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Amanda Holguin

Period 6
Movie Poster Lit. Analysis
My movie poster is based off the outstanding, confusing but relatable play by
Shakespeare himself, A Midsummer Nights Dream. This movie poster is meant to have meaning
and leave the viewer even more curious on what this play is about.
On the bottom i placed the four main lovers. On the sides of them youll notice the
flames, I added these to show that throughout the play they are living through hell. These four
characters face confusion, betrayal, rejection and a shattered heart. But if you also notice
theyre all resting. This leaves others viewing it confused. Is this all a dream? Are they actually
going through a rough time. Are they resting in a dream or a nightmare?
Above Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius theres a dream like cloud. Placed in the
cloud are a handful of the characters. In the middle there is supposed to be a beautiful queen.
Titiana. Queen of fairies. Yet this beauty is held very close next to in what looks like a man with
a head as an ass. Bottom. Around them surrounds Hypotonia and Theseus. Considering they
are planned to get married i placed them very close. On the bottom of them theres Eugesus,
Hermias dad. In the play he begs the King to force his rebellious daughter to marry Demetrius. I
colored him blue to symbolize the disappoint he might of got in the end. Theres also a screw
driver, paintbrush and other tools to symbolize the mechanics. And lastly i placed Oberon and
Puck back to back to show the connection they have with each other.

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