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Assessment Assignment #6

Write Traits 6-Point Scale:

Ideas - 4. The story was clear and focused throughout. There was an
identifiable main topic, story line and thesis. The student had a lot of ideas
on the subject and was able to explain them throughout his writing.
Organization - 4. There is a clear order throughout the story. There is a
clear lead and conclusion, as well as transitions, such as then. The story
could use more transitions, but overall the story is pretty well organized.
Voice - 3. The voice is functional, but often distant. The have a lot of details
expressed, but the tone is often questionable. They are not successful at
engaging the audience at all. They could use more expression throughout.
Word Choice - 3. The words are all used in correct context, but the
language is very flat. The word choice is basic and lacks that special spark
that catches the readers interest.
Sentence Fluency - 3. The piece is readable but very unnatural due to the
constant run-on sentences. The beginning of each sentence is often
repetitive. This area could definitely use some work. It was very
mechanical and choppy.
Conventions - 2. There is close to no punctuation at all, which requires
line-by-line editing to understand where each sentence ends and begins.
The lack of punctuation is what stood out most to me.
Total = 19 points.
Grade 5 Holistic Writing Rubric:
Three: Meets Standard
The writer had a clear topic and told the story in a well-organized manner.
There is a main story line, although the purpose is a little strung out. The
writer has an opinion about the story by describing how at first he was sad
being thrown in the garbage, but then was happy because he fell in love
with another crayon in there. Their words are concrete and the sentences
are formed with a purpose, although are confusing at times due to lack of
punctuation. The grammar is mostly correct throughout, but could use help
in punctuation.
I prefer the Writing Traits 6-Point Scale. I like the way they score the

students work in different separate categories. This allowed me to assess

the child in different areas and on specific aspects of their writing. The
Grade 5 Holistic Writing Rubric was too broad to decipher which score the
writing should receive. In my personal opinion, it is easier to grade a
students writing when the scoring categories are more specific rather than
I would use the writing strategy Peer Sharing with this student. His ideas
are well organized and the story has a precise and clear story line. But I
believe that having a friend listen to their writing, they would be able to
point out that it does not flow as if speaking to a friend. Peer sharing allows
students to be comfortable and confident with their writing, as well as
receive honest input from a student in their class. I believe that peer
sharing is a great tool in writing and could definitely benefit this student.

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