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Helping the Earth

Materials/Equipment: Chart paper,

notebook paper, markers, writing journals,

pencils, scissors, glue, crayons, white and
green construction paper, blue and green
paint, marbles, small boxes, smartboard,
document camera, D, M. (2012, April 9).
Earth Day Lorax Craftivity. Retrieved from
q=lorax, Dr Seuss The Lorax - Did you chop
down this tree? OFFICIAL HD VIDEO.
(2013, October 31). Retrieved from

Differentiated Learning:


Curriculum Integration:
Social Studies



Blooms Taxonomy:

Comprehension/Understand Evaluate


TEKS Achieved:

112.13. (b)(1)(C)
identify and demonstrate how to use,
conserve, and dispose of natural resources
and materials such as conserving water and
reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and
113.13. (b)(8)(B) identify positive and
negative consequences of human modification
of the physical environment.

Classroom Strategies:
Cooperative Groups
Independent Activities
Problem Solving
Peer tutoring


Submitted by: Laura Chase

Grade Level: 2nd

Subject/Topic: Social Studies/Earth Day

Rationale: The students will identify ways and reflect on how they can make their world a better place by writing an
explanation and creating an earth day project on how they can make their world a better place.


TSW identify ways to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources and materials such as
conserving water and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metal to help our earth by
creating a bubble map and writing a paragraph on how to help the earth.
TSW identify positive and negative consequences of human modification of the physical
environment through conversation.

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Motivation):

1. I will begin my lesson by stating the objectives and telling the students what they will be learning
about in the lesson. To grab the students attention I will play the video Dr Seuss The Lorax - Did
you chop down this tree? Before I play the video I will ask the students to pay attention to the
Lorax in the video so they can tell me what he did to make the earth a better place. After the
students finish watching the video I will ask the students what happened and what the Lorax did to
make the earth a better place.

Information Giving:
I will tell the students that there are many ways people can help the earth. For an
example, I will share with the students my personal experience with recycling. After, I will
ask the students, If you were the Lorax, how would you help our earth?
Modeling: For modeling, I will create a bubble map on different ways you can help the
earth. Students will be expected to copy the bubble map in their own writing journal as we
go through the process.
Check for Understanding: I will check for students understanding by asking the students
questions on different ways a person can help the earth. I will determine if the students
are understanding the topic by their responses. I will prompt for responses if necessary.
Guided Practice: First, for guided practice, students and I will come up with answers
together on what should be included on the bubble map. Next, I will assist students with
creating their earth craftivity. Students will each have a circle made out of white
construction paper, during independent practice I will pull a couple of students at a time
over to my desk to assist them with the paint and marbles to create their earths. The
student will put his or her circle in a box and I will drop multiple drops of blue and green
paint on the construction paper circle. Then, students will put several marbles in the box
and gently shake the box to spread the paint. After that, I will take the students picture
holding their Lorax mustache to post on the earth after it has dried.
Independent Practice: Students will independently write a paragraph on ways they can
help the earth. Students may refer back to the bubble map to assist with ideas on what to
write. Students will also color their Lorax mustache and cut it out during this time. Finally,
students will glue their earth, picture, and written paragraph to a piece of green
construction paper to complete their craftivity.
Closing/Culminating Activity: As the closing activity, students will bring their finished
writing pieces to the carpet and share what they have written relating to ways you can
help the earth. I will point out similarities that the students have in common to wrap up
the lesson.
Enrichment/Extension: For students who finish before others, I will have their extension
activity shown on the smartboard by means of the document camera. Students will be
asked to, Write a letter to the Lorax explaining what you will do to help the earth. Make
sure you explain the process on how you would be successful with helping the earth.

For a student that has dyslexia I will modify my lesson by having a word bank available for he or she to use while


For a student that is an ELL I will modify my lesson by providing pictures along with the words the class comes up
with to create the bubble map.

Assessment/Evaluation (Students):
I will assess the students ability to identify proper positive and negative consequences of human modification of

the physical environment by listening and observing to discussion throughout the lesson.
I will assess the students ability to identify ways to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources and materials
such as conserving water and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metal to help our earth by grading the
students written paragraphs.

Assessment/Evaluation (Self):

This portion of the lesson plan will be completed after the lesson is completed.

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