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Student Name:

Printed Name of Person


Ismael Baqdounes



Lonnie Weatherly

Role of Individual:

___Other Professional #1

Place of Business:

Eagle Automotive Repair

Business Address:

8000 Galveston Road

___Other Professional #2

Phone Number:
Date of Interview:

April 16th, 2015

1. For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job.
(fantasy vs. reality)
The fantasy is that it is the same routine. The reality is you learn many new things every day.

2. What is your current educational level? What continuing education and training are required?
(educational level and requirements)
I graduated after 4 years of college. Training required for my job is ASE certifications and
mechanic classes.

3. Please describe the typical day to day activities of someone working in your field.
(day-to-day activities)
I arrive with all the other mechanics in the morning. I have fun and am very social, but try to be as
ambitious as possible and stay on track. I focus most on car electronics.
4. How secure are you in your current position? What do you think is the future of your field?
(job security)
I am very secure in my position. The future is more competition, but a relatively stable job.

5. What is a typical (average or lowest to highest) salary of someone working in your field?
Revised Fall 2013

Around $15 an hour is my salary.

6. What potential for growth is there in your field?
(growth potential)
There is a lot of potential for growth. The more you learn, the more experienced, the more you can
step up.
***Questions 7-10 will be created by the ISM student.
7. Is the work field you are associated with stressful?
It is semi stressful. The job is secure and I work on what I have to get done.
8. What education in college would most benefit someone pursuing your career?
Mechanics and electrical engineering are the basic studies to take.
9. Is it a social job? How so?
Yes, it is very social. I have to communicate with the other mechanics, the bosses, and sometimes the
customers to answer questions.

10. Is there a lot of competition in the occupation you currently work?

Yes there is a lot of competition. Being a mechanic is a common career choice and there is always
fresh students who went to college and learned a lot.

Interview Summary
What information from this interview will you select for your page typed,
bulleted list of research informationto be used in your presentation?

Revised Fall 2013

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