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Stephanie Brown

Science (Grade 3 Curriculum)

CSSI (Grades 1-6)

Building Centers

Friday April 17 Friday April 24

In groups of 2, students will alternate between 6 different building centers.

Students will have the opportunity to build different types of structures using different types of materials (wooden blocks, Tipi
Tower, Knex, Lego, dominos and plastic straws).

Curriculum Connections

3-6: Students will use, safely, a variety of tools, techniques and materials in construction activities.
3-7: Students will construct structures, using a variety of materials and designs, and compare the effectiveness of the
various materials and designs for their intended purposes.

Friday April 17, Monday April 20, and Tuesday April 21

Tipi Tower

Arabian block set

Plastic straws and connectors

Wednesday April 22, Thursday April 23, Friday April 24

Lego blocks



Center 1(Tipi Tower):

Working in a pairs, students will use the wooden Tipi Tower blocks to build a tower.
Students will take alternating turns to remove blocks from the tower, until the structure is too weak and falls.
Center 2 (Arabian block set):
Working in pairs, students will use differently shaped wooden blocks to build a structure. Students will be able to use differently
sized pillars, arches, and domes in order to build their creations.

Building Centers

Centre 3 (Plastic Straws and Connectors):

Working in pairs, students will use the straws and connectors in order to build different structures. Students can also build different
shapes using the materials at this station (Ex. squares, rectangles, triangles, octagon, hexagon, etc.).
Centre 4 (Lego Blocks):
Working in pairs, students will use the Lego blocks in order to build different structures (Ex. towers, bridges,pyramids, houses,
Centre 5 (Knex):
Working in pairs, students will use the Knex in order to build different structures. Through this exercise students will also be able
to see how different types of joints and connectors allow builders to make different types of structures.
Centre 6 (Dominos):
Working in pairs, students will use the dominos in order to make different structures.

Students will be able to identify and build different types of structures (Ex. arches, bridges, towers, domes, pyramids, etc.), using a
variety of different materials. Students will also be able to test the strength of each structure, and answer questions.

Building Centers

Notes and Reflections

Building Centers

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