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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Briana Martin

Grade and Topic: 3rd Grade Social Studies
Mentor Teacher: Adcock

Date: 4-29-15
Length of Lesson: 60 min
School: University Memphis- IDT 3600


The purpose of this lesson is for students to be able to identify the 50 states of United States of America and the
state background information.
Students will learn about majority states of United States of America and students will be able to identify each
state capital and symbols that represent that particular state with 100% accuracy.
Students will be given a state of North America students will be able to research information about the state

Students will be expected to do research upon the state they have selected out of the teacher grab bag which is slips of

Students will create a Prezi slide show explaining the significance of the state they have chosen with 100%

TN Social Studies standard 3.1 Process and report information identifying, locating, comparing, and contrasting
the major continents and oceans: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, Antarctica,
Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern using maps, globes, and other technologies.
TN Social Studies standard 3.3 Use cardinal directions, map scales, legends, titles, and longitude and latitude to
locate major cities and countries in the world.
ISTE Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and
ISTE Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks


Computers with Internet Access

Websites needed:
I have chosen for the students to use these websites for this lesson because it makes learning fun and exciting. The
reason why I chose to integrate technology into this lesson because it will help students obtain information for the
research development and easy to present.


Research and Gather information about the 50 states of the United States of America.

The main aspect that should be focused on is that this assignment is based on understanding the 50 states of the
United States and the significance of each state
The students were introduced to all 50 states now we are building off this for memorialization.

The lesson will be differentiating if the computers are not working on a particular day.
Start the lesson by having a picture of North America on the smart board and give students a slip of paper with
their state name. Students will have to place their state name onto the smart board where their state is located on
the North America map. This exercise will help students get familiar with everyone state they have to research.

After finishing up the introduction, students will have free time to play a couple of games I have chosen that correlates
with the lesson being presented.
These games provide some important information about each state.
Students will be able to ask questions about any further directions.

Introduction 10mins
1. After giving the introduction, I will give the students a handout to answer the questions that relates
to their state. This is where the students will be asked their state name, symbols, state nick name, and
state capital.
2. Students will be able to use to answer the student handout.
3. After finishing the handout, students may begin their Prezi.
4. If not enough computers students can work from their text book by filling out the planning chart and
rotate in and out with students.
At the computer for (45mins)
1. Students will complete their Prezi presentation by transferring their answers from the student
handout onto 4 slides on Prezi.
2. Students must also insert pictures to make their Prezi look presentable.
1. Have students open up Prezi and make sure everyone sign up for account if not already.
2. Direct students to the template that should be used for this presentation.
3. Direct students to the insert tab where students can get pictures from Google side bar.
4. Monitor students if needed.
1. Open Prezi and sign in.
2. Create a title (the name of the state), below the title (the state number), and insert a picture to
represent the state.
3. Type the labels onto the other three slides, state nick name, symbols and capital city. The order the
students choose to do this does not matter.
4. Students should type the correct information on each slide.
5. Students should insert a picture from the google side bar to represent each slide and its label.
6. Once all slides are done students should save their work.
7. Prepare for Presentation.

If there is enough time left in class students can volunteer to share their presentation. At the end of class,
the teacher make sure that everyone Prezi is complete and if not they will have to finish it for
homework, ask any last questions and get prepared for dismissal.

To see if the students learned and retained the information on 50 states of the United States through their
Modifications: If students are having trouble with creating Prezi, they will have the choice to complete
this assignment on a poster board.

Student Handout

1. What is the name of your state and state nickname?

2. What is your state capital?

3. What symbols represents your state and makes it significant?

4. How many states are in the United States of America?

Student Prezi Example: This sample includes the important information that
was asked on the student handout. There are four screenshots to show the
example of each Prezi slide.

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