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Midterm Election Voter Turnout Low for College Students

Elizabeth Zimmerman and Philip Kowalski

ELON, N.C. Voter turnout for midterm elections is typically low
especially in college students. Elon University students said that they
are not motivated to vote in the upcoming midterm elections, even
though they realize the importance of voting.
In previous midterm elections, voter turnout has only been at
approximately 40 percent, according to a CNN article. In the article, the
authors recommend compulsory voting as a solution to low voter
In a study by The Fair Elections Legal Network, researchers found that
more than 25 percent of college students in 2010 did not vote because
they did not know where or how to register.
Sophomore business major Kyle Porro admitted to struggling with
meeting the deadline to register for the 2014 midterm elections. He
understands the importance of making his voice heard through voting,
but found the voting process confusing and complicated.
Other students like psychology major Sara Carlson actually registered
to vote but are unlikely to actually make it to the polls. It sounds really
bad, but I just dont have the time to and I havent been looking into
the campaigns as much, Carlson said.
According to Fair Vote: The Center for Voting and Democracy, low voter
turnout is typically a sign of political disengagement. The website says
that established democracies typically have higher voter turnouts.
Lack of interest in the current political campaigns and political
disengagement is common among college students. Music production
and recording arts major Brooke Greenberg does not plan to vote
because she does not feel informed about current issues. I think it is
important to vote as college students, but I dont really know much
about politics, Greenberg said.
Elon staff members are concerned with the lack of interest from
students in the upcoming elections. Henry Walling, assistant director of
campus center operations at Elon, said it is important for college
students to vote because these are issues that will affect us in the
future. College students are some of the most informed in our society
and least polarized to a particular party. Walling also urged students
to vote because it is one of the few chances Americans are given to
have their individual voices heard.

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