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Service Learning Lesson Plan

Title: Getting to know the materials

February 4
Lesson Idea and
Relevance: What are
you going to teach and why
is this lesson of importance
to your students? How is it
relevant to students of this
age and background?

Class/Date: Wednesday,

Im going to show my student the class and the materials to find out what
he or she is interested in and would like to explore further. Then we will
grab a pen and the ice breakers packet and work on a few of those as a
get to know each other thing. This is relevant because at any
age/background its an activity that makes people feel more comfortable
with each other especially since were working so close one on one.

Essential Understanding (s): What are the big ideas? What

Essential Question (s): What provocative questions will foster

specific understandings about them are desired?

inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning?

1. Artists learn about materials through play.

2. Artists discover qualities and abilities of materials
through exploration.

1. Why do artists need to know the limitations of

2. Why do artists need to play before creating?

Outcomes - Students will know...What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? ...Art history and culture;
expressive features and characteristics of art; art materials, tools, and techniques? What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such
knowledge and skill? ...Compare and contrast art work; analyze sketches?

Students will be able to

Using mixed media from the materials cart, the student will be able to explore materials to create a cover to their
sketch book.
Given oil pastels and graphite, the student will learn to combine the two mediums to complete sketches in their
Using markers, the student will be able to create and build from patterns that they draw in their sketchbooks.

Student Reflective Activity: Through what authentic

performance task(s) will students demonstrate the desired
understandings? How will students reflect upon and self-assess their

Creating a cover for their sketchbook. They can explore

their creative powers on decorating the cover in
materials of their choice. This will allow me to know
and understand further what the student understands
well and what I can build off of in future lessons.

Assessment Instrument (s):

By what criteria will

performances of understanding be judged?

It will be judged based on how attentive they are to the

material and able to interact and open up a bit. Rather
than basing it on what theyre doing, it will be based on
how receptive to the material they are and if they are
diving in or backing out. Like I said, its more of a
getting to know me/them time this first time around. The
criteria will be to see if she can push the limits of the
materials through combining materials or tools to be
used with the materials.


How will you help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected? Help the teacher know where the
students are coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?

I will start out by introducing myself and then describing what we will be doing today as a getting
to know each other while exploring the material. Then ask what they are interested in learning
and starting with those materials after doing an ice breaker.
I will ask them about their prior work with materials if they have a favorite one or would like to
explore something new or to explore what they know even deeper.

How will you hook all students and hold their interest?

I will show them how to create 3-dimensional shapes on

paper, or a realistic eye. Demonstrating how colors mix
or markers bleed when you rub it had always been
exciting features for me in the art making processes.


How will you equip students, help them experience the

key ideas, and explore the issues to generate ideas for their art work?

I will ask what they have or have not tried in the

materials theyre working with. If its paint, I may ask if
theyve tried mixing the paints together two paints?
Three? Four?? Or if theyve used their fingers to paint
instead of their brushes. Those types of questions.


How is the lesson organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning? Provide opportunities
to rethink and revise their understandings and work? Allow students to evaluate their work and its implications? Include literacy and numeracy?

First we will introduce each other and do an ice breaker.

Second, we will look at the sketchbook and decide what to make out of the cover.
Third, during the cover making, I will bring over materials to add to the cover paper, paint,
glue, markers, pencils, etc.
Fourth, we will talk about what we found interesting and what we learned about the materials
being used. What was their favorite and why? If you could make another cover, would you do it
different? What would you make different about it?
Fifth, clean up.
Materials and Resources: What is needed to complete the learning plan? List materials and resources in a bulleted format.

Ice breakers packet
Materials cart

Preparation and Safety:

What do you need to prepare for this experience? What safety issues need to be addressed? List steps of
preparation and safety in a bulleted format.

Safety with materials

Make art on okayed surfaces only
Ask before obtaining any more materials


How is the lesson tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learners? ...Access (Resources
and/or Process) and Expression (Products and/or Performance)?

If the student has a teacher helper with them then I will use them to my advantage. If I am
having trouble communicating with the student, I can ask for assistance. The packet also has
plenty of resources in case I am having more trouble than I thought.

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