completed by our team
member and it conclude that two of the members had a dominance behavior, other of the
members has an interactive behavior and the last one had a steadiness behavior. The dominance
behavior expresses that the team members are liberal and aggressive in the decision making
process. In addition, this behavior is well oriented to get the job done without any of delays.
The team member that has the interactive behavior is more talkative, he prefers to be out rather
than working in an office, and he like to work with people due to his optimism. Otherwise, the
member with a steadiness behavior is more supportive and very people-oriented. Also,
steadiness people are patient decision makers because they analyze the situation very well, but
they are not susceptible to changes.

Development Plan Approach


In order to execute a well development plan, the manager should adopt organizational
theories to accomplish all the objectives exposed by the organization without eliminating any
skills of the work group. Due to the variety of behaviors, a path-goal theory should be followed.
Yulk (2013) states that this theory helps to influence the performance, enthusiasm and
satisfaction of the work group. To gain all the tasks done, the manager has to work as another
team member as well. In the development plan, member with the dominance behavior will be
working without any direct supervision because they are well task-oriented to complete the
objective. In the other side, people with the steadiness behavior will be working directly with the
manager due to they are extremely analytical to influence in a good decision making for the wellbeing of the group. Otherwise, people with the interactive behavior will be used as a listener of
the work group to obtain feedback from the other members, and then, they will delivery that
feedback directly to the manager to see if things are running properly.
With the results provided in this paper, any manager, in any work culture can strive to the
success of the organization because they will know how each team member work according to
their behaviors. This knowledge acquired will help each person to auto-evaluate themselves in
order to be adaptable in the different work places that the world of business has.


Alessandra, T (1996-2014). The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment. Retrieved
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational Behavior (15th ed). Prentice Hall.
Yulk, G. (2013). Leadership in Organization (8th ed). Prentice Hall.

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