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Barrios 1

Veronica Barrios
English 102
18 April 2015
Everyone is different, everyone is unique. If by chance we were all the same how boring
will this world be. But we are not all the same that is why some people get offended when they
are labeled, when they are put in a group. People do not accept that group because they have a
talent that no one else in that group has. And if they are in that group they will never be able to
show the world their talent. So when women are all put under one label there is controversy.
It is very recent that women have been allowed to vote. Women are not considered equal
to men. To society women are weak and belong at home. Women are to be home looking pretty,
cooking for when their husband gets home, and nurturing their children. We can see this happen
in movies like in The Help were even though they had a maid the wife stayed at home (1). In the
time of the 1960s as the movie The Help shows women will hang out with each other throughout
the and gossip while their husbands are working (1). Women in the 1960 and women now still
are expected to stay at home the only difference is that now women can vote. The world in
which we live now is different women now are allowed to be educated and to get great jobs. But
even though women get educated in universities the ratio from women to men is not 50/50. An
example of the ratios is in Harper Adams College there is still a 60 to 40 ratio stated in an article
in the daily mail website (2). So even though women are allowed to be educated it is making a
difference because there is still more man attending school than women.
In the twenty first century women are a bit more equal to men, that is why they are
allowed vote but even now they are not accepted when they try to do more manly like play

Barrios 2

certain sports . How do we know that women not accepted in certain sports? Well, we are able to
see it in every single stadium and in every sports channel. If closed attention is paid to the sports
channel it will be notice that women sports are not really mentioned. For example there was a big
controversy when in the London Olympics the Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen broke the record.
The American John Leonard the executive director of the World Swimming Coaches Association
described Ye's performance as 'unbelievable' and 'disturbing'. Unbelievable because she beat the
fastest swimmer that is an American man. Her performance was questioned because not only did
she blow the record to pieces but she did it with only sixteen years of age. It is noticed that her
performance was questioned because the swimming world magazine has an article titled " The
after Phelps: Top 10 Swimmers Who Can Carry The weight", and in this article only three of the
ten swimmer listed are woman (3). Only three of the ten are women because they think woman
incapable of carrying the weight.
Since early history women have been seen inferior to men. Society labeled women weak,
soft, and 'dumb'. That is the women's stereotype, by putting all women into this group and giving
them this specific stereotype all women are looked at weak, soft, and dumb. But not all women
fall into this category. Some women are tough, independent, and outgoing. They do not need
anyone to help support them, they can do themselves. Society should take this couple women
into consideration because they can make a difference.

Barrios 3

Work sited

1. The Help. Dir. Tate Taylor. Perf. Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia
Spencer, Jessica Chastain, Ahna OReilly, Allison Janney. 2011. Film
2. "The University Sex Ratio Table." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 15 Aug. 2004. Web.
04 Aug. 2014.
3. Bull, Andy. "Ye Shiwen's World Record Olympic Swim 'disturbing', Says Top US Coach." The

Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 31 July 2012. Web. 04 Aug. 2014.

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